I've been using Maximuscle Promax for a while now whilst focusing on increasing my strength and size and it's been great.
I'm trying to focus now on losing fat and just maintaining my size and strength and am considering trying Maximuscle Promax Diet to help with this. I'm not really sure what the differences are between these products though, and whether there are any downsides to moving onto the diet version.
Comments appreciated!
I'm not very familiar with the Maximuscle line of products, but it looks like from this page [1] that the Diet version has slightly less calories (~30 cal per 60g serving).
Generally, diet versions of meal replacements and supplements contain less protein, less calories, and may have a zero-calorie sweetener (like aspartame) instead of the caloric sweeteners found in the "full-octane" versions.
Unfortunately, maximuscle doesn't seem to publish detailed nutritional information and ingredients on their website. From what I've read on the website, the Promax would be for bulking up and the Promax Diet would be to get "lean and mean".
[1] http://www.myfitnesspal.com/food/calories/maximuscle-promax-chocolate-864327The nutritional information I could find was here:
Now, to make sure you are comparing apples to apples, you'll have to mess with the servings. The Promax regular numbers are for a 30g serving and the Promax Diet numbers are for a 60g serving. When you compensate for the difference you'll find that for every 60g of product you will have (listing only the differences):
Seeing those numbers, I would tend to doubt its diet properties. It claims a lower Glycemic Impact (GI) for the diet variation, but I'm not sure how they achieved that claim. It's the glycemic load you want to watch out for (i.e. the GI as a percentage times the quantity you are eating).
[1] http://www.myfitnesspal.com/food/calories/maximuscle-promax-chocolate-864327I strongly suggest that you to read up on nutrition, at least to the point where you grasp the basics and can read a food label on your own.
Promax looks like a plain protein supplement, while the diet line contains less protein and more carbs (which are cheaper), making it a food replacement/gainer kind of product.
Set goals for your fat/protein/carb intake, then buy the supplement you need for reaching those goals. Keep in mind that there are usually cheaper/tastier ways to gain carbs than from a supplement.