Listed here are clones of the Stack Exchange sites model.
Most active that look like the best bets
AnswerHub [1]: Java. Live site [2]. Enterprise Q&A by the people who created OSQA [3]. Not free.
ASKBOT [4]: Python/Django hosting [5], code [6], docs [7], import data [8]. GPLv3.
SabaiDiscuss [9]: commercial Wordpress Plugin
Confluence Questions [10]: Java. Enterprise Q&A developed and supported by Atlassian [11]. Not free.
LampCMS [12]: Live site [13]. PHP 5.3, MongoDB LGPL 3 License
Question2Answer [14]: Live site [15]. PHP, MySQL. Fairly active [16]. GPLv2+.
Live Site
[18]. WordPress Plugin. Actively developed by a company that looks reliable. No longer free; $19 to download (with no membership)
Rootbuzz [19]: Django, hosting, actively developed, non-free
Pligg [20]: Demo [21]. PHP, MySQL. Looks a bit different to Stack Overflow. Has hosting.
Quandora [22]
Haydle [23]: SaaS, free 30 day trial. Haydle is focused on being a private, internal Q&A system.
Ones that look sort of finished
shapado [24]: Ruby, mongomapper and mongodb. Live site [25], also provide hosted sites for a fee. AGPLv3. Seems to be under active development.
OSQA [26]: Django. Live site [27]. GPLv3. More actively developed fork of CNPROG. OSQA is in maintenance mode, with security and Django platform updates, but few new features. AnswerHub [28] has replaced OSQA as DZone's primary Q&A solution.
openoverflow [29]: Ruby, PostgreSQL, Haml. MIT license. No example site, and I can't find anyone using this one. Not a lot of recent activity; last code commit, May 2009.
phpancake [30]: PHP, Zend framework, MySQL. Live site [31]. MIT license. Last activity Jan 2010. Renders very poorly in some browsers.
cahoots [32]: PHP, MySQL. GPL, MIT license. Officially inactive; demo site offline; last update Aug 2010.
Coordino [33]: PHP, MySQL. MIT license. feature tour [34];
Qwench [35]: PHP. Example site [36] (no pages except question list). No activity since Dec 2009 [37].
soclone [38]: Django framework. MIT license. Seems to have gone stale in Nov 2008 [39] (and only started on Google Code at the end of Oct 2008).
Plurk Solace [40]: Python. BSD license. No example site, and I can't find anyone using this one. Last commit was Dec 2009 [41].
stacked [42]: ASP.NET, Ra-Ajax, ActiveRecord ORM. GPLv3.
Arrayshift [43]
Others that seem to be work in progress
FortyTwo [44]: Python, Django, CouchDB. Example site [45]link leads to a 404. Unknown license. Little info. [Last commit in January 2011]
kerjakelompok [46]: No example site. Unknown license. Little info.
SmartR [47]: No example site. MIT License. Little info.
Stack Underflow [48]: C#. No example site. License is "do whatever you want with it" (I haven't defined a formal license yet). Written as a learning project.
T002_rails-overflow [49]: Rails. No example site. Unknown license. Little info. Apache license.
[50]: Python/Django. Project officially closed. Was used as base by OSQA & Askbot.
Kunjika [51]: Python, Flask, and Couchbase. GNU GPLv3 or later. Documentation is here [52].
Did I miss any? Disagree? Please add a comment or update this answer.
And I don't really want to get into listing clones, but I have just come across Answer Bag [74] which seems to be an all-encompassing clone covering everything from aviation [75] through programming [76] to religion [77]. Or maybe that was there first? And Just Answer [78] is another...
[1] might as well throw my two cents in. I've developed a site from scratch which uses the Stack Overflow model, but it is based on a completely different subject matter ( Super Street Fighter 4 [1]):
Some differences/extensions:
And there are plans around other forms of data around the game as well.
I've asked a number of questions about (and on, not directly related to) Stack Overflow to help shape functionality:
All of these were used to help shape the development of the site.
[1] [1] (Russian: ХэшКод) - Russian clone of SO.
Also there are RootCode [2] (РутКод) and BitCode [3] (БитКод) related projects, which clone SF and SU respectively.
[1] here
. - niki-timofe
I wouldn't call my communitytracker [1] an SO clone, but it is inspired by it. I got tired of the noise that is phpBB. I am starting to feel the pain now, I need a meta site.
[1] http://community.mediabrowser.tvDoctype launched recently, they a have a similar concept to Stack Overflow.
But the visual design focuses too much on the person and not enough on how good an answer is…
DocType closed on 2013-02-14 [1], and they didn't bother to release their codebase.
[1] Overflow clone in PHP -- "Qwench"
Inspired by SO:
Jeff mentioned them in one of the SO blogs,, although he got it wrong, has been around for a while (2003, while Answers had recently been released.
WordPress [1] version:
[1]'s another, called Verious.
Original Q: Getting 503 Service Unavailable when trying to generate discovery document [1]
Quick Answers at Code Project: [1] - not open-source, apparently clones the SE 1.0 model as well (hosting SaaS Q&A sites). It took me a while to notice why the DynDNS community support pages [2] felt familiar.
[1] version of StackOverflow. It's look like SO year or 2 years ago. The site looks like author don't update anything on page. Even years on foot are out date.
I have created one as a WordPress plugin, if you are interested. Demo here:
Like many others, I build a Stack Overflow clone [1] as well, mostly as a learning exercise. This one might be the only open-source clone written in C# / ASP.NET MVC [2].
[1] open source project of a Stack Overflow clone is hosted on GitHub [1].
It's under heavy development. And will add more functions compared to Stack Overflow.
[1] Unity Answers [1] uses AnswerHub [2]
[1] the Splunk Answer [1] section.
and blurtit [2] (Social Q&A Community)
[1] fairly similar, I don't know if it infringes directly. See the question [1] I posted on this site.
[1] managed to get Qwench [1] (a PHP Stack Overflow clone) from inscripts / anantgarg working under IIS 5.1 - with IIRF [2]. Extending to provide search and additional adminstration functions to manage Q&A should make the application more useful.
[1] [1] is a Drupal project that replicates a lot of the SO functionality. It's currently in Alpha.
[1]'s in production, but anemic, and prone to spam questions and answers. There's probably a better chance to get bada answers at SO proper. [1] Complete with question title, original formatting, images, and profile pics... For [2] || Comparison [3]
[1] is also MetaOptimize [1]'s community QA site [2]. It is clearly based on the SE model in its design, style, functionality, etc. It's content is a mix of Stack Overflow programming questions and Cross Validated machine learning & data visualization questions, with perhaps bits of other SE sites thrown in. Their self description is:
[1] scientists ask and answer questions on machine learning, natural language processing, artificial intelligence, text analysis, information retrieval, search, data mining, statistical modeling, and data visualization!