Stack OverflowBest Scrum tools
[+97] [69] rafek
[2008-08-30 07:49:15]
[ tools polls agile scrum ]

What tools for managing Scrum would you recommend?

(3) Have a look at there is a product catalog with user evaluation, some interesting comments and guidance. - ANdreaT
(3) This question is really becoming totally useless (if it has ever been useful): many duplicate answer, many "use my own dog food" like answer, nothing interesting. - Pascal Thivent
Reading through the first page can be very useful for someone who doesn't already know what tools are out there. If you see duplicates, vote them down. - Jonik
The poll would be more useful though if there was a one tool/approach per answer rule in place. - Jonik
(2) @Jonik I tend to find poll questions not very valuable in general. It's always the same story, you get pages of (mostly subjective) answers, people don't browse all answers but keep adding duplicates, real new answers don't get much traction, votes don't really say anything and poll questions inexorably become big bloated blobs. They are only good for badge whoring. - Pascal Thivent
(1) @Jonik: This would be more useful if it wasn't a poll and related experiences instead of being a product list. - community_owned
[+88] [2008-09-09 20:40:37] Ben Scheirman [ACCEPTED]

I can't reiterate how crucial it is to find your process before you let a tool dictate it for you.

Start with the basics:

  • note cards
  • whiteboards
  • big visible charts
  • excel (if needed for tracking)

Later on you can decide which tool will support how your team works best. I love how Mingle [1] is flexible and seems to have a lot of good features, but it does require serious customization. VersionOne [2] looks like it fits our process well.


(6) I can't agree more. - Krzysztof Koźmic
(3) I completely agree. Except for excel, use a wiki and/or a bugtracking system for electronical tracking. We did pretty good experience with jira and confluence. But others (and cheaper ones) might fit as well. - leo
Same here: I can't agree more. - Pascal Thivent
@Ben, completely agree! +1 - Rob Wells
(20) Good advice, but how does this answer the "which tool" question? Maybe the OP already has the process down and is just looking for tool recommendations so they can "decide which tool will support how [their] team works best". - Bryan Oakley
[+19] [2008-08-30 08:02:27] Ubiguchi

I've used Scrumworks [1] before which did a pretty good job, although if you're using TFS then Scrum for Team System [2] is okay.

I've heard good things about Thoughtworks' Mingle [3] but haven't had a chance to try it yet, and I know a number of people who swear by TargetProcess [4].


+1 for TargetProcess. It is as close to cards as I've found. - codekaizen
[+16] [2009-07-23 19:36:30] Zakir Hemraj

Pivotal Tracker [1] is the best Agile project management tool in my eyes. It's simple, easy-to-use, and free.

There is some helpful advice in the Pivotal support forums [2] about how to map Scrum concepts onto the Pivotal UI.


Aye - it's awesome because of its simplicity - Pete
I am now looking into PivotalTracker - for it's simplicity (Love V1 still but I'm finding it over-sized for my small team, and too complex for my stakeholders). Does anyone know if PivotalTracker can track effort in hours (actual)? - arrocharGeek
is it possible to estimate in terms of hours and days ? - Attilah
(2) @Attilah: The model my company uses (and I believe this is based off of Pivotal Labs themselves) is that one point corresponds to half a day's work. - Chris Cooper
@Chris, thanks. i now get it. that means if a task is more than 1.5 day of work, it should further be broken down. suddenly, i don't find the fact that Pivotal Tracker only allows three points to be a restriction but as feature. - Attilah
(1) It's not free anymore. - Simone D'Amico
[+15] [2008-08-30 07:53:17] Glenn Slaven

I can tell you what not to use. No matter what anyone says, Excel is a lousy way to manage sprints.

(4) Just so you know, Jira is also terrible. It's an actual scrum tool, but I just had to use it at work today and it's got a horribly unintuitive interface that's half broken. - Neil
Agree with @Neil; whatever you do, don't choose JIRA. Even with Atlassian's GreenHopper extension (marketed as "the perfect agile project management tool"), JIRA is not made for this job. - Jonik
[+14] [2008-10-17 19:24:57] philippe

We are seeing more and more online (hosted) Scrum management tools such as:

Scrumy [8] has a free and a commercial, more complete version.

I won't recommend any of them since I do not use them on a regular basis, I'm just listing for the sake of completeness.


Have you tried SkinnyBoard now? How did you find it? - Matt Grande
No, did you see… ? HTH - philippe
I was using agilo on Track, but it is way too web 1.0 (too slow with going back and forth with page requests). SkinnyBoard and Acunote are both fast and free to start with. Very simple, very clean, very fast to get started. Skinny focuses on being more physical like, while accunote tries more styleshit like, which is better for seing a lot (not to mention that the burndown is always visible). - Daniel Ribeiro
(1) Now, I wonder which of the 7 tools mentioned all the upvoters had in mind... Separate answer for each would be more useful; then we'd see what people actually like. - Jonik
ScrumPad is too cool. Its worth buying. - JPReddy
[+8] [2008-08-30 08:00:10] Trumpi

We use ScrumWorks [1] and have no complaints!

We've also found that the traditional task board with stickies / index cards is THE most effective because it is visible -- no tool can replace that!


So do you use both and manually sync between ScrumWorks and taskboard? Traditional taskboard is good, but the shortcomings can be serious too (lack of copy-paste, editing information is not convenient, only so much fits on a card) :) - Jonik
[+8] [2008-08-30 16:08:09] Keith

We use VersionOne [1], which is quite good but somewhat over featured. If I we're setting up anew I'd also consider BaseCamp [2] - not purely a programming tool, but pretty good.

Another good option is actually the low tech one: whiteboard + post-its.


(1) We also use VersionOne, having used ScrumWorks before. I was a little reluctant to move to it at first (its UI seemed cluttered and unclear, and I saw ScrumWork as sufficient), but now I have to say it's alright. The VersionOne taskboard, which shows the status of all tasks at a glimpse, is good. - Jonik
(1) VersionOne has a lot but I've never found that it requires you to use it all. It's more like optional stuff that you can use when you need it. It's my personal favorite by far for any serious Agile or iterative project management. - Wernight
+1 for VersionOne. - Nick Presta
(2) +1 for VersionOne. Our tools in historical order: post-it stickers -> ScrumWorks -> VersionOne -> GreenHopper. Out of those, VersionOne was the best. - Kaitsu
[+8] [2010-11-20 14:53:57] Marc Hughes

I'm currently working on a backlog management site. ScrumDo

It's an open source django/python app, and we host a free version that will work for most teams.

So, which one is spam and which one is an answer to the poll question? - Esko
Looks like a delayed-posting got me, thanks for pointing it out. - Marc Hughes
[+7] [2009-03-05 13:13:18] Pascal Thivent

I would recommend to start with the simplest solution that could possibly work :

  • A spreadsheet for the product backlog
  • Index cards, post-its, big visible charts on a wall for the sprint backlog

What is important is to start Scrum and to understand it's process, not the tools.

Let the team decide later for a tool if the organization isn't satisfied with the initial solution. But the team has to choose the tool, not someone else.

And FYI, there is a list of tools [1] with reviews on [2], Mike Cohn's web site dedicated to user stories and product backlogs.


[+6] [2010-03-26 01:31:27] Dominic Danis

At Pyxis Technologies we develop Urban Turtle an Agile Project Management Tools for TFS. Integrated in web access, Urban Turtle give you a planning board and a task board directly in your web browser. The version 2010 will also work with Conchango, MSF Agile and others templates

Have a look at Urban Turtle [1] at send me your comments at

Thanks !

PS. In January 2010, Microsoft review Urban Turtle and Brian Harry says '...awesome Scrum experience for TFS'. Read the full blog from Brian Harry here [2].


[+6] [2010-01-26 12:05:22] Royd Brayshay
  1. Build a GREAT task board [1].
  2. Run fantastic design sessions [2].
  3. Create Big Visible Charts [3].
  4. Try anything to promote discussion about your solution.

Resort to supporting tools when:

  • Your team is distributed.
  • You need to create printed reports.
  • You have a large or multiple backlogs.
  • You project is on hold while the team fight another fire.
  • Your tracking long term metrics over multiple projects / programmes.

Search the web (and this question) for the current favourites, they are all still evolving.

Resist the natural techy impulse to favour tools over talk. We’re all guilty at some level.


[+5] [2008-09-30 21:05:42] Allan Mertner

We have used Target Process [1] for around a year, and it's very good. You can buy the software outright, or you can use their hosted version - both work well and the price is reasonable.

We used to use Rally [2], but everyone in development really hated it - it was slow, unintuitive, cumbersome, and in general not at all what we wanted although it was fairly pricey. After living with it for almost a year, we switched to TP, which is actually quite a good tool.

The other good thing about TP is that the company behind it isn't as well known as VersionOne and Rally, and so are much more responsive to our needs than Rally ever was...


Target Process is nice. - Bjørn
We've been using TargetProcess for about a year and I think we'd have been better served with index cards and a whiteboard. Target Process's software is slow; it's not unusual to wait 30-45 seconds for pages to load. It also feels unnecessarily complex with two estimates for testing and development; incomplete support for point estimates instead of hours; an arbitrary distinction b/t user stories and features, etc. We chose it because it was the only solution that included support for storing test cases and regression test runs. - Joe W.
[+4] [2008-10-03 18:16:25] Michael Dubakov

TargetProcess [1] is a good tool, But if you are new to SCRUM, I recommend to use simplest tools first (whiteboard, sticky, etc.). It is important to focus on communication and process first. Then you may feel the need for software tool.


[+4] [2008-09-17 08:38:59] Pierre-Jean Coudert

Take a look at IceScrum [1], an opensource apache tomcat web application.


[+4] [2008-08-30 16:19:27] SQLMenace

Basically whiteboard + post-its , we did use Scrumworks in the past. We also have custom made cards for out planning poker sessions

[+4] [2008-09-09 20:24:23] Mike Reedell

I've been doing Scrum with XP for two years now and the best tools we have are various colors of index cards (colors each for stories, bugs, analysis, tech debt, etc), and some big pieces of foam insulation or large corkboards to stick them too. And a lot of Sharpies.

We also heavily use a wiki (MediaWiki) for information exchange between teams.

For the Scrum Masters, they use a highly-macro'd Excel sheet, which they all hate. They piloted VersionOne and they all liked it.

[+4] [2008-11-13 04:13:41] Dave

A whiteboard.

[+3] [2008-11-21 20:59:48] arrocharGeek

We use VersionOne [1]. There are free and paid versions. I totally love it.


(1) +1 for VersionOne. Although it is a bit too pricey... - Kaitsu
[+3] [2008-12-31 21:53:13] Dusan Kocurek

You can take a look on ScrumDesk [1]. It is targeted on Scrum method and used in small or enterprise companies.

Stories are displayed as cards, in the grid, unique tree map or on the task board. Reports are accessible on one, interactive, view.

Data can be synchronized with TFS too.

It is free for up to 5 users.


+1 for TFS integration info - Vaccano
[+3] [2009-02-10 16:57:07] Adrian Wible
[+3] [2008-09-03 02:57:06] Cory Foy

We use ProjectCards [1] for ours. I had evaluated VersionOne (the full version, not their new light one), Mingle, Rally, ScrumWorks and a plugin for Serena TeamTrack (which we already use). ProjectCards was great that it was a simple tool which still supported the multiple teams we're running. VersionOne and Rally were just simply too heavy for what we needed (though both looked powerful). Rally refused to talk to us because we were under 75 users and wanted to host it ourselves.

I would certainly suggest starting with something simple - index cards on a wall, or a spreadsheet - first. You'll likely quickly outgrow it, but at least you'll spend your time focused on working with the team rather than trying to fit your team to a tool.


[+3] [2008-09-16 20:05:50] Craig Fisher

I'm piloting Scrum for Team System and it looks promising. They have a nice "Task Board" desktop app which gives a good view of the sprint and allows you to move virtual stickies from column to column (e.g. not started to in progress to ready for test to done). The process templates are a free download. The task board is currently in beta but will have a licence fee when relesaed.

Ive previously used ScrumWorks and it worked mostly, but was rather flakey at times.

[+3] [2009-09-07 21:20:28] community_owned

ScrumPad [1] is a simple yet complete in functionality. It uses convention over configuration. So, it is easy to get up to speed. Also it does not forces you to work in a certain way. The only requirement is that you do iterative, incremental development. I highly recommend it.


[+2] [2010-02-08 22:56:08] Kashif Awan

I'll mention AcuNote [1] here. It integrates with some of the most popular code management and bug tracking tools. Up to Five(5) users are free.


[+2] [2008-09-09 20:32:59] elmarco

For projects using trac already, agile42 [1] looks like a nice add-on.


[+2] [2008-08-30 10:33:01] Daemin

At work we just use an excel spreadsheet. It's simple, flexible, and you can add or change anything you want to it. Which means it's agile :-)

[+2] [2009-04-22 20:11:16] Kevin Lawrence

If a hosted solution works for you then Pivotal Tracker [1] is the closest I have seen to electronic index cards and is very well implemented (and free). I especially like the sparse beauty of the UI (as simple as possible but no simpler).

I'll echo the other advice that you should find the tool that matches your process but, if you find that after using index cards and a whiteboard, you want /insert usual reasons for electronic solution here/, Pivotal tracker is probably what you are looking for.


We also uses Pivotal Tracker which is very easy and simple to use. I highly recommend PivotalTracker. - Michael
[+2] [2009-05-05 12:48:39] community_owned

We tried RallyDev, VersionOne and Scrumworks. All of them are comprehensive tools but they they all took too long to set up and there were a lot of features we did not need. I went back to using Excel sheets as I was looking for something simple, till I came across ScrumEdge [1].

ScrumEdge is really easy to set up and has its own built in scrum community where users can discuss their scrum related problems. All those who use excel sheets i would definitely recommend that you check out ScrumEdge. Best of all, there is a free plan available.


[+2] [2009-06-08 22:05:03] ANdreaT

Have you tried Agilo for Scrum? it is free and Open Source, it has a nice integration with SVN that speeds up a lot the usage from the development team perspective. It is based on Trac that is a very wide spread tool for Agile Project Management and adds nice charts and: - Sprint Backlog with automated Burndown Chart - Product Backlog with customizable sorting criteria, and types - Statistics Charts on Team Velocity, Commitment, Estimations - Integration with SVN and code browsing, very cool updating tickets through SVN comments - Drag & Drop to manually reposition items in the backlogs - Import & Export from CSV - Ticket linking and grouping for better traceability and organization

We like it a lot :-)

It is rumored that a whiteboard and enterprise features will come soon, at least this is what appeared already a couple of times on the Agilo User Group (Google Groups)

[+2] [2009-07-23 19:33:38] community_owned

Take a look at As simple as possible and with a friendly interface, PangoScrum does not intend to replace the task board or change the team's Scrum process.

Looks pretty good, thanks! - phpfour
[+1] [2009-07-03 12:28:54] Doro

Agilo for Scrum Pro [1] is a new version of Agilo for Scrum and offers a functional online whiteboard (Planning Board) Its only 78 Euro per team and month including professional support.


Also Agilo for Scrum offers an online hosted solution, is may be the case that more and more teams are distributed? Or really at the end of the year, and hosted solution make companies save a lot of money, and troubleshooting? - ANdreaT
[+1] [2009-06-23 20:48:21] DiVer

Mostly excel. Otherwise Product Owners will complain ;-)

We also use TFS with the Scrum Template

[+1] [2009-02-17 17:54:18] community_owned

Scrumy. As Ben said at the top Note Cards, Whiteboards, Big Visible Charts, and Excel if needed for tracking is where to start. That is exactly what Scrumy [1] is. It is basic and intuitive and gives you just that. Both free and a low priced version.


Seems interesting. Interface is intuitive I'd like to try priced version. :) - rafek
[+1] [2008-11-05 15:09:16] t3mujin

Around here we've also been using Cochango plugin for TFS, but whatever the chosen tool may be the important thing is visibility. Around here we started to print our Burndown chart and take it to each Daily Scrum so that everybody sees it, because when you have an "electronic only" chart people tend to miss it for days.

[+1] [2008-11-05 15:15:17] Dror Helper

We use a board on the wall with sticky notes and a blackboard (actually white :)) that we use to draw the burn chart on.

A KISS as can possibly be

[+1] [2009-03-12 22:38:31] Ken Smith

If you're lucky enough to have everyone co-located, I've found the Whiteboards/stickypads/etc. work pretty well. But if you're trying to coordinate resources across multiple locations (which is the case in many shops), you really need a tool. If you're a TFS shop, I'd recommend Scrum for TFS: I've used it successfully, and I like the built-in ability that TFS gives you to move seamlessly from the TFS environment to Excel, Project, SharePoint, and so forth.

[+1] [2008-10-03 18:22:39] Arne Evertsson

We've used a Google Spreadsheet for a taskboard - but, I guess, only if you have a distributed team. You get the burndown chart automatically if you set it up right.

[+1] [2010-02-24 20:33:31] Dan Smith

Do you know about ScrumNinja? Easy to learn, intuitive to use, reduces complexity in project management, facilitates team interaction, communication.

Check it out. Free trials, SaaS or Download.

[+1] [2010-02-05 17:59:39] Lisa Ray

We have used WRAP (WoodRanch Agile Projects) and we love it. It has

  1. Story authoring and breakup
  2. Backlog management
  3. Defect and tasks entry and management
  4. Iterations and release planning and tracking
  5. Release planning and tracking
  6. Powerful reporting and dashboards

It is feature rich and low cost. Comes with 5 users free (SaaS model). Check out at [1]


[+1] [2009-10-01 15:51:55] user171088

I'd like to recommend Scrumpad. It has a simple and friendly interface. I've been using Scrumpad to manage sprints and stories for over a year, really like it. It's easy to use and to manage stories within a specific sprint or cross multiple sprints. It also provides the traceability among stories if one story got split or descoped.

[+1] [2009-10-11 23:13:42] Zsolt

Scrum Tool [1] is an easy desktop app (Windows/Linux) to support the traditional white board based sprints. It is under development, so developers are very open to suggestions.


[+1] [2009-10-25 20:28:42] xplanner-plus

I am here to promote the tool, I am developing: XPlanner Plus. You all must have heard of XPlanner, so my tool is based on it. It's very simple for understanding, open source, scrum tool. It's ready for use and the current releases can be downloaded on [1] New features are under intensive development.


[+1] [2009-11-03 14:41:21] Clive Skipper

How about iMeta Agility a Scrum Management Tool [1]. It is a rich internet tool written in Silverlight. It is free! iMeta Agility is focused around simplicity and usability. Importantly the team that are developing the product are delivering functionality based on community feedback. So you can influence the future development direction.


[+1] [2009-11-04 22:11:28] Rowan McCann

There's a new tool on the market you may also want to checkout - Bright Green Projects. It's clean, easy to use and cheap.

[+1] [2009-12-30 13:41:00] Shaer

We use ScrumPad [1] for our project management and we are pretty much fine with it. It has a lot many features under its hood, and is worth trying for. Some of the interesting things are that it got wiki, supports almost all the Scrum functionalities, supports pair programming, and has a responsive customer service :). The quick tour videos will allow the starters to get the hang of it.


[0] [2010-01-01 23:40:07] Miguel

Hi, I am looking for some agile tools. Have you ever seen a comparison matrix about agile tools that can you recommend me? I would be very grateful. Thanks.

You can have a look at there are some tools evaluated with users voting :-) But as said, if you can (means you do not have distributed teams) go for a task-board, and story cards, it is really more energetic than using a software tool :-) - ANdreaT
[0] [2010-01-02 06:03:42] Adam

Have a look at Express [1]. It is open source and completely free. The interface is clean and easy to use and it has a nice feature set. It is a Flex RIA client with a Java backend which can be deployed on any Tomcat instance.


[0] [2009-10-27 21:01:19] xplanner-plus

we use XPlanner+ and develop it :) XPlanner-Plus [1] is an open source tool for agile, scrum teams. It's based on XPlanner and has a new and improved features, such as fancy design, email notifications for tasks' status and others. Demo is available.


[0] [2010-07-15 10:41:28] Antoine


You should check out Scrumers [1]. It's still in private beta but you can request an access. Everything that is in Scrum is in Scrumers, plus a great UI. For instance, during sprints, you can simply drag and drop your tasks represented as post-its in the appropriate column. I let you see the video tour for the basics.

And there's an iPhone app on the road, to sync your projects OTA with the Web app.


[0] [2010-05-15 20:26:49] Vincent Barrier


Take a look to iceScrum [1], our tool offers everything that is in Scrum :

  • The role management: Product Owner, ScrumMaster, Team member and StakeHolder
  • The product backlog management with advanced features for prioritizing stories
  • Scrum lifecycle including a roadmap view
  • Release planning
  • Sprint backlog, as a task board facilitating the Scrum ceremonial
  • Management of impediments
  • Chart production such as burndown charts, velocity charts, cumulative flow diagram

And offers others agile practices like :

  • Roadmap
  • Vision
  • Features
  • User stories
  • Acceptance tests associated to stories
  • User roles
  • Planning poker

    And of course it's free and open source ;-)


[0] [2010-09-17 13:57:56] SDReyes

Assembla [1]

they have a really nice integration between the source code repository and the ticketing system. it includes wiki, burndown charts, scrum reports and a lot more features for management, collaboration, distinct repositories and ticketing. it worths to get the paid version.


[0] [2010-11-04 07:55:51] javaloper

Best scrum tool is acunote [1] which has got kiss [2] principle


[0] [2010-12-11 02:52:02] chunsheng wang

Try zentaopms, an open source project management tools, based on scrum. the website of zentaopms is

[0] [2011-01-11 15:30:02] Neil

You will soon need a tool after a few sprints otherwise you might find that the srum master is doing too much admin.

[0] [2008-10-21 15:11:58] mempko

I have used Chandler, although its not particularly scrum.

[0] [2008-10-30 15:37:54] Macho Matt

We use Rally [1]. It meets our basic needs (our team is less than 10, so we get the free edition). There are features that it is lacking (like ability to raise the flag when impediments arise or ability to move stuff to QA while documentation tasks are still being completed, etc).


[0] [2008-09-03 02:35:11] steve_mtl

I liked the Conchango plugin for TFS. Very customizable and flexible.

[0] [2009-03-12 22:44:56] Ian Suttle

We use Scrum for Team System [1] w/ the TaskBoard [2] application for a scrum board feel and functionality.

TaskBoard is in it's first release and has some kinks to work out, but if you're a Microsoft Team Foundation Server user and want to use the Scrum for Team System process template, I highly recommend using TaskBoard.


[0] [2009-03-12 23:01:40] MatthieuP

XPTracker [1] is very complete:
- User stories
- Sparklines burndown - Integrated wiki for docs
- Attachements to stories
- Lucene based search
- Ultra easy to install, no dependencies
- Free

Definitely worth a look !


[0] [2009-04-06 17:40:00] community_owned

Our team uses Rally. It seems to work good.

Definitely a nice tool, especially now that they have the community edition for teams of 10 or less. - Scott A. Lawrence
[0] [2009-06-04 17:48:13] community_owned

We use mingle for all our development projects, the user experience is very intuitive and the flexible view format really give it an edge over the competition. We have also started to use the tree structure and this has allowed us to implement automated rollup reports to track estimates and actual hours on all stories and cards. Now we spend more time on the interesting work and less time fighting spreadsheets and the like.

[0] [2009-06-30 09:31:32] community_owned

I believe Banana Scrum [1] is worth looking at. It has some really nice features. You can try it out without registering.


[-1] [2008-12-09 21:46:11] community_owned

I have used Greenhopper [1] where JIRA was already available. It requires just a little bit of customization to 2-3 fields in Jira to make the burndowns and estimates work as I expected. Overall, it worked very well.


And keeping comments and task documentation around in Jira is ace - xkcd150
(1) Personally, I found using greenhopper to be a massive waste of time. It did nothing but create administration work. You know team's worldview has been twisted up beyond recognition when the greenhopper fan on the team says "yes, we've still got 5 hours left but only 2 real ones(!)"... Honestly - index cards and a pen work better. - cartoonfox
(1) Gotta agree with @cartoonfox. Where I work I've heard a lot of cursing lately from guys setting up JIRA/GreenHopper as scrum tool. (And they're smart people; I don't think that's the problem.) And from personal experience, it is clumsy to use (compared to VersionOne and ScrumWorks) and has silly limitations (e.g. can't assign a task to several people). - Jonik
When I hear non-agile, non-technical people getting excited about which tool will let them do scrum, it reminds me of rich, spoilt teenagers that wonder which guitar to buy to make them into a world-class rock guitarist... ...whereas daily practice of using simple, card-based planning, TDD and pairing would make all the difference... just like practising the guitar is more important than buying the most expensive guitar... - cartoonfox
sorry, greenhopper hasn't got kiss principle :( - javaloper
[-1] [2010-05-31 20:00:13] ACabaljau


i'm using Scrum2Go [1] on my iPhone since a few days and it seem pretty useful. You get states of your backlog items quickly and the burn down chart is also a nice feature.


[-1] [2010-07-22 00:10:27] Witek

Try Kunagi.

[-1] [2010-08-19 18:17:05] Rodney Carvalho

I'd like to add ScrumNinja [1] to the list.


[-1] [2010-08-24 02:14:39] Don Smith

I like WRAP (WoodRach Agile Projects) a lot. It is intutive, esay to use and comes with 5 users free pack. It is worth giving a try. Checking out at

[-1] [2010-09-01 17:58:14] Bob Tucker

I'd recommend Bright Green. It can be used for any flavour of Agile - XP, Scrum, Lean Kanban.

[-2] [2010-09-01 18:02:53] johnnieb

I recommend Rally Software [1]. The product is being continuously improved and we've been very happy with it!
