What are some good practices when typesetting LaTeX documents?
I use LaTeX mostly to typeset papers. Here is a short list of what I consider LaTeX good practices, most of them would be common sense in any programming language:
%===================================to emphasize the beginning of sections and subsections
Further question: What package/macro/whatever do you use to insert source code?
Here's my list:
[2] Latex package. It warns the user about the usage of old packages or commands (for example, using \it
, \tt
, etc.). nag
warns about the things mentioned in
[3] (Obsolete packages and commands).
[4] package. It fixes some 'mistakes' in Latex. From the description:
to use text symbols;\emph
can produce caps/small caps text;\setlength
and flushbottom. setspace
instead of changing
mode to see how bad over- and underfull lines are, and if they are pretty bad, consider changing the wording a bit (but don't fuss too much over this, as the best wording is more important than minor typographical improvements). You can also help Latex by letting it hyphenate some words in this case.
[7] to get much better-looking tables than Latex default.\centering
instead of \begin{center}
to center things inside tables/figures etc.
doesn't add any additional vertical space.
[9] for small-scale typographic enhancements (
character protrusion
[10], font expansion,
[12] to get hyperlinks in your document.\newcommand
to make things more logical. For example, let's say you're writing a biology book, and it has a lot of scientific names of different species. Instead of littering your document with things like \textit{Homo sapiens}
, you could define a new command \newcommand{\species}[2]{\textit{#1 #2}}
. Then, later when you're reading
rules about formatting species names
[13], you realize that the name should be in a font different from the surrounding text—textit
doesn't work if the surrounding text is in italics. You should have used \emph
. With the \newcommand
, the change is easy. Without the \newcommand
, you have to manually change the font changing command in all the places you use a species name.
[14] package to set up page geometry instead of doing it manually.
[15] to get precise control in verbatim listings.
[16] package. The package documentation comes with several examples, and it is easy to change one of the examples to do exactly what you want it to do.
[20]. The package tries to replace sistyle
, siunits
, units
, etc., is actively maintained, and the package writer is very active on comp.text.tex
[21] package to format numbers nicely (locale-specific, with commas as thousands separator, etc.).I am sure I have missed some, but hopefully I will be able to add them later.
As an example of what is possible with Latex, I recommend looking at The Font Installation Guide [22] (for its typography).
Finally, one of the most important 'best practice', which I didn't mention above because it needs more space (no pun intended!) to explain than the list format would have allowed: understand the power of ~
, the non-breakable space. Use it so that your document is easy to read. If you write:
This \textsc{dvd} is meant to be played with region 2 players only.
Latex may decide to break the line this way:
This DVD is meant to be played with region
2 players only.
To avoid the bad line-break, use ~
This \textsc{dvd} is meant to be played with region~2 players only.
Now, region
and 2
will not have a break between them.
Put your files in source control. This makes it so you don't need to keep long comment blocks in as long.
It also can be helpful if you've written a large section that you decide to yank for the current publication, but that you'll want later (e.g. for a tech report or for a journal paper). Subversion-style tags can be especially helpful at times like this.
Best tip/practice I ever got was this:
Use the fact that LaTeX is not WYSIWYG. When writing paragraphs, start each sentence at the beginning of a line, and if it spills over, each subsequent line is tabbed.
This helps you understand the structure of your paragraphs and identify materials in them very fast.
I've since written many documents with this practice and it was always effective.
Use a Makefile, or some other kind of build script to build your document from your sources. This may include generating plots or other graphics outside of the latex system. This becomes even more important if you need to rebuild the document from source at some later date (for example, you need to regenerate a paper with new data).
I could probably go on all day, but this seems like a good start.
# if you want to change the page margins:
\geometry{top=1.0in, bottom=1.0in, left=1.5in, right=1.0in}
# greatly improved citation commands:
# better looking tables with `\toprule`,`\midrule`,`\bottomrule`:
# make sure figures do not appear before their text:
# if you're doing math:
# more control with verbatim ('unformated') environments:
Documentation for the packages used in these examples:
I highly recommend the short math guide [1] which includes explicit best practices for typesetting math using AMSLatex [2] (built in to any LaTeX installation).
It's pretty amazing -- 17 pages and it's all I've ever needed to know about typesetting math.
Best Practices Excerpts:
Don't use eqnarray
as it "produces inconsistent spacing of the equal signs and make no attempt to prevent overprinting of the equation body and equation number."
Use \[ math stuff \]
instead of $$ math stuff $$
Use \quad
, \qquad
, \phantom
and other standard ways of inserting whitespace.
Use \lvert
and \rvert
for absolute value.
Check out \DeclareMathOperator
for piecewise functions (like f(x) = 2 if x<7 or 3 otherwise).
and \tfrac
for overriding LaTeX's guess about the size of fractions.
From the AMS web page:
This guide is a concise summary of the essential features in LaTeX for writing math formulas , including features provided by the packages amssymb and amsmath . This is not a mere listing of everything available but a careful selection of the LaTeX commands that are especially recommended for authors' use. There is also some discussion of certain common uses and misuses of various commands that are better avoided for reasons of typographical quality or logical markup.
[1] ftp://ftp.ams.org/pub/tex/doc/amsmath/short-math-guide.pdfMy top suggestion is to format LaTeX source the same way you would format source code as far as indention, lining up opening and closing braces, etc. People tend to put all the LaTeX source for an equation on one line, even though it may have 10 nested pairs of opening and closing groupings, and even if they'd never do anything like that in C. The most effective technique I know for debugging errors in LaTeX files is to simply format the source like I would C++ code. For example
x = \frac
-b \pm \sqrt{ b^2 - 4ac }
I put all the square root stuff on one line only because it's very short. But especially for the \frac command, extra white space really helps.
environments with no indentation, and never insert empty lines for legibility (not even before \section
)... There can be no agreement on the exact formatting, but surely some whitespace can help. - Beni Cherniavsky-Paskin
I use the KOMA-script package [1] for all my documents. It provides counterparts or replacements for the standard LaTeX classes such as article, book, etc., but offers many additional features and its own unique look and feel.
[1] http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/koma-script/The KOMA-Script bundle provides drop-in replacements for the article/report/book classes with emphasis on typography and versatility. There is also a letter class, different from all other letter classes. It also offers e.g. a package for calculated type areas in the way laid down by the typographer Jan Tschichold, a package for easily changing and defining of page styles, a package for getting not only the current date but also the name of day and a package for getting current time. All these packages may be used not only with KOMA-Script classes but also with standard classes. ( Source [2])
This may not be the type of tip you are after but if you haven't already,take a look at LyX [1]. It's an open-source word processor-like front end for LaTeX with lots of features built-in (version control, comments), very configurable and a good community.
I wrote my PhD thesis (all 220 1.5-spaced pages of it!) in LyX and found it much easier than straight LaTeX (I did my maths honours thesis in emacs + LaTeX). It's especially good at helping manage figures, tables and other fiddly environments. You can drop into straight LaTeX anytime you want and see a live preview of maths and graphics as you type.
I still use LaTeX (and TextMate) when collaborating with other LaTeX-only users but if I'm writing something by myself, LyX is my first choice.
[1] http://www.lyx.org/I created several unary commands to tag sections of text, such as \HighlightProblem, \ConsiderRemoving, \CollaborateWithCoauthor, etc. (I use acronyms, of course). These commands display the text in a different color.
When I watch the PDF, this helps me quickly see areas that need work.
In some cases, I use several "confidence level" tags, so that areas that are more "stable" appear in black or closer to black, while less stable areas appear in lighter grays.
package, which provides this sort of thing. Esp with the inline
option. - Paul Biggar
I recommend latexmk [1] which, with -pvc switch (for "preview continuously"), will recompile whenever the source changes. If you have a pdf viewer that autorefreshes the pdf view (Skim on Mac OSX does this) then you can see a refreshed preview every time you hit save.
Using latexmk is nice even without the -pvc option since it automatically compiles (including bibtex) as many times as necessary.
(For most documents, latexmk obviates the need for a Makefile.)
See this question for a mini-tutorial on latexmk: Don't make me manually abort a LaTeX compile when there's an error [2]
[1] http://www.phys.psu.edu/~collins/software/latexmk-jcc/This isn't exactly a best practice, but a possibility for LaTeX that not too many people know about. If you need to insert calculations in your LaTeX file, you can embed R code using Sweave [1]. When you run Sweave, it produces a LaTeX file with the results of your calculations inserted in the file. Sweave embeds R inside LaTeX the way CGI, PHP, etc. embed script inside HTML.
With Sweave you can, for example, embed data and plotting commands in your LaTeX file. Then if you need to change the data, you don't need to manually create a new image and paste it in; Sweave recreates the image and embeds it for you. So your data and your plots stay in sync.
If you have any trouble getting started with Sweave, see troubleshooting Sweave [2].
[1] http://www.statistik.lmu.de/~leisch/Sweave/Most of my tips have already been mentioned. The one tip I'd add is creating "namespaces" for different types of labels. For example, I use \label{eq:labelgoeshere}
for equations, \label{tbl:labelgoeshere}
for tables, \label{fig:labelgoeshere}
for figures, etc.
For source code, I use the listings
Here's one I don't think has been mentioned yet.
When you are including figures via a \includegraphics
and the like, don't specify the full pathname (use graphicspath to organize them) and don't specify the file suffix. Keep all of your figures in one canonical form (or one raster, one vector) and use make or the like to generate temporary files as needed.
This is much easier to organize, and also works well with different build paths (e.g. pdflatex vs latex->dvi->ps)
For example, if I have a file figures/figure1.png
and I want to include it, my preamble will include something like
And the document will have something like
\caption{something terribly interesting}
This works directly with pdflatex. If I need a .dvi, I'll have a makefile target that generates .eps files from .png files as needed, and either place them in './figures', or more likely in './eps' with an update to graphicspath above.
The benefits: Files can be organized into subdirs as needed, but you don't need to edit all over the place if you move them. You can also have different output targets without changing your source images and figures, and you won't have any surprised from conversion (like jpeg compression artifacts showing up in the pdf file you've generated from a .dvi)
Use the SIunits package when working with any kind of units instead of trying to compose the unit abbreviations by hand.
should be preferred over SIunits
. See also this question: tex.stackexchange.com/questions/2248/… - Denilson Sá
I like your list but I don't know if I agree with
Repeated code (i.e. piece of formula occurring many times) is evil
For someone comfortable enough with LaTeX, reading the LaTeX should be like reading the paper (obviously this is never completely true). If the repeated code is an eyesore for the LaTeX reader then it is probably also an eyesore for the reader of the pdf document.
Certainly there are exceptions where the LateX is cumbersome but the output is simple and in this case you should use a macro. But perhaps when you are tired of writing part of a formula over and over again you should consider that your reader may also be tired of reading it over and over again.
So I might replace this point with
Try to keep the structure of your code similar to the structure of your document
Might seem too obvious, but it's vitally important to use a good editor that:
Either (g)Vim or emacs can do all of these, but I'm sure there will be plenty of others.
Spelling the name correctly is a good practice: LaTeX
("Latex" is a sort of allergenic rubber.)
(I'm not just being snarky ... when I first saw the title of this post, I thought, 'what strange new scripting language is 'latex'? The traditional capitalization does carry meaning.)
macro. This reduces a point of possible difficulty in the latex compile for your colleague.\message
command the same way you would use printf
s when debugging.Latexmk, VCS, booktabs, have already been cited... I'd add:
Forget that DVI ever existed. pdftex
is the most current and maintained implementation, and it's always frustrating to get a recent article with the bitmapped fonts from the metafont era, which don't display well on screen, and are often generated at too low a definition for modern laser printers.
Type everything in UTF-8. That means \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}
, or give a try to XeTeX :)
Stay light on the custom macros. I try to group semantic macros & environments separately from those that are pure convenience. In the past I tended to define macros for e.g. product or persan names, classes, methods, code examples, and what not, but in the end I find it's better to just type what you mean use one single \code{} macro (a semantic alias of \texttt{}), and if necessary do a global search and replace to ensure consistency throughout the document.
Use collaboration notes. We have a set of adhoc macros for inserting TODOs and various comments while writing the article, but there are a few packages that do that and are already available in TeXlive (todonotes.sty
is one).
Know the differences between hyphens, en- and em-dashes, and minus signs (-
, --
, ---
, and $-$
, respectively). Hyphens are for compound adjectives and breaking words across lines. En-dashes are for ranges, as in 7--10
. Em-dashes are for setting off text---like this. Minus signs are for subtraction.
One suggestion: use \colon instead of : in appropriate math. E.g. compare $f:X \to Y$ with $f \colon X \to Y$.
On \includegraphics
, I might add that I see lots of people using [scale=xx]
and, by trial and error, setting up the image size.
My advice:
, which guarantees a consistent image size relative to text.width=...
. See also tex.stackexchange.com/questions/275/… - phaedrus
Be sure you are clear about what page format, letter or A4, you are generating.
I am using LaTeX mostly for typesetting software manuals for our customers. I use macros for the name of the company and some other things that appear often in the document. Besides saving myself a few seconds here and there, it has the advantage that you can easily change the customers name if you use the same text for another customer - it makes for easier abstraction.
Apart from that, I recommend modularisation. The 'main' file contains the definitions that are only specific to this document and the chapter structure. Put each chapter in its own file, but also have a seperate file with all the page layout etc. I have several layout templates and can easily switch between them. This would also be valid for research papers - many publishers require their own layout.
Do this
rather than
One advantage of the former is that you can then use \foo
both in and out of math mode.
I use the listings package, not least because it allows for source files/examples to be kept separate from the document text, and imported directly.
Avoid eqnarray
[1]. Use the align
, align*
, or split
environments from amsmath
environment usage? - Israel
A nice Makefile for latex, finds the dependencies etc automatically (and quite nicely) : The Ultimate Latex Makefile [1]
[1] http://www.acoustics.hut.fi/u/mairas/UltimateLatexMakefile/You may want to consider running chktex over your document, it can find small nitpicks that can improve the typesetting and are normally quite hard to notice yourself. Things like using the right spacing, the right dash and many other things.
or git diff --color-words
is incredibly helpful when comparing edits made by your colleague against the original document. (It only works if they don't comment out the stuff they're deleting.)
Unfortunately LaTeX doesn't force you to do it (as in docbook) but it's a good pratice.
For example if you need to write a vector don't write $\vec{v}$
, but write $\vecb{v}$
, so you can change all vectors from \providecommand{\vecb}[1]{\boldsymbol{#1}}
to \providecommand{\vecb}[1]{\vec{#1}}
only editing one line
\caption{my image}
Put all graphics preferably only in SVG into a separate graphics directory (in the following fig/
). Generate the according PDFs on-the-fly in your makefile using svg2pdf.sh
for f in $*; do
inkscape $f --export-pdf=$pdfname;
pdfcrop $pdfname;
echo ${pdfname%%.pdf}-crop.pdf $pdfname;
mv ${pdfname%%.pdf}-crop.pdf $pdfname;
The makefile then just needs a special target for that:
%.pdf: %.svg
fig/svg2pdf.sh $*.svg
pdfs: $(PDFs)
Afterwards you can just throw the SVGs into the graphics directory and run make.
For inserting source code with syntax highlighing, I find the listings package to be very good. It has some very nice options for controlling the column alignment too. For typesetting a language like Python I use:
where the basicstyle
and columns
keys are the important ones. They tells listings to typeset the code in sans-serif fonts and to use the letters natural width. Otherwise an word like "mill
" would look weird since "m
" take up much more space than "i
" and "l
", when typeset in a sans-serif font.
First and foremost, I think the best practice is to have: A Guide to LATEX: Tools and Techniques for Computer Typesetting, by Helmut Kopka and Patrick W. Daly (Addison Wesley, 4th Edition, ISBN: 0321173856) nearby.
Once you find the preamble settings that work for whatever publication you are using, put them into their own preamble file. This will make finding the right settings a lot easier.
Moreover, if you find an environment setting you like, save it as well. For formatting code, I like:
I happened to like WinEdt as an editor. Since at the time I wasn't as computer saavy as I am now, it made rendering my files a lot easier. Because of the text formatting and coloring it also made it easier to notice when something was not formatted correctly.
I disagree somewhat with the practise
"Use macros to represent concepts, not to type less"
because sometimes, the semantics of the macro you're using isn't very interesting to anyone who would probably read the source. I routinely define the following:
\def\C{\mathbb C}
\def\Z{\mathbb Z}
and so on, to denote cartesian products, tensor products, the complex numbers, the integers, etc; all standard objects for my audience. The meaning of these are about as meaningful to the interested reader of my source-code as the corresponding output is to my intended audience, because I name them suggestively (if tersely). And while the macros produced by
\def\cH{\mathcal H}
\def\sS{\mathscr S}
may be less obvious, they aren't any less obvious than the corresponding roman-italics variables "H" or "S" would be in context.
Sometimes, all you want is to have more variables at your fingertips; semantically named variables such as \ComplexNbrs or \TensorProduct, while nice in a very pretty meta-document sense, mostly produce unnecessary typing for the author for effectively no gain.
Perhaps the key is in the choice of where you wish to save keystrokes --- to do it for appropriate and self-contained noun-objects, perhaps --- but I use macros to save typing to such an extent that I have written macros to define entire families of keystroke-saving macros.
and \Z
, at least, are concepts: the set of complex numbers, and the set of integers, and they should have macros that express that concept in one command. - Ken Bloom
I'd recommend you stop using BibTeX and look at BibLaTeX instead. It's more powerful...
I like using minted [1] for typesetting source-code. Minted is very easy to use and allows for inline code as well as inclusion of complete source files. It is based upon pygments [2] and has support for a huge amount of languages plus it comes with several nicely styled color themes. Please excuse the formatting of this post, I'm sending this from my iPhone as I enjoyed the thread so much, I wanted to contribute.
[1] http://www.ctan.org/pkg/minted [2] http://pygments.org/