What is the percentage content of Alcohol in a cough syrup?
Does driking alcohol help you get over cough and cold? - My friends suggest drinking rum will do me away with my cold. I argue that it dehydrates the body more.
The answer to percent alcohol in cough syrup is read the label. Not all cough syrups have alcohol, but many do. For example Robitussin DM [1] does not, but Nyquil [2] does.
The active ingredient in many cough syrups is Dextromethorphan [3], not alcohol. The alcohol helps with sleep, and numbing any pain from the cough, but does nothing to remedy the cough.
Alcohol has the following side-effects:
I would say that your friends are not correct [4]. What does work?
The amount of alcohol in rum and most cough syrups isn't even comparable anyway, particularly when put into dosage context. NyQuil is 25% alcohol and you take 2 teaspoonfuls. Rum is 35-40% alcohol and you take a full shot (usually between 3-5x more than the NyQuil).
Also, excess alcohol weakens the immune system [1], so anyone telling you to treat a disease with hard liquor is not only not correct, they are providing harmful 'help'.
[1] http://www.newstarthealthcare.com/article.php?id=73People that abuse alcohol [1] are in fact more prone to catching colds.
[1] http://www.hghhelp.info/alcoholandaging.php