Is it possible to deploy any CMS (Content Management System) using Google App Engine? Wikipedia lists 4 Python CMSes [1] and one of them is Django based. [2]
Do you know any way to make any of them to work on App Engine?
My votes:
Wordpress: Since App Engine offers PHP support you can now run Wordpress.
theres also gutecms
edit: after trying out several options i chose
I currently use Vosao and while it's a bit rough around the edges, it works very well and is under active development. My site runs on Vosao and I recently wrote up a post on upgrading from version 0.0.4 to 0.1 [1] if your interested in how to get it running.
[1] out this Django Nonrel site: "Allbuttonspressed" [1]
This project is one of the Django Framework on App Engine. It has simplecms application installed by default, but for me its more then enough. Here is the short description [2]
Source can be downloaded here:
This project support some other features, such as
And of course the special things for me is that, this project using modified version of Django Framework [4] so you can still take the advantage of django admin site [5], which is awesome. You can take advantage of the admin site to modify certain part of your website. For more information you can read up the Django-nonrel docs [6] or djangoappengine Docs [7]. The latter docs will highlight some of the limitation using django nonrel on appengine.
Good luck :)
FYI, I've just successfully deployed my appengine site using their simplecms application.
[1] returned the following options:
Magazine Life (e-magazine CMS) [2]
Those seems to be new (testing versions). I would feel more confortable with more famous CMS.
[1] am not a django developer, but, during the research for a very similar question [1] I came across django-cms [2], which looks very promising.
It seems, as if there is a high interest in having a CMS running on google-app-engine. It is possible that with the Django 1.0 support in GAE ( release notes version 1.2.3 [3]), there will soon be a working version. Recent questions related to supporting django-cms on GAE on either of the two communities' discussion lists have not resulted in a definite answer yet. Here the references:
There is web2py framework and KPAX CMS [1] based on it.
[1] A very simple site management system for AppEngine.
there's also Gapp CMS, rather basic but looks promising:
This is a list of projects labelled by appengine python cms:
A cool CMS build upon Web2py and thus works on GAE out of the box is InstantPress [1], Watch this demo [2] on how it work