Stack OverflowWhat is the worst code you've ever written?
[+52] [113] Even Mien
[2008-09-25 01:22:55]
[ code-review survey fun ]

Step into the confessional. Now's your time to come clean.

Don't tell us about code you inherited or from some co-worker. This is about your personal growth as a programmer and as a person.

(11) I cannot tell you all how excited and ashamed I am to have the two highest voted entries for "worst code ever written". Do I get a special badge? - Toby Hede
special badge? probably not. But I will use those two posts as your resume and pass them on to our Anthropoid Assets manager (or whatever he is called this week), coz you'd fit right in at our company. - Mawg
(2) This is a rhetorical question used solely to start a discussion, but SO is not a discussion board and discussion lists aren't really what we want. - community_owned
(1) isn't "fun" a meta-tag like "subjective" that shouldn't exist anymore? - Claudiu
I agree. Fun should no longer exist on StackOverflow. - Even Mien
(1) In my opinion, upvotes on answers to this question should cause the answere to lose reputation... :) - Brennan Vincent
[+100] [2008-09-25 07:08:33] Dave

1969, Lancaster PA, summer job: building an accounts payable application to run on an NCR-500. I had no idea how negative numbers were represented on this machine, so in my first iteration, I guessed "nines complement". Reading a few cards keypunched with credits quickly revealed my guess to be incorrect; they were all off by a penny. "No problem", said the company's comptroller, who knew nothing about computers, "we'll just tell the keypunch operators to add a penny to each credit they enter". To avoid confusing the keypunch operators, every other application I wrote that summer -- accounts receivable, general ledger, payroll -- used the erroneous nines complement representation for negative numbers.

I went back to visit many years later, and they were still adding a penny when keypunching a credit -- but no one remembered why.

(27) And you didn't tell them, did you? - jmucchiello
(2) Most awesome story ever told! - Xetius
(1) This is one of those stories that makes me laugh and cry at the same time. - Kyralessa
Now I know why growing up in Lancaster always felt a little off. - roufamatic
That is awesome. - Craig
(7) define many. 1999 is far funnier than 1980. :-) - Chris Kaminski
It's a pity that my upvote is going to bump it past 99. - Don Roby
[+58] [2008-09-25 01:52:33] Toby Hede [ACCEPTED]

I don't have the specific code, because this was a LONG LONG time ago but my very first programming job out of university was using ColdFusion and SQL Server. I didn't really know what I was doing, as I had never really used a "real" database before. So I didn't know some pretty rudimentary things. Like JOINS.

I made this rather large and rather complex web application for a rather large and rather complex organisation and all the way through the codebase was this startlingly awesome pattern:

 - SELECT * FROM table
   - loop through each record
     - SELECT * FROM another_table WHERE key = table.key
       - loop through each record
         - SELECT * FROM yet_another_table WHERE key = another_table.key 
           - loop through each record
             - probably some complex IF-THEN-ELSE-ELSEIF-UNLESS-ARGH condition
               - etc
                 - etc

Any change to the database would cascade through loops and conditions nested in ever-increasing levels of insanity and ignorance.

I still remember the awe I felt at being to simple write a single query that joined all the data together.

(23) You worked for Boeing didnt you? - radioactive21
(2) HAHAAHAHAH, Boeing, HAHAHAHA - Scott
(16) I once had a boss that was convinced that this method was: 1) easier to maintain, and 2) faster. :| - rgcb
(4) Oh this brings me back ... When your'e totaly self taught like me, things like this can seem quite alright when you stumble on SQL and databases for the first time. - Charlie boy
Your code sounds like my first programming job also. I used classic asp and oracle, but the same applies. Bet you had no concept of transactions either, making a failure half way through devastating to the data integrity. - Russ
(5) Real problems start when you are a self taught perfectionist and get a lesson like this for the first time. After that, You are afraid of any coding, before You read EVERYTHING. - Maciej Hehl
did the database server went down ,everytime u ran this!! - Suresh S
@agentj0n: that guy was my boss, too... - SimonJ
[+48] [2008-09-27 15:21:22] Jason Baker

It took me forever to figure out why this would always run even if the condition was false:

if (some_bool);
    //do stuff

Damn C-like languages and their semicolon shenanigans. :-)

(66) Had you not mentioned the semi-colon... - Mark
(2) I spent an hour or so trying to fix this exact problem in PHP. I feel so much better that i'm not the only one. - Neil Aitken
(2) This is why, in C#, I'm hitting Control-K, Control-D (format document) all day. At least it'd make the ; stick out a space: if (some_bool) ; - Kyralessa
(6) Took me 3 seconds... but I've always used C-family languages... - Telos
@Kyralessa - Even if you missed that, there's always Warning CS0642. :-) ( ). - MiffTheFox
(2) Hahah... I saw this immediately... Do I get an award? I guess it's from writing those awesomely fun while( ... ); loops in C. The semicolon just sticks out to me after doing it so much. - Carson Myers
(1) It took me forever to figure out what is wrong with your code sample ): - ctrlbr34k
All those trick interview puzzles and all you need to do is put this one down on paper and hire the one the one who says, "Let me tell you when I did this...", and regale you with the horrible late night story. - dverespey
Same thing happened to me while using Turbo C in college, except my semicolon was while (condition); (like Carson's above). To make matters worse, the editor displayed 80 columns of text, and the semicolon was on column 81. For some reason it took me a while to get the cursor into a spot where I could see that last semicolon, which was immediately followed by a face palm. - Bratch
Condemn Pascal all you want, but one thing that Lightspeed Pascal for the Mac (circa 1987) had was auto-formatting as you typed. So you saw exactly how your begins and ends matched up, and if you forgot to close a block, it would just stop formatting. Indents went away = forgot to close something earlier in the code. It was so awesome that I could write my code in a proportional font and it looked better. No C-style editor I have used since has come close to that (and I had to go back to fixed-width fonts). - Mike DeSimone
[+46] [2008-09-25 01:57:37] Toby Hede

Oh, and suffering a severe lack of sleep, the other day I stared at:

if ($value = $some_value) {
  // do stuff

For what must have been at least 30 minutes.

That is insidously evil; even if it does behave exactly the way it's meant to it will be a nightmare every time someone looks at it in the future! - DrStalker
In this case it was causing a really subtle bug, so I wasn't even looking at the condition - I was further down in the code trying to work out what was happening. - Toby Hede
This is the case that made me a regular PC-Lint user. - Steve Fallows
(2) I don't get it, do you mean your variable names were actually $value and $some_value? - DisgruntledGoat
(9) @DisgruntledGoat: not sure if you are joking or not :P, but the error is because I am using assignment "=" instead of comparison "==". In PHP, = is always true, and also assigns $some_value to $value. - Toby Hede
(1) And this is why we need to specify language... VB uses = instead of == - Joe Philllips
(3) @tobyhede. Not completely true if($value = false) evaluates to false (as expected). - Pim Jager
That happens to me from time to time, but I spend more than 30 minutes in average xD - fortran
(6) @d03boy: But does this look like VB? How many languages actually start their variables with $? - Mark
(1) VB also does not have curly brackets, I believe - masenkablast
(4) @Mark... no idea. But those of us who don't know PHP wouldn't know it was PHP. - John
That is precisely why I always use PHP's === operator for everything (just in case I forget one ;-) For you non-PHP guys who think I am making it up, see - Mawg
(1) @John I don't know PHP, but I know this ain't VB... - jrtc27
This code will be always any language born from c... but never from a language like VB :S - Garis Suero
huh? PHP? I thought it was JavaScript! - Mark Schultheiss
@masenkablast it has for certain features in .NET only, AFAIK. - Camilo Martin
[+40] [2008-09-25 01:54:37] shoosh

Worst code you could ever find is usually Research Code.
Pressing deadlines, general lack of supervision and the notion that no one is going to see or use this except me produced some real wonders.

(12) +1000. I worked at a research company and saw some pretty monstrous code. - ThisSuitIsBlackNot
(2) Usually the sames goes for that inhouse tool that eventually gets shipped. - ThatBloke
Research code written in FORTRAN must, by extrapolation, be some of the hardest code to read ever. - spong
(1) +10000 I am working at a research company and produce tons of monstrous code - bgbg
(4) My final year disseration - 4000 lines comprising of a mix of C and C++, nested for-loops 7 deep and memory leaks left right and centre. The thing ran just long enough to get some results before totalling the PC. - ianhales
Matlab. I swear, that language has a seething hatred of proper software engineering practices. One externally-visible function per file; any others in there were private. A class is a directory whose name starts with @; the files in that directory are the methods. Seeing the whole class's API at once is impossible by looking at source files; you have to use the help command, and even that doesn't work if all the files aren't properly documented. Which you can be sure they aren't. - Mike DeSimone
@Mike OMG, and I thought C++ was bad. - Camilo Martin
C++ just doesn't like to be written by rank-and-file programmers. It's got all the tools you'd need; it's just really hard to use those tools right. Half of this, IMHO, is baggage from C (int not void as the default function return type; static and const meaning one of several things, depending on context) and some of it is from the language's own designers not beating all the design bugs out before shipping (iostream abuse of shift operators; exception handling; vector<bool>). - Mike DeSimone
[+39] [2008-10-10 15:48:19] pzycoman

Not quite sure how or why, but I ended up writing:

public string GetUsername (string userName)
	User user = DbLookup.GetUser(userName);
	return user.Username;

Really have no idea why. Not sure what I was smoking...

(6) Looks pretty innocent till you read it :) It's like writing code when you drunk, and trying to find out the next day what you did. - leppie
A different kind of identity function =) - gnud
(3) Wow! This function inadvertently solves the meaning of life. - Damien
(18) Totaly valid code. If the username provided does not exists in the database it will return nothing, else it will return the name. Only that it should be renamed to CheckIfUserExistsByUsername(string userName) :-) - Stefan
Recursively awesome ! :) - Nicolas
(10) @Stefan - if the user doesn't exist in the DB, the user object will be null, thus when calling user.Username, expect a null reference exception (assuming C#). - Omar
@Baddie - Why would you return a null object? Create the User object with a blank userName or some other value that represents an empty userName. - kirk.burleson
Totally valid code. Returns correct casing of username. iAnQUIgley -> IanQuigley - Dead account
@IanQuigley - If only! ;) That function gets its userName property from the user's cookie, which uses the DB as the source, not what the user enters. I honestly have no idea why I wrote it, there isnt a reason for it. - pzycoman
(2) this took me way to long to figure out. - flies
[+31] [2009-08-13 09:08:21] TheBeardyMan

A class that I wrote had a method named GeneratePolySplitCommandsForSphereTrisectingSharedEdgeOfTwoTrianglesOrOneTriangleAndOneQuadrilateral.

(26) Obviously, you should have shortened it to GPSCFSTSEOTTOOTAOQ() much more intuitive... - Drew Hall
:p so much for long method names... I thought mine were long at times! haha - Tony
(6) Could have been called doThing, or doIt. - Kevin Panko
(2) or foo, or a, or function7, ... - Carson Myers
Please tell us how you renamed that! I'm curious! - Camilo Martin
[+28] [2008-09-25 02:47:00] jop

I once inherited an stored procedure that is 40 thousand lines long.

That is a single stored procedure.

The file is about 1.5 MB.

I'm still looking for the person who wrote that to get his confession.

Ok, now for my confession.

About a decade ago, I wrote a very buggy function called InitFirstChar (I don't archive copies of source code from previous work/companies so I can't show it here). This is part of a barcode scanning library. That piece of code is so complicated and buggy that whenever we got a problem - that is immediately the very first suspect.

That function got so famous that even on our other projects - projects that is entirely unrelated to that barcode scanning library - the team still mentions InitFirstChar whenever were looking for a defect.

How is that even possible?! It must have been auto generated by some script? :D - Kimble
[+26] [2008-09-25 13:37:21] tloach

For a university project I needed to get to a different location in code fast from a few places, but I also needed to handle some edge cases based on how I got there, and make sure everything was set to be in that area. Rather than do it in any sane way I ended up with something like this at the destination area:

// May need to cleanup here
if (false) {
    // Some code

And then I had a goto elsewhere to get to that label. I don't recommend that method >)

(3) I don't know if this is madness or genius. - Even Mien
(8) madness. Trust me, when someone sees an if(false) they don't think much about deleting that chunk of code... - tloach
I would too, unless I saw the label. If I see labels I assume a goto is somewhere and I better go find it. I agree though, madness. - Joshua
(3) The compiler would give an error when the label is removed. - Kevin Panko
[+25] [2008-09-25 02:58:33] pc1oad1etter
   return true;
   return false; 

I was simply stubbing out an authentication function for later development... but... :-)

(27) How did you name your authentication function? anyPasswordWillDo? - presario
(3) What? Is it because he's not using hashes? :p - Mark
(2) I think the problem is the singular equal... - Garis Suero
[+24] [2008-11-22 14:21:34] Gerrit

I once wrote:

if (strSomething != "somevalue" || strSomething != "othervalue") {
  //do something (this allways happens)
} else {
  //do something else (this never happens)

.. until I realized that the statement was allways true.

(3) I've done that too! Took me ages to figure it out. - DisgruntledGoat
(6) Enter: Augustus de Morgan ;) - AdrianoKF
If you had numbers instead, it will be false for some values. (NaN) - Paxinum
(5) It is very common mistake. - fastcodejava
[+18] [2008-09-26 06:09:06] Mark Stock

code circa 1985

This is probably not the absolutely worst code I've ever written. There are lots of things about this code that make it bad. I hope I've learned something since then.

Looks like most of my C-64 Basic Code :) - Michael Stum
+1 for typing this into an emulator or whatever you did to get the image :) I remember using POKE to directly manipulate video memory, since PSET was slow... - FlySwat
This is a screen shot worth of a very long Applesoft BASIC listing. Lots of POKEs just like on the C-64. - Mark Stock
Ahh! The good old days. Atari 800 was similar -- lots of interesting things could be done with directly poking the Pokey and Antic chips. - Brian C. Lane
-1 for the image. Was there any good reason this couldn't be displayed as text? - MiffTheFox
(11) @MiffTheFox: Yes, because it wouldn't have been green and black like we used to do it in the good ole days! - Lucas McCoy
(15) Looks at the last line... So, you built a time machine? - Aistina
(2) +1 for the image. Ahhh memories. - Craig T
[+17] [2008-09-27 14:34:53] the happy moron

I think this has to be a serious contender for the worst code I've put together. Names of objects have been changed to protect the innocent.

Class myClass = someoneElsesObject.getClass();
Field privateDoNotTouchField = myClass.getDeclaredField("doNotTouch");
Object myValue = privateDoNotTouchField.get(someoneElsesObject);
MyRealObject mro = (MyRealObject)myValue;

Breaks encapsulation to access a private field? Check. Depends on the internal implementation of a library I don't control? Check. (someoneElsesObject really was someone else's) Shatters like glass if someone later puts in a SecurityManager? Check. Done for convenience alone? Check.

Edit: I should also mention that this cut right through a layer of indirection. SomeoneElsesObject was actually an interface: the doNotTouch field was specific to the class that appeared at runtime in my debugger.

(2) Been there, done that. Fixing vendor bugs is annoying sometimes. At least I control when we upgrade. - Joshua
Brrrrrrrrrrrr........ - peSHIr
(3) This is epic, I actually laughed out loud. It's answers like this I'm glad SO has permalinks to answers... - Chris Thompson
[+17] [2008-10-10 16:16:43] darron

When I was a kid, I LOVED a TI99/4a game "Tunnels of Doom". I really wanted to write a game like that. I didn't know anything about even the most simple of data structures (arrays, etc), so I did not know how to make a maze. I remember considering hard-coding each cell in a maze (ie: if (cell=1520) then allowup = 1 etc) I ended up writing a game called "The Endless Corridor", which was, you guessed it... an infinitely long hallway. Your character would take a step east, and then fight a monster. Take another step, fight another monster.

There were no graphics calls, but you could redefine ASCII characters using a 8x8 (or something) pixel map. I had great fun in drawing monsters using graph paper and translating them into hex. Players and monsters were 2x2 character blocks. I had stacks of graphing pads full of this stuff. In defense, this all took place around age 10.

A couple years later, I wrote a game called "Castle Zadrexiak" (something like that) which was inspired by Wizardry. (Fake-3D dungeon crawler where moving was either forward, back, or a 90deg turn left or right) It at least was 2D array based, but the line drawing code was horrible. The view was defined by which walls needed to be drawn. Variables representing which wall was to be drawn were "a" for the wall to the left, "b" for a wall in front of you, and "c" for a wall to the right. If there was nothing blocking your view to the left, then the walls in that area were prefixed with "a", so "ab" would be something like a front facing wall in the square to your left. This went sometimes 3 map squares deep, so variables ended up "aabc", "abcca", etc. There were several hundred lines of code checking map square contents and deciding which walls to draw. I totally lost any ability to debug it about 1 day after finishing it.

Oh yeah, the monster balance was all off... and after about 10 minutes you'd almost always get your butt kicked by a vampire or something.

I love these memories of early programming, but the code was absolutely awful. It's too bad I've lost the code from those times.

Each time something like this happened, I knew I had to learn something. These problems absolutely drove my progress as a programmer. Back then, everyone around me was totally nontechnical. There was nobody to help me. There were no books, really. (Just the reference manuals that came with GWBasic, etc) It really taught self reliance and problem solving.

I remember the need to figure out how to save player stats so you didn't start from scratch every time being a particularly hard one at the time. I think that was about the only time I ran to my parents to explain and show off a solved programming problem... which considering they could barely turn one on had to be really hilarious. "That's nice, dear." "... but with RECORD syntax my variables will come back!" ... "That's nice, dear."

[+17] [2009-01-21 16:56:31] Jonathan Sampson

Some of the worst code I have had to deal with turned out being my own. I worked a job many years ago when I first started programming. I left, matured and gained a lot of experience. Returned some years later and had to manage my own mess. The first day on the job I said, "I hate myself several years ago."

(1) lol, I had the same experience which has lead me to believe, never go are better off with the illusion that you are perfect! - Flory
(1) I've had that experience many times. I think the only thing worse than this would be to come back after years and say "Yep, I still write code exactly the same way". Kudos for learning. - JosephStyons
Less than a month after writing some code, I re-read it and had the same experience. In this case the difference was having since learned about all the utility functions and whatnot which were provided both in the language and as part of some utility classes my company used. - Brian
(2) I have to agree. IMO, if you don't say "what the hell was I smoking?" when looking back on your older code, then you are either 1) a genius or 2) not learning. - Randolpho
[+16] [2009-10-13 03:04:11] luft

In my sordid past, I once wrote a game in which you battled zombies in a cemetery. Zombies had states like this:


And so forth. The switch/case state handling was certainly bad enough, but the worst part is that when a new enemy type was added, the following constant appeared:


It is a good thing that we tend to learn more from our failures than from our successes, but I still can't shake the feeling that I will never quite repay my debt to technology. On the plus side, the code/game saw no public release.

(16) Zombie is actually a hat? There -must- be a funny story here that you are not telling us! - wasatz
Sounds like it would have been an awesome game based on the name of that constant. - My Other Me
[+16] [2010-04-21 00:33:03] Jay Bazuzi

The "treegrid" code in the Visual Studio debugger is my badge of shame. It's a piece of UI that was used in the Watch, Autos, Locals, This, Callstack, and Threads windows. This code shipped first in Visual Studio .NET (2002).

We were working on a new, language-agnostic development environment to replace the previous language-specific environments used by Visual Basic, Visual C++, and Visual J++. At the time there wasn't a workable UI control that could display nested information where both the leaf and internal nodes have the same kind of information. (Compare to the Windows Registry Editor, where the left pane has a tree of "keys" with no properties, and the right pane has a list of "values" with properties, called the "data" and "type". Of course, each key as a "default value" which is kinda the properties of the key, but anyway...)

There were bits of UI that were filling the same niche in VB and C++, but neither was suitable for VS. The VB one was too simple; the C++ one was tightly coupled to the C++ debugger's expression evaluator. So we started from scratch.

I was 6 months out of college, with no experience writing a real, full-sized feature in a green field.

Looking back, I wish I had had a mentor. Specifically a mentor who liked writing UI code. Many programmers avoid UI, so I was out of luck.

I also wish I had understood object oriented programming, specifically the idea that OO programs are composed of simple objects, not functions. It took me years to work that out.

TDD and Refactoring would have helped, but not without a mentor and an understanding of OO and the value of simplicity.

One problem, of course, was feature creep. For example try this:

  1. Undock the watch window
  2. Resize it horizontally

Notice how the Name and Value columns change size, while the Type column stays the same. Do it again with the Callstack window and see how only the Name column is elastic, while the arrow and language columns are static.

Surely we could have shipped without that, at least for one version, right?

Also, note that some fields are text while others are graphics. We could have skipped that for one release, I think.

For the last decade or so, this code has been the misery for some poor developer. Everyone one of them has (wisely) avoided touching the code as much as possible, making only the most critical changes.

In some sense I did have to answer for my crimes, as I eventually was the manager of the Visual Studio debugger team, so one of my direct reports had to deal with the code I created. I apologized to him every time we spoke about the watch window.

Now this is a good answer. - Dan Tao
I've never noticed any issues with the watch window before. I'm not a Microsoft fanboy and am ambivalent towards C#, but I commend you for doing your part to bring the world a fantastic, fantastic IDE. - Brennan Vincent
[+15] [2009-01-21 16:54:22] Randolpho

I'll just point you to my favorite site, which is riddled with examples of the crap code I've had to deal with.

This is supposed to be about code you've written. Unless, that is... you're that guy. That guy whose code is on - Thanatos
@Thanatos: Surprisingly... I am that guy. At least, code I've written has appeared on It was for a contest, true, but.... there ya go. - Randolpho
[+15] [2008-11-22 17:12:40] community_owned

Unnecessary code = bad code.

My worst code = My most unnecessary code.

It was many years ago. I didn't know regular expressions.

I wrote about 30,000 lines of sophisticated parsing code. It was robust code... but a half dozen regexes would have done the trick, and been a thousand times easier to maintain.

Regexes can do almost anything. Learn them.

Sometimes, a simple string comparison function is better. (Not a 30,000 line on though!) Regexes are not the be-all-and-end-all. - DisgruntledGoat
(6) Regular expressions: now you have two problems; 30,000 lines worth of parsing code: now you have 30,001 problems. ;p - MiffTheFox
(17) This one time I almost used a huge HTML parsing library that was just too bulky for my preference. Luckily I discovered regular expressions and parsed my HTML with ţͬḩͬaţ̶ͬ i҉nsͫͥtͬea̶̧ͬḑ̶̨̱̹̭̯ͬ - Carson Myers
[+13] [2008-09-25 18:30:24] Sridhar Iyer

I wrote some research code for a massively parallel application that ran for about 2 months, after which I realized that a single if statement was wrong :(

Couldn't you have tested it on a smaller dataset first? - Mark
the code was an implementation of newton-raphson, fitting a model (i.e the buggy program). The operating dataset was small enough.. it was the fitting operation that took a long time. The pattern of outputs flagged the bug. I don't know how I could have caught it any other way. - Sridhar Iyer
[+13] [2008-09-25 01:33:05] DrStalker
// This function to sort the data is hugely inefficent,
// Use only for initial testing on small data sets

A poorly coded bubble sort on a custom data type works great for testing during the initial proof-of-concept phase to show the core design works, but when a pointy haired boss decides against your advice the app is ready to show off with prodution data and the number of elements increases from a few dozen to a few million ... not so good.

This was more a lesson in dealing with management than in coding, since I knew all along exactly what would happen if the code didn't get replaced. (Eventually it was rewritten using quicksort, which reduced the sort time from several days to a few minutes.)

BubbleSort should never be used even for prototyping. It should not even be taught in CS courses. - Mitch Wheat
(4) Mitch, BubbleSort is faster than quick sort in an edge case, and that case is the list is almost ordered, and the only elements that must be swapped are adjacent, basically the bubble sort loop needs to run just twice. Every sort algorithm has his strengths and weaknesses. - Pop Catalin
Check this link for an animated view of sorting algorithms - Pop Catalin
Shouldn't one write just a custom comparator and use whatever standard library provides? It's probably quicksort, but heavily optimized and better than whatever you will do in tight schedule. - tadeusz
(2) ehem.. Why are you not using std::sort (C++) or in Java and C#, the .Sort method? - Aaron
(2) @PopCatalain: Bubble sort IS faster than quick sort in a few rare cases. However, in those cases, insertion sort is better than bubble sort. Therefore I say that one shouldn't bother with bubble sort :) - TM
Standard libraries? Folks when did he work on this? Standard libraries with all kinds of useful, fully debugged algorithms are a recent thing. Some of us were programming in those dark days when the standard library contained a couple i/o routines and nothing else. - jmucchiello
@jmucchiello: Even the old skool C standard lib contained the qsort() routine, though it was a PITA to use and the indirect function call for the comparison operator made it slightly inefficient. - dsimcha
@dsimcha - I'm talking about the time when C was cutting edge stuff and you were working in assembly language or MAYBE Fortran 66. Heck, as late as 1988 I was using PL/I as an intern at IBM. - jmucchiello
[+12] [2008-09-28 18:05:11] Constantin

I once created an XSLT (ok, this alone should be enough for a dozen upvotes!) that generated shell script that invoked another XSLT N times with different parameters. I was working around XSLT 1.0's limitation of "1 output file per transformation".

I once trying to build a website out of XSLT transforms. I gave up after getting issues trying to nest deeper than three levels. :-/ - Chris Kaminski
[+11] [2008-09-25 06:47:36] GvS

On my first programming job, I spent a whole day to write a function to add a day to a given date. Taking into account leap-years etc.

The language back then was Progress 4GL, that understands a syntax like:

nextDate = oldDate + 1

My language understands that, but nextDate would be one second after oldDate. - Joshua
I've done this. - Neil N
Javascript can do that if you change the number to 86400 - M28
[+11] [2008-09-25 02:32:02] cruizer

I once created a singleton object that permeated the entire code base. A new requirement came in that required slightly different forms of processing (which will be done by that singleton object!) depending on the source of the input. To address that requirement I marked the singleton with a [ThreadStatic] attribute and had the various sources running off separate threads, so that each thread would have its own singleton reference (which knew how to process the input differently)!

It's the not-so-single singleton! :( mea culpa...

Actually sounds like a good solution when you're in a tight spot and on a deadline. - gooli
which bites you in the rear end, eventually... - cruizer
(2) Darkly brilliant. - Jason Orendorff
[+10] [2008-09-25 02:56:18] user19810

Every Swing Control I've ever written has been an abomination stuffed with FlowLayouts nested in BoxLayouts with margins that were determined by trial and error.

I eventually gave up on Swing and accepted that I shouldn't code GUIs

(2) I feel that pain ... Swing always makes you realise that HTML, CSS and JavaScript, for all their flaws, are actually an incredible good way of describing an interface. - Toby Hede
(1) Down with SWING! - Joshua
@Toby I feel quite the opposite. Swing can require some thought, but it's nowhere near the sheer pain of trying to generate complex layouts with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript! :-) - Brian Knoblauch
[+9] [2009-02-16 18:06:30] MiseryIndex

I first learned about OOP when I was working on a registration form for a website in PHP. The form was pretty elaborate, several pages total, probably a thousand LOC. I contained all the code in a RegistrationForm class, and I was proud of it.

Then changes came. The client wanted both a registration form and an update form. Both shared so much code that I decided to copy my Registration class, make a few changes, and call it an UpdateForm class. I thought I was being so smart.

Then more changes had to be made to both forms.

More changes.

And more.

Lesson learned: Code duplication is the devil.

[+9] [2009-10-13 03:34:09] Mark

Try programming a game before you know what variables are.

I succeeded.

I was using and basically what I ended up doing was creating little textboxes all over the place, and storing numbers in them. Variables baffled me for at least a few minutes after I discovered them: "but they're invisible!!"

After discovering variables, but not arrays and then being told a handful rules of thumb (global variables are evil, break your code up into functions), I wound up with functions that took about ten or more parameters just so that I could get all the data I needed into them, and I had dozens and dozens of variables named like weapon1name, weapon1dmg ... this is what happens when you get ahead of the class and your teacher doesn't teach you enough :\ Teach me one little concept and I'll take it to the clouds.

[+8] [2008-09-25 01:34:27] Nescio
 string @string = @"new @string()".ToString();
 @string = @string == @"string" ? @string : @"Hello World!";

Why was it so bad: Obfuscated, redundant… and useless.
(It made for a nice background though.)

[+8] [2008-09-25 01:53:41] yjerem

I once made an on-screen keyboard that checked if the user was pressing a key like this:

-- A
if stylusInBox( 54, 101, 68, 115 ) then
    insertCharacter( "A", 54, 101 )

-- B
if stylusInBox( 121, 116, 135, 130 ) then
    insertCharacter( "B", 121, 116 )

-- C
if stylusInBox( 91, 116, 105, 130 ) then
    insertCharacter( "C", 91, 116 )

And the same repetitive code for every letter and number.

Also, this was pretty bad:

// Even though the user id is passed to the function, only call this with the user currently logged in.
function update_users_online($user) {

[+6] [2008-09-25 02:58:28] coppro

I wrote some INTERCAL [1] once.


[+6] [2008-09-25 06:00:32] Ryan Delucchi

Unfortunately, this was so long ago I no longer have the code. However, there is a particular instance that stands out in a rather spectacular fashion: It was an Win32 App I wrote using MFC in C++. In summary: there was a lot of incredibly complex Windows GDI code. When the application was ran it didn't merely crash, it killed the display driver (as observed by the cool unintentional visual effects and the frozen mouse cursor). At least I can have some measure of pride in writing an application that brings down an entire 32-bit Operating System in a matter of milliseconds without bothering with the dull "Blue Screen of Death".

[+6] [2009-12-18 13:32:41] Drew Shafer

Writing my first-ever game - it was a simple "Scorched Earth"-style tank shooter. As the player adjusted the angle of the tank barrel, I calculated the position of the end of the barrel thusly:

if barrelAngle < 5 then
  barrel.x = 20;
  barrel.y = 0;
else if barrelAngle < 10 then
  barrel.x = 20;
  barrel.y = 2;
else if barrelAngle < 15 then
  barrel.x = 19;
  barrel.y = 3;
else if barrelAngle <= 90 then
  barrel.x = 0;
  barrel.y = 20;
end if

In my own defense, I was in 9th grade, had been programming for 3 months, and had no idea what trigonometry was. I literally came up with the coordinates using a compass and a ruler on graph paper.

[+5] [2009-10-13 03:44:32] Silent Walker

I remember my very early days, playing with VB. I wrote this bit that still makes me smile!

On Error Goto Hell

//my code


A Futurama reference, no? 10 SIN / 20 GOTO HELL. - DisgruntledGoat
:D never seen it. - Silent Walker
Seems like C++ish ErrorExc up; (...) if(error) throw up; - slacker
[+5] [2009-10-13 02:23:46] Greg

Once I wrote the following:

char *buf;
assert(buf = new char[length]);
buf[0] = ...

This was crashing with a segfault at that last line. In release mode. Go to debug mode, everything works. Back to release mode, it crashes. The worst kind of error you can have.

Took me a while to realize that the assert (and everything in it) was being removed in release mode. Lesson: never write error-checking code that at the same time has side-effects.

[+5] [2008-09-25 06:54:52] Damien_The_Unbeliever

Written not a few weeks ago, trying to tame an unruly and awful old schema into something that makes a bit more sense. This is just a part of the SELECT clause:

		WHEN HouseName is not null or HouseNumber is not null THEN
				WHEN COALESCE(LEN(HouseName),0) + COALESCE(LEN(HouseNumber),0) + 3 + LEN(COALESCE(AddressLine1,AddressLine2,AddressLine3)) <= 50 THEN
					--We can merge hn,hn + one address onto line 1
					COALESCE(HouseName + ', ','') + COALESCE(HouseNumber + ' ','') + COALESCE(AddressLine1,AddressLine2,AddressLine3) collate Latin1_General_CI_AS
				WHEN HouseName is not null then
					HouseName collate Latin1_General_CI_AS
				WHEN LEN(HouseNumber) + 1 + LEN(COALESCE(AddressLine1,AddressLine2,AddressLine3)) <= 50 then
					HouseNumber + ' ' + COALESCE(AddressLine1,AddressLine2,AddressLine3) collate Latin1_General_CI_AS
					HouseNumber collate Latin1_General_CI_AS	--Can't get anything else to share space on line 1
		WHEN AddressLine1 is not null THEN
			AddressLine1 collate Latin1_General_CI_AS
		WHEN AddressLine2 is not null THEN
			AddressLine2 collate Latin1_General_CI_AS
			AddressLine3 collate Latin1_General_CI_AS
		WHEN HouseName is not null or HouseNumber is not null THEN
				WHEN COALESCE(LEN(HouseName),0) + COALESCE(LEN(HouseNumber),0) + 3 + LEN(COALESCE(AddressLine1,AddressLine2,AddressLine3)) <= 50 THEN
					--hn,hn + one address went on line 1, find the next address
						WHEN AddressLine1 is not null then COALESCE(AddressLine2,AddressLine3) collate Latin1_General_CI_AS
						WHEN AddressLine2 is not null then AddressLine3 collate Latin1_General_CI_AS
				WHEN HouseName is not null and HouseNumber is not null then
					--HouseName went on line 1, let's try to get the house number in
						WHEN LEN(HouseNumber) + 1 + LEN(COALESCE(AddressLine1,AddressLine2,AddressLine3)) <= 50 then
							HouseNumber + ' ' + COALESCE(AddressLine1,AddressLine2,AddressLine3) collate Latin1_General_CI_AS
							HouseNumber collate Latin1_General_CI_AS	--Can't get anything else to share space on line 2
				WHEN LEN(HouseNumber) + 1 + LEN(COALESCE(AddressLine1,AddressLine2,AddressLine3)) <= 50 then
					--HouseNumber + ' ' + COALESCE(AddressLine1,AddressLine2,AddressLine3) went on line 1, let's find the next address line
						WHEN AddressLine1 is not null then COALESCE(AddressLine2,AddressLine3) collate Latin1_General_CI_AS
						WHEN AddressLine2 is not null then AddressLine3 collate Latin1_General_CI_AS
					COALESCE(AddressLine1,AddressLine2,AddressLine3) collate Latin1_General_CI_AS
		WHEN AddressLine1 is not null THEN
			COALESCE(AddressLine2,AddressLine3) collate Latin1_General_CI_AS
			AddressLine3 collate Latin1_General_CI_AS
		WHEN HouseName is not null or HouseNumber is not null THEN
				WHEN COALESCE(LEN(HouseName),0) + COALESCE(LEN(HouseNumber),0) + 3 + LEN(COALESCE(AddressLine1,AddressLine2,AddressLine3)) <= 50 THEN
					--hn,hn + one address went on line 1, find the next address
						WHEN AddressLine1 is not null and AddressLine2 is not null then AddressLine3 collate Latin1_General_CI_AS
				WHEN HouseName is not null and HouseNumber is not null then
					--HouseName went on line 1, let's try to get the house number in
						WHEN LEN(HouseNumber) + 1 + LEN(COALESCE(AddressLine1,AddressLine2,AddressLine3)) <= 50 then
							--HouseNumber + ' ' + COALESCE(AddressLine1,AddressLine2,AddressLine3) went on line 2, let's get the remaining address info
								WHEN AddressLine1 is not null then COALESCE(AddressLine2,AddressLine3) collate Latin1_General_CI_AS
								WHEN AddressLine2 is not null then AddressLine3 collate Latin1_General_CI_AS
							--HouseNumber	--Can't get anything else to share space on line 2
							COALESCE(AddressLine1,AddressLine2,AddressLine3) collate Latin1_General_CI_AS
				WHEN LEN(HouseNumber) + 1 + LEN(COALESCE(AddressLine1,AddressLine2,AddressLine3)) <= 50 then
					--HouseNumber + ' ' + COALESCE(AddressLine1,AddressLine2,AddressLine3) went on line 1, let's find the next address line
						WHEN AddressLine1 is not null and AddressLine2 is not null then AddressLine3 collate Latin1_General_CI_AS
						WHEN AddressLine1 is not null then COALESCE(AddressLine2,AddressLine3) collate Latin1_General_CI_AS
						WHEN AddressLine2 is not null then AddressLine3 collate Latin1_General_CI_AS
			AddressLine3 collate Latin1_General_CI_AS

You seem to be exorcising nulls. Nothing wrong with that. - finnw
Looks like the normal crap DBA's come up with. - leppie
[+5] [2008-09-27 14:44:40] Nathan DeWitt

Many moons ago I was doing Excel macro programming in VBA. I didn't know anything about creating functions for repetitive code, or just generally "being efficient." So I was copying blocks of code over and over, until I finally hit the limit of the number of lines allowed in a VBA module.

I have wished many times that I could spend one week at that position and rewrite all of my old macros. I hope my name isn't in the code anywhere... :-)

[+4] [2008-09-29 15:32:49] Jason Baker

Some VB6 code that I've inherited:

If some_condition Then
    'An error occurred!
End If

I love it when comments substitute for proper error handling.

(3) I call shenanigans (as in ;) ). - MiffTheFox
I hate comments that begin with ' - Carson Myers
[+4] [2008-09-25 02:34:10] Dave Sherohman

Not entirely compliant with the request, as I didn't initally create it and I didn't do it willingly, but I did contribute to it:

At my first Real Programming Job, we had a client who wanted their existing COBOL app ported to Visual Basic. Not a VBish rewrite, but a direct port, preserving the appearance and the behaviour of the original.

Imagine a window filled with two-hundred-and-some text entry boxes, none of which do anything at all except let you type into them, except for the last one at the end of the page, which has an OnExit handler that's three miles long and validates/processes all the data from the entire screen...

[+4] [2008-09-25 02:22:24] user20805

I had a variable named "zomghack" in my last project. It's too painful to talk about the nested conditionals that used it...

[+4] [2008-09-25 01:34:12] Antti

Don't know about "worst" but this (well, similar) was in production code that came up in a code review :) The if was supposed to check for some special condition to avoid bugs.. hmm..

if (someVariable == someVariable) {
    // do something

double x = 0.0 / 0.0; assert(x != x); :-P - Chris Jester-Young
exactly. this check is actually useful to see if your floating point variable is not a NAN - shoosh
@shoosh, however it is more readable to actually check for typeof NaN. - Pim Jager
[+4] [2009-02-16 17:50:19] chris

It works, but some of the ugliest:

using perl, parse HTML files that contain table definitions (exported from sqldeveloper) and create VB class definitions, including the SQL to select, insert and update.

[+4] [2009-10-13 02:45:19] Tenner

It's a tie between

if (char < '0' && char > '9') doStuff();


if (char >= '0' || char <= '9') doStuff();

The first was never true and the second was never false. Gee, I wonder why?

I'm not quite sure what would possess you to write code like that... 0 is less than 9 in both ASCII and base 10... - Mark
The first I was testing for characters outside the range '0' to '9'. Instead I wrote a condition that could never be true. The second I was testing for characters between '0' and '9' inclusive. Unfortunately I used || and not && so I just had inequalities that overlapped so the expression always evaluated to true. - Tenner
[+4] [2010-04-20 23:15:22] whybird

This question needs a reference to the current Not Invented Here comic strip [1]: alt text


[+3] [2009-10-14 09:31:05] RCIX

someVar = (1000d / (((value > 1000) ? 1000d : value) < 1d) ? 1d : value)

as a property setter. Looks fine aside from the terseness right? Look at it a while longer...

And i was wondering why it wasn't behaving right!

[+3] [2009-10-14 12:59:33] Kirk Broadhurst

This isn't exactly the code, but this is the gist of it. This was in a shared library that we were forced to use at a workplace.

public class CustomException : System.Exception
    public CustomException()

    public CustomException(Exception exception): base(message)
            //log something
            throw new CustomException(this);

[+3] [2010-07-21 01:48:29] ruslik

How about this one? (sorry for my java)

Bool isNumber(String string){
  if (string.Replace("0","").Replace("1","")./*and so on..*/.Replace("9","").length == 0)
      return true;
  else return false;

[+3] [2010-08-20 23:54:43] Vivin Paliath

I once wrote a Shooting Gallery game in QBASIC. It was in '97. I still have the code lying around. Here is a snippet. I think I am trying to animate the gun, the target, and the bullet at the same time and also performing collision detection. The only thing I remember was that I had three animation loops and I used GOTO with labels to jump in and out of all three of them.

Of course that's not the least of it. There are a million things wrong with this code :). Ahh... sweet nostalgia.

ShootDisk: 'Collision Check
LOCATE 25, 2
PRINT "Score:"; Score
LOCATE 24, 26
PRINT "Shooting Gallery(TM) (C) 1997--->"
PUT (GunX, GunY), Gun, PSET
k = 0
FOR DiskX = 500 TO 0 STEP -1
   PUT (DiskX, 0), Disk, PSET
   FOR i = 1 TO 250
   NEXT i
   IF k = 1 THEN GOTO NextBulletYDisk
   GOTO GunMovtDisk

IF U$ = "4" THEN GOTO GoLeftDisk
IF U$ = "6" THEN GOTO GoRightDisk
IF U$ = "X" OR U$ = "x" THEN CLS : GOTO ScoreDisplay
IF U$ = "F" OR U$ = "f" THEN FOR f = 100 TO 200 STEP 20: SOUND f, 1: NEXT f: GOTO FireDisk
IF DiskX <= 10 THEN CLS : GOTO TargetSelect ELSE GOTO NextDiskX

GunX = GunX - 7
IF GunX < 5 THEN GunX = GunX + 7
PUT (GunX, GunY), Gun, PSET
GOTO NextDiskX
GunX = GunX + 7
IF GunX > 400 THEN GunX = GunX - 7
PUT (GunX, GunY), Gun, PSET
GOTO NextDiskX

FOR BulletY = GunY - 10 TO GunY - 219 STEP -1
PUT (GunX + 35, BulletY), Bullet, PSET
IF GunX + 35 >= DiskX AND GunX + 35 <= DiskX + 50 AND BulletY <= 35 THEN PLAY "o0l32cdeddedf": Score = Score + 20: CLS : GOTO TargetSelect:  ELSE GOTO ContinueDisk
k = 1
GOTO NextDiskX
k = 0
NEXT BulletY
GOTO GunMovtDisk

This one is something I came across recently. I have no idea why I wrote it:

if(defaultChargeUsed) {
   shippingCharges += charge;

else {
   shippingCharges += charge;

I like it. Either that or I like it. - LarsH
[+3] [2010-08-26 18:37:18] JulianR

In highschool, buying a Ti-83 calculator was mandatory for math class and that's how I started programming. I tried making a chat program by asking the user for input, writing that input to an image and sending that over a wire to the other calculator. All in glorious TI-BASIC. Now, the WTF is that I had the same couple lines of code for every character that the user could input. I think the code for the input ended up occupying like 30KB, of the available 64KB. I remember it being quite a glorious revelation when I realized that that's what loops are for.

[+3] [2010-09-16 23:22:08] Dew

Well I've found this piece of code in a bank administration source code, I called if forswitch

for (int i=1; i<=10; ++i) {
    switch(i) {
        case 1:
        case 2:
        case 3:
        case 4:
        case 5:
        case 6:
        case 7:
        case 8:
        case 9:
        case 10:

[+3] [2011-01-19 05:25:11] Brennan Vincent

When I was in high school, I wrote the following, and committed it to an open-source project. Pseudocode because I don't remember what language it was in.

int get_file_size(string filename) {
    int counter = 0;
    File f = openFile(filename);
    while ( != EOF) {
    return counter;

(1) OMG!!! Well at least it returned the correct result ;) - Even Mien
[+3] [2008-09-25 03:36:44] Jerry

12 years ago, before I knew anything about databases or SQL, I would write the most horrible iterative VBA code to work on data in MS Access. Typically, I'd SELECT the entire table into a recordset and loop through the whole thing, operate on the data via the recordset methods, one row at a time, and batch-update the entire thing at the end. Of course, all of my business logic went right in the loop.

A "SQL in 10 Minutes" book, or just someone to ask questions of, could have saved me sooo much trouble. When I finally learned about UPDATE, INSERT, JOINs and all the rest, it was like discovering fire.

[+3] [2008-09-27 15:36:06] Pablo Marambio

Obviously you folks don't know there's a whole art in writing obfuscated code!

  • There's even an international contest running for more than 20 years or so! To introduce yourselves to the darks arts of obfuscation and be delighted with the most impressive code you have ever seen, try this: International Obfuscated C Code Contest [1]
  • Now, if you'd like to keep your jobs writing useful programs BUT in some delicate unmaintainable manner (so you can never be fired because the day you are out the systems are gone), try this: Writing Unmaintainable Code [2]

[+3] [2009-08-13 09:23:00] fortran

What I thought that was a very smart pattern turned out to be more difficult that I expected to maintain and understand...

It was a list of functions in Python which output could be another function to do further processing or a false value if it couldn't handle the input.

Something like this:

def foo(x):
  if testfoo(x):
    return lambda y: morefoo(x,y)

def bar(x):
  if testbar(x):
    return lambda y: morebar(x,y)

def etc(x):
  if testetc(x):
    return lambda y: moreetc(x,y)

list_of_funcs = [foo, bar, etc]

def some(l):
  for i in l:
    if i:
      return i

f = None
for i in input:
  if f:
    f = None
    f = some(g(i) for g in list_of_funcs)

Smart overflow = dumbass.

[+3] [2009-01-21 17:18:29] squadette

We had to deploy some special-purpose server written by guys who obviously were reading Stroustrup (and "learning C++") in parallel. E.g., recently-changed files were filled with template stuff, while older files did not use templates. Earliest files were basically C with classes.

I had an annoying bug in file which was written while its author was reading a chapter on exceptions. So, of course, all control-flow was done with exceptions! Plain (sequential!) integers were used in throw statements:

if (fopen(...) == NULL) 
  throw 2;

if (fread(...) < nread)
  throw 3;

/* ... */

if (fclose(...) == EOF)
  throw 16;

(Of course, the chapter on iostream is much later in the book!)

[+3] [2009-01-21 18:00:27] Emtucifor
function ltBold(iRow, iCol, nRow, nCol) {
    excel.Range(excel.Cells(iRow, iCol), excel.Cells(nRow, nCol)).Borders(iLeft).Weight = 3;
    excel.Range(excel.Cells(iRow, iCol), excel.Cells(nRow, nCol)).Borders(iTop).Weight = 3;
    excel.Range(excel.Cells(iRow, iCol), excel.Cells(nRow, nCol)).Borders(iRight).Weight = 1;
    excel.Range(excel.Cells(iRow, iCol), excel.Cells(nRow, nCol)).Borders(iBottom).Weight = 1;
    excel.Range(excel.Cells(iRow, iCol), excel.Cells(nRow, nCol)).Borders.Color = "Black";
function lrBold(iRow, iCol, nRow, nCol) {
    excel.Range(excel.Cells(iRow, iCol), excel.Cells(nRow, nCol)).Borders(iLeft).Weight = 3;
    excel.Range(excel.Cells(iRow, iCol), excel.Cells(nRow, nCol)).Borders(iTop).Weight = 1;
    excel.Range(excel.Cells(iRow, iCol), excel.Cells(nRow, nCol)).Borders(iRight).Weight = 3;
    excel.Range(excel.Cells(iRow, iCol), excel.Cells(nRow, nCol)).Borders(iBottom).Weight = 1;
    excel.Range(excel.Cells(iRow, iCol), excel.Cells(nRow, nCol)).Borders.Color = "Black";
function lrbBold(iRow, iCol, nRow, nCol) {
    excel.Range(excel.Cells(iRow, iCol), excel.Cells(nRow, nCol)).Borders(iLeft).Weight = 3;
    excel.Range(excel.Cells(iRow, iCol), excel.Cells(nRow, nCol)).Borders(iTop).Weight = 1;
    excel.Range(excel.Cells(iRow, iCol), excel.Cells(nRow, nCol)).Borders(iRight).Weight = 3;
    excel.Range(excel.Cells(iRow, iCol), excel.Cells(nRow, nCol)).Borders(iBottom).Weight = 3;
    excel.Range(excel.Cells(iRow, iCol), excel.Cells(nRow, nCol)).Borders.Color = "Black";
function ltbBold(iRow, iCol, nRow, nCol) {
    excel.Range(excel.Cells(iRow, iCol), excel.Cells(nRow, nCol)).Borders(iLeft).Weight = 3;
    excel.Range(excel.Cells(iRow, iCol), excel.Cells(nRow, nCol)).Borders(iTop).Weight = 3;
    excel.Range(excel.Cells(iRow, iCol), excel.Cells(nRow, nCol)).Borders(iRight).Weight = 1;
    excel.Range(excel.Cells(iRow, iCol), excel.Cells(nRow, nCol)).Borders(iBottom).Weight = 3;
    excel.Range(excel.Cells(iRow, iCol), excel.Cells(nRow, nCol)).Borders.Color = "Black";
function ltrBold(iRow, iCol, nRow, nCol) {
    excel.Range(excel.Cells(iRow, iCol), excel.Cells(nRow, nCol)).Borders(iLeft).Weight = 3;
    excel.Range(excel.Cells(iRow, iCol), excel.Cells(nRow, nCol)).Borders(iTop).Weight = 3;
    excel.Range(excel.Cells(iRow, iCol), excel.Cells(nRow, nCol)).Borders(iRight).Weight = 3;
    excel.Range(excel.Cells(iRow, iCol), excel.Cells(nRow, nCol)).Borders(iBottom).Weight = 1;
    excel.Range(excel.Cells(iRow, iCol), excel.Cells(nRow, nCol)).Borders.Color = "Black";
function tBold(iRow, iCol, nRow, nCol) {
    excel.Range(excel.Cells(iRow, iCol), excel.Cells(nRow, nCol)).Borders(iLeft).Weight = 1;
    excel.Range(excel.Cells(iRow, iCol), excel.Cells(nRow, nCol)).Borders(iTop).Weight = 3;
    excel.Range(excel.Cells(iRow, iCol), excel.Cells(nRow, nCol)).Borders(iRight).Weight = 1;
    excel.Range(excel.Cells(iRow, iCol), excel.Cells(nRow, nCol)).Borders(iBottom).Weight = 1;
    excel.Range(excel.Cells(iRow, iCol), excel.Cells(nRow, nCol)).Borders.Color = "Black";
function trBold(iRow, iCol, nRow, nCol) {
    excel.Range(excel.Cells(iRow, iCol), excel.Cells(nRow, nCol)).Borders(iLeft).Weight = 1;
    excel.Range(excel.Cells(iRow, iCol), excel.Cells(nRow, nCol)).Borders(iTop).Weight = 3;
    excel.Range(excel.Cells(iRow, iCol), excel.Cells(nRow, nCol)).Borders(iRight).Weight = 3;
    excel.Range(excel.Cells(iRow, iCol), excel.Cells(nRow, nCol)).Borders(iBottom).Weight = 1;
    excel.Range(excel.Cells(iRow, iCol), excel.Cells(nRow, nCol)).Borders.Color = "Black";
function trbBold(iRow, iCol, nRow, nCol) {
    excel.Range(excel.Cells(iRow, iCol), excel.Cells(nRow, nCol)).Borders(iLeft).Weight = 1;
    excel.Range(excel.Cells(iRow, iCol), excel.Cells(nRow, nCol)).Borders(iTop).Weight = 3;
    excel.Range(excel.Cells(iRow, iCol), excel.Cells(nRow, nCol)).Borders(iRight).Weight = 3;
    excel.Range(excel.Cells(iRow, iCol), excel.Cells(nRow, nCol)).Borders(iBottom).Weight = 3;
    excel.Range(excel.Cells(iRow, iCol), excel.Cells(nRow, nCol)).Borders.Color = "Black";
function tbBold(iRow, iCol, nRow, nCol) {
    excel.Range(excel.Cells(iRow, iCol), excel.Cells(nRow, nCol)).Borders(iLeft).Weight = 1;
    excel.Range(excel.Cells(iRow, iCol), excel.Cells(nRow, nCol)).Borders(iTop).Weight = 3;
    excel.Range(excel.Cells(iRow, iCol), excel.Cells(nRow, nCol)).Borders(iRight).Weight = 1;
    excel.Range(excel.Cells(iRow, iCol), excel.Cells(nRow, nCol)).Borders(iBottom).Weight = 3;
    excel.Range(excel.Cells(iRow, iCol), excel.Cells(nRow, nCol)).Borders.Color = "Black";
function lbBold(iRow, iCol, nRow, nCol) {
    excel.Range(excel.Cells(iRow, iCol), excel.Cells(nRow, nCol)).Borders(iLeft).Weight = 3;
    excel.Range(excel.Cells(iRow, iCol), excel.Cells(nRow, nCol)).Borders(iTop).Weight = 1;
    excel.Range(excel.Cells(iRow, iCol), excel.Cells(nRow, nCol)).Borders(iRight).Weight = 1;
    excel.Range(excel.Cells(iRow, iCol), excel.Cells(nRow, nCol)).Borders(iBottom).Weight = 3;
    excel.Range(excel.Cells(iRow, iCol), excel.Cells(nRow, nCol)).Borders.Color = "Black";
function rbBold(iRow, iCol, nRow, nCol) {
    excel.Range(excel.Cells(iRow, iCol), excel.Cells(nRow, nCol)).Borders(iLeft).Weight = 1;
    excel.Range(excel.Cells(iRow, iCol), excel.Cells(nRow, nCol)).Borders(iTop).Weight = 1;
    excel.Range(excel.Cells(iRow, iCol), excel.Cells(nRow, nCol)).Borders(iRight).Weight = 3;
    excel.Range(excel.Cells(iRow, iCol), excel.Cells(nRow, nCol)).Borders(iBottom).Weight = 3;
    excel.Range(excel.Cells(iRow, iCol), excel.Cells(nRow, nCol)).Borders.Color = "Black";
function ltrbBold(iRow, iCol, nRow, nCol) {
    excel.Range(excel.Cells(iRow, iCol), excel.Cells(nRow, nCol)).Borders(iLeft).Weight = 3;
    excel.Range(excel.Cells(iRow, iCol), excel.Cells(nRow, nCol)).Borders(iTop).Weight = 3;
    excel.Range(excel.Cells(iRow, iCol), excel.Cells(nRow, nCol)).Borders(iRight).Weight = 3;
    excel.Range(excel.Cells(iRow, iCol), excel.Cells(nRow, nCol)).Borders(iBottom).Weight = 3;
    excel.Range(excel.Cells(iRow, iCol), excel.Cells(nRow, nCol)).Borders.Color = "Black";
function noneBold(iRow, iCol, nRow, nCol) {
    excel.Range(excel.Cells(iRow, iCol), excel.Cells(nRow, nCol)).Borders(iLeft).Weight = 1;
    excel.Range(excel.Cells(iRow, iCol), excel.Cells(nRow, nCol)).Borders(iTop).Weight = 1;
    excel.Range(excel.Cells(iRow, iCol), excel.Cells(nRow, nCol)).Borders(iRight).Weight = 1;
    excel.Range(excel.Cells(iRow, iCol), excel.Cells(nRow, nCol)).Borders(iBottom).Weight = 1;
    excel.Range(excel.Cells(iRow, iCol), excel.Cells(nRow, nCol)).Borders.Color = "Black";
function lBold(iRow, iCol, nRow, nCol) {
    excel.Range(excel.Cells(iRow, iCol), excel.Cells(nRow, nCol)).Borders(iLeft).Weight = 3;
    excel.Range(excel.Cells(iRow, iCol), excel.Cells(nRow, nCol)).Borders(iTop).Weight = 1;
    excel.Range(excel.Cells(iRow, iCol), excel.Cells(nRow, nCol)).Borders(iRight).Weight = 1;
    excel.Range(excel.Cells(iRow, iCol), excel.Cells(nRow, nCol)).Borders(iBottom).Weight = 1;
    excel.Range(excel.Cells(iRow, iCol), excel.Cells(nRow, nCol)).Borders.Color = "Black";
function rBold(iRow, iCol, nRow, nCol) {
    excel.Range(excel.Cells(iRow, iCol), excel.Cells(nRow, nCol)).Borders(iLeft).Weight = 1;
    excel.Range(excel.Cells(iRow, iCol), excel.Cells(nRow, nCol)).Borders(iTop).Weight = 1;
    excel.Range(excel.Cells(iRow, iCol), excel.Cells(nRow, nCol)).Borders(iRight).Weight = 3;
    excel.Range(excel.Cells(iRow, iCol), excel.Cells(nRow, nCol)).Borders(iBottom).Weight = 1;
    excel.Range(excel.Cells(iRow, iCol), excel.Cells(nRow, nCol)).Borders.Color = "Black";
function bBold(iRow, iCol, nRow, nCol) {
    excel.Range(excel.Cells(iRow, iCol), excel.Cells(nRow, nCol)).Borders(iLeft).Weight = 1;
    excel.Range(excel.Cells(iRow, iCol), excel.Cells(nRow, nCol)).Borders(iTop).Weight = 1;
    excel.Range(excel.Cells(iRow, iCol), excel.Cells(nRow, nCol)).Borders(iRight).Weight = 1;
    excel.Range(excel.Cells(iRow, iCol), excel.Cells(nRow, nCol)).Borders(iBottom).Weight = 3;
    excel.Range(excel.Cells(iRow, iCol), excel.Cells(nRow, nCol)).Borders.Color = "Black";
function ltroBold(iRow, iCol, nRow, nCol) {
    excel.Range(excel.Cells(iRow, iCol), excel.Cells(nRow, nCol)).Borders(iLeft).Weight = 3;
    excel.Range(excel.Cells(iRow, iCol), excel.Cells(nRow, nCol)).Borders(iTop).Weight = 3;
    excel.Range(excel.Cells(iRow, iCol), excel.Cells(nRow, nCol)).Borders(iRight).Weight = 3;
    excel.Range(excel.Cells(iRow, iCol), excel.Cells(nRow, nCol)).Borders.Color = "Black";
function lroBold(iRow, iCol, nRow, nCol) {
    excel.Range(excel.Cells(iRow, iCol), excel.Cells(nRow, nCol)).Borders(iLeft).Weight = 3;
    excel.Range(excel.Cells(iRow, iCol), excel.Cells(nRow, nCol)).Borders(iRight).Weight = 3;
    excel.Range(excel.Cells(iRow, iCol), excel.Cells(nRow, nCol)).Borders.Color = "Black";
function lrboBold(iRow, iCol, nRow, nCol) {
    excel.Range(excel.Cells(iRow, iCol), excel.Cells(nRow, nCol)).Borders(iLeft).Weight = 3;
    excel.Range(excel.Cells(iRow, iCol), excel.Cells(nRow, nCol)).Borders(iRight).Weight = 3;
    excel.Range(excel.Cells(iRow, iCol), excel.Cells(nRow, nCol)).Borders(iBottom).Weight = 3;
    excel.Range(excel.Cells(iRow, iCol), excel.Cells(nRow, nCol)).Borders.Color = "Black";
function noBoldiVert(iRow, iCol, nRow, nCol) {
    excel.Range(excel.Cells(iRow, iCol), excel.Cells(nRow, nCol)).Borders(iLeft).Weight = 1;
    excel.Range(excel.Cells(iRow, iCol), excel.Cells(nRow, nCol)).Borders(iRight).Weight = 1;
    excel.Range(excel.Cells(iRow, iCol), excel.Cells(nRow, nCol)).Borders(iBottom).Weight = 1;
    excel.Range(excel.Cells(iRow, iCol), excel.Cells(nRow, nCol)).Borders(iTop).Weight = 1;
    excel.Range(excel.Cells(iRow, iCol), excel.Cells(nRow, nCol)).Borders(iVert).Weight = 1;
    excel.Range(excel.Cells(iRow, iCol), excel.Cells(nRow, nCol)).Borders.Color = "Black";
function bBold(iRow, iCol, nCol) {
    excel.Range(excel.Cells(iRow, iCol), excel.Cells(iRow, nCol)).Borders(iBottom).Weight = 3;

[+3] [2008-11-22 15:18:24] cjanssen

Not exactly the worst code I've written but definitely a mistake I learned from.

So, when I was a child, at age 9 or 10, I wrote the "Tron" game in Basic. You know, the famous lightcycles scene from the film. I did, as surely many others have, copy the idea and make the game. I wrote the whole thing in one single afternoon, and then I typed "run". That was my methodology back then: write the whole program and type run. No unit testing or scrum meetings or so.

Anyway, the program didn't work. At all. It was not a minor bug, there was just something very wrong that prevented the game to run. I reread the code again, checked every line, but could not find what the mistake was.

A couple of years later, I decided to try it again. I had lost the original source. I could find the first printed page, but everything else was lost. So I rewrote it from scratch. Not from my memory but starting the design again. When it was finished, I typed "run". And again, it did not work. Crash. I could not believe it. What was wrong? And how come it was failing exactly the same way the other time did?

This second time, fortunately, I could find the bug through some primitive debugging. I was storing the number of players, that could only be 1 (single player against the computer) or 2 (two players sharing keyboard) in a variable called "j". And, obviously, "j" was also used everywhere in nested loops, overwriting itself. The program crashed somewhere when j as in "number of players" was more than 2.

The amazing thing is that I had commited the same mistake twice.

The lesson I learned was to name my variables more carefully in the future, to prevent duplication.

(Note: "j" is the first letter of "jugadores", which means "players" in spanish. Thus the variable's name)

It seriously took you two years - and making the same mistake twice - to figure that one out ;) - Mark
I write code in english. It was in french before.… - Luc M
[+3] [2009-01-21 16:55:11] Jekke

I direct you to The Daily WTF [1] for all the awful code examples you could ever want.


Ha ha, I got in first! :D Thank god we don't have all the crap first-post posts on this site you get on say, slashdot. - Randolpho
[+3] [2009-01-21 17:08:20] SQLMenace

Here is an example of a coworker of a friend of mine:

It is SQL has cursors, several update insert statements, 11 tables are being created

it is too long to post here but take a look here: [1]


Ah yes the famous Uncle Rico code - HLGEM
[+2] [2009-01-21 17:11:13] Joe Simes

If you are an Admin then you are assigned the variable IsADMIN (with a value of 1 I think although the value was never used). If you are NOT and Admin ... no variable.

<CFIF NOT IsDefined("IsADMIN")>
    ... do some non-admin stuff ... I think?!?!

I love those "if not not is not something" control structures, because they do make it not not unobvious to immediately grasp what's going on. - Michael Stum
[+2] [2008-11-22 17:36:44] DisgruntledGoat

Not exactly bad code I wrote, but I recently copy-pasted a set of about 10 lines of code (not written by me) to a dozen other places in the code. (I only did it because that was already done everywhere in the code by the previous coder and I was too lazy to sort it out at the time.)

Apart from the fact the lines should have been in their own function (they are now!) the most stupid thing was that amongst these 10 lines there were 2-3 lines of commented-out code, and at least 1 line declaring an unused variable! Oh, and the variables all has "2" at the end (e.g. lSqlQuery2).

[+2] [2008-11-22 17:51:02] DisgruntledGoat

A few weeks ago I found an old PHP script with some code that did the following:

  • select every row from a database table (~300 rows)
  • loop through every row and store only a couple of the fields from each row in a big multidimensional array
  • loop through the array and do some processing on the data (I think it was converting something to uppercase)
  • use one of the PHP sort functions to sort by one of the fields
  • loop through the new array and display just the first 20 results

Obviously a bit of overkill that should have just been a proper database query selecting specific fields, ordering and limiting, with one loop displaying the output (or maybe two loops if you're using an MVC variant).

[+2] [2008-10-10 16:29:17] Paul Reiners

It was some sort of searching or sorting code involving a large array. This was a long time ago and I don't remember the details. It was after I had a math degree and before I had a CS degree. Anyway, I remember that I implemented it in a horribly inefficient way. A year or two later, I was a CS major and taking an algorithms class. I then realized what my mistake was (I didn't even know it was a mistake at the time and there was a more efficient way of doing it).

That was when I realized the importance of taking at least an introductory data structures and algorithms course if you want to be a programmer. Before that I had been a math snob and thought studying math would make you a better programmer than studying CS would. I still think studying math will make you a better programmer, but it's not sufficient in itself.

[+2] [2009-01-21 17:22:14] Martin Brown
FROM [Order]
FROM [Order]
	INNER JOIN Customer ON [Order].CustomerID = [Order].CustomerID
WHERE Customer.Code = @Code

I've lost far to much data to delete statments like this over the years.

[+2] [2009-02-16 18:09:04] Luc M

I worked on table ( not created by me...) were you have code1, code2..., code7.

For each codex, you have amountx.

Holes weren't permitted.

If you have 2 codes, they must be into code1 and code2.

You can imagine what happens when you delete a set of data. You can imagine also what happens when you need to to do calculations on the amounts...

Instead of writing a lot of crapy code, I should have "fight" against the analyst to create a better data design.

Too late now...

[+2] [2008-10-10 15:38:15] Michael Easter

The worst code I have written was any code that seemed to fix the problem without my full understanding of why. I believe that Dave Thomas and Andy Hunt call this "Programming by Coincidence". My sincere apologies to anyone who has had to work with those fixes of mine, because they probably broke later.

[+2] [2008-09-27 14:52:50] Ólafur Waage

Did a menu tree in php that read from an SQL by an id. Id's were int but if someone put a letter in the $_GET statment it would loop in such a way that it used all the memory resource of the server, in the end crashing it, and all the 200 other webs hosted on it.

(7) Sounds like regular PHP programming to me. - FlySwat
[+2] [2008-09-25 06:41:55] Zsolt Botykai

In a language from which COBOL was generated we had to write things like:

if 1 <> 1 then
   ... read database tables to memory
end if

because this way it had looked like if the DB data is in memory, so we were able to use the table and field names. I hated it.

[+2] [2008-09-25 01:30:46] Vardhan Varma

I get remined of a quote: Smart programmers create unmaintainable code.

I've had the first hand experience of this, when a ORM written in C ( back in 1997 ), which used elegant #define tricks, was replaced by the C-pre-processor output, by my successor.

Although it was one of the most beautiful code, the lack of documentation made it one of the worst code I'd written.

I did that. I implemented a game with the clever idea of using function pointers to do everything. animations, texturing, rendering, user input.. The main game loop looked like a ThreadX scheduler while(*ptr)(*ptr)(); I tried to read it a few years ago, still can't believe it actually works. - davenpcj
[+2] [2008-09-25 01:56:55] VirtuosiMedia
$iShower = $_GET['clean'];
if ($iShower) {
     echo getdate();

(1) I don't know php, what exactly is bad about this code? Looks like it outputs current date if url query has 'clean' parameter. - Constantin
(3) Shower gets you clean, then you can get date. - Ólafur Waage
Lol xD [10 chars] - Pim Jager
[+2] [2010-09-21 23:08:58] Secko

This happened the other day. It was about three in the morning, I was tired, what can I say. I wrote this in C/C++:

int i=0;

    //some code

I wondered why it wasn't working, it took me about a minuter to figure it out. Then I remembered this question and I had to post it here.

[+2] [2010-09-20 12:21:12] Paul Stevens

A mess of PHP, no attempt to separate logic from views, the same SELECT statement and row print loops copy and pasted into a "search function" and the different views that needed to be updated individually for each change, and a scary implementation of sessions.

I heard that the next developer took one look, shook his head and rewrote it intelligently.

[+2] [2010-09-20 12:28:17] James Wiseman
int j = 0;
// some time later:
for (int i=0; i<max; i++)
    j = j + 1;

I'd refactored the hell out of the code, and everything was eventually taken out of the loop. Of course, I left one bit of factoring out...

I always refer to this as a bit of code 'I once saw'. Nobody needs to know that it was me that created it!

[+2] [2010-08-26 18:54:09] Dean J

1999ish, as part of a much larger app, someone asked me to create an interface where you could put in very simple logical statements, then save the generated statement back to a database. I built something very simple to fill the need. They added a requirement, I patched it on. At some point, I knew this needed a rewrite, and got told I was an idiot for even suggesting that.

So it kept going. And going. And going.

To a point where bugs couldn't be fixed, and we'd built a parser for a complex language... without ever really thinking about it as a parser, which meant, among other things, that it was pretty embarrassingly busted.

Lesson: if the boss calls you an idiot and seems to mean that, don't wait to start looking for another job. You're going to compromise yourself professionally and personally if you stay.

[+2] [2010-08-26 18:15:09] Brian

I once noticed my data was generating duplicates, so I added a loop to check each chunk of data to make sure I wasn't adding it twice:

foreach (string x in currentdata)
    if (!existingdata.ContainsKey(x))
        existingdata[x] = true;

The database needed several hours of scrubbing to clear out the mass of duplicate junk this mistake caused. The original code had called DataHelper.AddData(currentdata); and I failed to change that to DataHelper.AddData(x); when I added the loop.

[+2] [2010-07-23 07:13:37] ctrlbr34k
if (myDataReader["UserKey"].ToString() != null) {...

[+2] [2010-05-01 21:17:19] MiffTheFox

I don't really know why I did this. (C#)

    // Some normal-looking code
catch { throw; }

Actually, I use that as a "hack" in PHP to stop PHP object destructors from executing (throwing exception in exception handler). Of course, be sure you kill yourself when you capture your own exception, otherwise it's an infinite loop of exceptions ;-) - Christian Sciberras
[+2] [2010-04-20 03:30:47] DoctorT

It would have to be the code I wrote to handle the "array" for my first Tetris game (C++). You see, at the time, I didn't know what an array was. So instead of using an actual two-dimensional array to store the contents of each box on the screen, I created a LOT of variables (170 to be exact):

int square1_1;
int square1_2;
int square17_10;

Since getting and setting the contents of each box was obviously going to become problematic, I developed two functions; one to get and one to set (since I didn't know what a reference or a pointer was, either). The get function, for instance, looked like this:

int getSquare(int x, int y)
    if (x == 1 && y == 1)
        return square1_1;
    if (x == 1 && y == 2)
        return square1_2;

So yeah, it was a hideous mess of copy/paste to say the least; though it ended up working pretty flawlessly and efficiently as a makeshift array. Of course, once I learned about arrays shortly thereafter, all I could do was laugh at this ridiculous, 100kB+ source file that only produced a basic tetris game.

[+1] [2010-04-20 23:33:40] Kluge

Wow, I can't believe nobody has yet mentioned writing OLE (Object Linking & Embedding, later COM) code in C++. Without a doubt the most hideous code I've ever written. A sample:

Variant WordDoc = WordApp.OlePropertyGet("ActiveDocument");
Variant MergeDoc = WordDoc.OlePropertyGet("MailMerge");
MergeDoc.OleProcedure("OpenDataSource", TempFileName);
WordApp.OlePropertyGet("Selection").OleProcedure("InsertDateTime", "MMMM dd, yyyy", true);
MergeDoc.OlePropertyGet("Fields").OleProcedure("Add", WordApp.OlePropertyGet("Selection").OlePropertyGet("Range"), "FULLNAME");

If you think this is bad, you should see some of the original C code that was required back when OLE was first introduced by Microsoft.

[+1] [2010-03-19 10:41:03] Andrei Ciobanu

In java, indentation hell:

              int x = 10;
              if(x < 0)
                      else if(x < 5)
                          if(x == 5)
                                  else if (x>=5)

I had to review code like this at University and we had promised not to dock points for bad style, only for blatant mistakes. Because otherwise students will cry. - Konrad Rudolph
[+1] [2009-11-06 23:05:17] cwallenpoole

As a joke, I once recently wrote this. Please note that there were no comments originally.

import flash.utils.*;
import flash.display.*;

function printIt(event:MouseEvent):void {
   var mc:MovieClip
   var th:MovieClip =
       // This line fires a constructor which then types an object by a parent class
       // then it sets the variable mc to that object, cast as its original class
       // after adding it to the root.
	   ( mc = ( root as MovieClip ).addChild( new MovieClip() ) as MovieClip ).addChild
               // new implies that the next three lines or so will translate
               // into a Class.
			   new (
                        //Convert the string class name to an object
                             // Do a string look up of this object's class name
                             getQualifiedClassName( this )
                                           // It now has to be turned into 
                                           //a constructor
										   ) as Class
                 // Treat the above as a function and cast that as 
                 // a DisplayObject
					)() as DisplayObject
             // Cast the result into a MovieClip which is stored in the th variable.
		   )as MovieClip;

   //Scales and rotates a MovieClip in the most obscure way possible.
   mc.getChildAt( 0 ).transform.matrix = new Matrix( 0, 1.07, -1.07, 0 );

   var txtFld:DisplayObject
   var txtFld2:DisplayObject
   for( var i:int = 0; i < numChildren; i++ )
       // Notice the two assignments inside of the if statement?
	   if( !( txtFld  = getChildAt( i ) ).hasOwnProperty( "text" )  ||
		   !( txtFld2 = th.getChildByName( ) ) ||
		   !txtFld2.hasOwnProperty( "text" ) ) continue;

       //Followed by the string look-up of the property?
	   txtFld2[ "text" ] = txtFld[ "text" ];
	 var printer:printEx = new printEx(mc);
   ( root as MovieClip ).removeChild( mc );

[+1] [2009-12-03 15:49:34] Silma

Right now I give my worst in SQL coding, I can't seem to understand that "IN" is a bad thing and that JOINs are not the solution to all problems on Earth. Nor are heavily nested SELECTs. :/

[+1] [2009-10-13 02:38:51] CodeJoust
if(file_exists($file4)) { incFile($fName, $file4); } 
    elseif (($fType2 = $gf->attributes()->type) != null)
    {if ($fType2 == 'jquery') {if(file_exists($incFname ="$locFolder/jquery.$scanArea.$fName"))
     {incFile('js', $incFname);}}}

All for a simple jquery program. Oh, and the navigation ran off a file-finding snippet in the html. About half a year ago I rewrote it in an OOP style with XML config, not flat file discovery (on runtime), and it's happily running about four websites, including my own.

Oh, and when debugging:

if (1==1){//$logged_in==1){
    $user = do_something()
    echo $logged_in
    return $user

PHP file scanning (particularly with version 4), isn't that fun.

[+1] [2010-09-07 20:14:47] Paweł Dyda

Several years ago I was working as a Object Pascal (Delphi) Programmer.

Back then, I tried to avoid using OOP (don't ask me why). I implemented an extreme WTF: all fields from database was encapsulated into delimited strings (mind that I didn't want to use objects). It was insurance costing application, so users needed to calculate cost sheets. I ended up with straight-out-of-hell function which summed all the costs: an extreme maze of if-else statements. Of course it was hard to understand, yet to debug. One condition failed at runtime for no particular reason (I hunt it down for a few days) showing a message "That should never happen" to one of stakeholders. It was the final straw, I decided on rewriting this part using Object Oriented approach.

What I learned from this is:

  • OOP has many advantages to procedural programming;
  • one should never show message boxes saying that this could never happen;
  • having nested if-else statements make things really hard to understand;
  • it is actually faster to write well-designed code than debug purely written one.

[+1] [2010-09-20 12:06:06] user436730

My personal best I created when I was working simultaneously with MATLAB and C++ and it was:

int sizeOfArray = 100;
int[] myArray = new int(sizeOfArray);
memset(myArray, 0, sizeOfArray * sizeof(int));

It was placed in a quite large class and it took me quite a while to figure this out.

[+1] [2010-09-20 12:20:50] crypto

I once wrote a function accepting a pointer as an argument:

void getElements(int *elems , int numElems)
   int *tempElems = calloc(numElems,sizeof(int));
   elems = tempElems;
   //getting elements into tempElems

For a long time, I couldn't figure out why I wasn't getting my elems filled in the main() function. That was until I realised I was merely passing the pointer elems, instead of its address.

[+1] [2010-09-20 17:14:13] Arthur Rizzo

once i saw a code like this:

{  }
tons of code!!!

[+1] [2010-09-20 17:16:40] Mark Simpson

Code that was deleted or never executed due to requirement changes...

[+1] [2010-09-20 17:25:17] Dominic Zukiewicz


private bool ValidateUser( string userId , string passwordGuess)
     User u = User.Load(userId);
     if (u.Password != passwordGuess) // Check passwords match
          return true;
          return false; 

Lesson, always test your code :-)

It's funny having users complain their passwords don't work, which shows they do know what they're typing :)

[+1] [2010-09-20 17:40:23] Kennet Belenky

In C# I have a logging subsystem that filters log messages by the method and class. The logging subsystem uses the StackFrame class to obtain the invoking method. StackFrame is expensive to use (about 1ms on my dev machine), and is way too slow to be constructing on every log message.

The solution was to create a cache of StackFrames, keyed off of some sort of magical token that is unique for every invocation of the Log functions. Here's what I came up with (simplified for brevity):

class Log
   public delegate void VoidDel();
   Dictionary<int, StackFrame> stackFrameCache = new Dictionary<int, StackFrame>()
   public void Log.Message(VoidDel token, string message, params object[] vals)
       int invocationId = token.Method.MetadataToken;
       StackFrame frame;
       if(!stackFrameCache.TryGetValue(invocationId, out frame))
           // Get the stack frame for the invoking method and put it in the cache
       // use the stack frame to filter and format the log message

Then, the really horrible part is that every Log message invocation requires a magic incantation:

Log.Message( ()=>{}, "Something Happened" );

The lambda function ()=>{} is guaranteed to be unique to that line of code, with a unique MetadataToken value.

It works, it's fast (approximately 300x faster than generating a StackFrame on every call), and if anyone ever did it in production code I'd fire them.

[+1] [2010-09-20 18:14:15] Cyberherbalist

This is not exactly answering the question, but many years ago I maintained an online IBM Mainframe CICS system written in COBOL. There was one program, a parser, that was used every time a transaction came in, and it was written by a former Assembly programmer who had never heard about subroutines, and apparently was trying to reduce his risk of carpal tunnel syndrome by making most of his variables and arrays have one-letter names. Oh, and GOTO, he loved GOTO. It was the worst example of spaghetti code I have ever seen. The programmer I replaced told me that if I was ever asked to make a modification to that program to fight with my life to avoid it.

Not taking his advice, one day I needed to make a modification, and I made a very innocuous one-line change in the program, only to find that every time it ran it didn't simply crash, but it took the entire CICS region down with it. Once I determined that the reason the region had come down was because of the simple change I made, I saved off the code, and then made my needed change in a different way. That worked, but because my initial foray could take a region down, I kept its code because to make certain changes take effect in that verison of CICS, the region needed to be rebooted, and occasionally the sysadmin was not available. So, I had a reboot utility! I never did figure out how it could do what it did.

[+1] [2010-11-14 23:37:02] Dimitar Christoff

just noticed this beauty today was throwing an exception in Safari 5 (happily working in all other browsers and in production for over an year!)

var prv = this.getParent().getParent().getParent().getParent().getParent().getParent().getPrevious().get("data-colour");

no idea what I was thinking when i wrote that (was learning mootools) but it probably has to do with the fact that element.getPrevious(selector) only works with siblings so it failed.

refactored now to a simpler

var prv = this.getParent("div.colour_grid").getPrevious().get("data-colour"); 

[+1] [2010-11-30 12:41:19] MYou

It was my first large program. I had recently decided to teach myself programming. Language of choice? Python.

The problem was that I did not know very much and had only been looking into programming, in general, for a couple months, and decided to take the FEW things I knew, and make a, somewhat, large program. I was going to make a text version of risk with a rudimentary AI.

The end result was a relatively large program that spanned over 1000 lines. It was spaghetti code, at its finest.

The worst part about the whole thing was my variable naming: because I didn't know what I was doing, I began to run out of meaningful variable names and started naming variables like this: "x23145".... yeah, figure that one out.

Code duplication was everywhere. There were no objects. It was a giant script that ran like an infinite loop.

And in case you're wondering, no the AI didn't ever work properly, it did two or three turns properly, then just kept adding pieces to the same place and ending it's turn.

Here is a section of code that handled the dice rolling (yes, I still have this laughable code):

 while loop == 10:
    while True:
        if aArmy > 3:
            while 1:
                    if ai == "ai is attacking":
                        diceA = 3

And the part I was talking about up at the top? With the TERRIBLE variable names?

booYaCounter = 0
x45687 = len(whosTurnsCountries)
while booYaCounter < x45687:  #adds owned countries to list of allowed to fortify from
    booYa117 = whosTurnsCountries[booYaCounter]
    allowedToFortifyTo.append(booYa117)#adds ownly owned countries
    booYaCounter += 1
ws23counter = 0
x45688 = len(allowedToFortifyFrom)
while ws23counter != x45688: #removes, from list, all countries with value of 1
    yTemp = allowedToFortifyFrom[ws23counter]

This was all years ago. I have since taken high school programming classes, gone to college for programming, and am working, as a programmer who is obsessed with best practices and what not. So this code made me cringe.... alot.

Notice all the unique variables in the second code section? There's more than you think. - MYou
[+1] [2008-09-25 02:36:02] cynicalman

I dimly recall a Crystal Report containing a SQL statement sooooo large that it had to be edited in a text editor and then have all unneeded whitespace stripped so that it would fit within the limits of the Crystal text area (shudder)

[+1] [2008-09-25 13:09:15] Brian G

I wrote a Perl kludge which was basically a lot of lines of code wrapped around a find command call using backticks. It was more shell than perl.

[+1] [2008-09-27 14:53:40] FlySwat
' Grab Unique Check Numbers from all numbers
Dim UniqueCheckNum(1000)
Dim TotalUniqueChecks
TotalUniqueChecks = 0

for i = 0 to TotalUniqueChecks
	for j = 1 to TotalElem
		if NOT ChapCheck(j) = UniqueCheckNum(i) then
			UniqueCheckNum(TotalUniqueChecks) = ChapCheck(j)
			TotalUniqueChecks = TotalUniqueChecks + 1
		end if

Written by me in the first project I ever did using VBScript.... It may look odd at first, but when you study it, you'll really wonder HTF it worked (it does work).

(1) Please do enlighten us... it appears to me that the first loop won't even run. - Mark
[+1] [2008-09-27 15:08:40] agartzke

I only wish I had the code to share... our shop used to be heavy on Lotus Domino. I had to write a "cutting edge" DHTML UI application for a new major application's readiness scorecard. There were roughly 3000 elements needing to be displayed in a collapsable hierarchy.

I stand by the notion that it was done out of necessity, rather than naivety. I KNEW it was wrong from the start. The "solution":

Use a Notes database to extract 40-50k records, mash it around and using Domino syntax and LotusScript, produce code that dynamically produced HTML & JavaScript that would be sent to the browser. The final pages sent over the wire were very JS heavy (before we had fancy JS frameworks mind you), and it was a miracle that it even worked. It actually looked quite nice to the end user, but I would NEVER want to step into that code again.

In typical fashion, since I'm still at my current employer - though in a different division doing architecture and management activities - I get emails when it's down, and the occasional question.

[+1] [2009-07-31 15:28:44] Carlo

A few weeks ago I found something like:

string number = 1.ToString();

Of course when I saw it again I instantly shocked, checked out, fixed, checked in... but yeah, it sucked.

That's pretty awesome. - Mark
[+1] [2009-01-21 17:18:25] annakata

Oh good god, you don't even want to know.

Typical would be this:

Public Shared Function CompressEncrypt(ByVal e As String) As String
          Dim _ces As String
          _ces = e
          _ces = _ces.Replace("00", "g")
          _ces = _ces.Replace("11", "h")
          _ces = _ces.Replace("22", "i")
          _ces = _ces.Replace("33", "j")
          _ces = _ces.Replace("44", "k")
          _ces = _ces.Replace("55", "l")
          _ces = _ces.Replace("66", "m")
          _ces = _ces.Replace("77", "n")
          _ces = _ces.Replace("88", "o")
          _ces = _ces.Replace("99", "p")
          _ces = _ces.Replace("aa", "q")
          _ces = _ces.Replace("bb", "r")
          _ces = _ces.Replace("cc", "s")
          _ces = _ces.Replace("dd", "t")
          _ces = _ces.Replace("ee", "u")
          _ces = _ces.Replace("ff", "v")

          Return e
  End Function

and I'll let the reader work out how badly wrongheaded this one is:

  Dim nodelist As XmlNodeList = RXMLSearchTerms.SelectNodes("//foo[@id='" & foo & "']//bar[@id=" & bar & "]//baz[@id=" & baz & "]")

  If nodelist.Count >= 1 Then
      Dim qry1, qry2, qry3, qry4, qry5 As String
      qry1 = ""
      qry2 = ""
      qry3 = ""
      qry4 = ""
      qry5 = ""

      For Each node As XmlNode In nodelist
    	  Dim nodeReader As XmlNodeReader = New XmlNodeReader(node)

    	  While nodeReader.Read()
    		  If nodeReader.NodeType = XmlNodeType.Element Then
    			  If nodeReader.Name = "querytxt" Then
    				  Select Case nodeReader.GetAttribute("id")
    					  Case "0"
    						  qry1 = nodeReader.ReadString()
    					  Case "1"
    						  qry2 = nodeReader.ReadString()
    					  Case "2"
    						  qry3 = nodeReader.ReadString()
    					  Case "3"
    						  qry4 = nodeReader.ReadString()
    					  Case "4"
    						  qry5 = nodeReader.ReadString()
    				  End Select
    			  End If
    		  End If
    	  End While

      Dim queries() As String = {qry1, qry2, qry3, qry4, qry5}
      Dim randomQry As Random = New Random()
      qry = queries(randomQry.Next(0, queries.Length - 1))
  End If

... Left as an exercise for the reader :D - alexy13
[+1] [2009-01-21 19:16:28] bigwoody

I can't post the code due to its size and NDA-ness...but you'll get the idea pretty quick.

Thousands of lines of code. I could count the comments in TOTAL on my fingers.

I was a poor commenter before that job, and since I have been accused of over-commenting...I wouldn't wish maintaining that code on anyone.

[+1] [2009-10-06 11:44:33] Konamiman

When I first started programming in Visual Basic, I used to create lots of invisible Label controls just to store data in their Tag property. That is, until I discovered that I could declare properties and fields in the modules themselves...

[+1] [2009-10-13 01:57:50] John Gietzen


What was that supposed to say? Oh.. pa-rootNode-iring? I still don't get it. - Mark
Is this another case of clbuttic? - Adam Rosenfield
It was the word 'pairing', where somehow, I accidentally paseted the variable name 'rootNode' in the middle. I was absolutely cracking up over this, which was nice, because nothing was working, and I needed a laugh. - John Gietzen
[+1] [2009-01-21 17:01:31] JosephStyons

I won't post code examples, but the worst kind of code I've dealt with is when you have to add a new feature to a poorly documented, mission-critical system that nobody really understands.

You have to really dig to even find the relevant code, and when you do, it is a terrible database schema represented by obtuse classes, layered in 300-line functions, all of which do seven things. Unit tests? Don't make me laugh. Touching it is scary; deploying changes is an exercise in hair-raising thrills. Work like that is genuinely depressing.

[+1] [2009-01-21 17:02:53] ChrisW

I inherited some assembly code. It was built in different ways to do different things, using preprocessor statements, so for example:

include <something_this_client.asm>
include <something_this_server.asm>
include <something_that_client.asm>
include <something_that_server.asm>

You'd get these conditional includes in the middle of a routine, sometimes more than once, so ...

proc my_routine
if etc
  include one of 4 different source files !
if etc
  include one of 4 more different source files !


  • The code didn't use the stack to save register values across subroutine calls; so when reading even one subroutine, you'd have to branch to several (4 or more) other source files, and remember which registers did and/or didn't contain important values to be preserved across these source files.
  • The code was also squeezing itself into 64KB (so it couldn't be expended to make it clearer)
  • The code hooked (and included the interrupt service routines for) three different hardware interrupts; each ISR reenabled interrupts a.s.a.p. (so the ISRs themselves were interruptable)
  • When I started there was no debugger that could debug this code, and no log files (due to its running at interrupt level)

At lease they are not using the preprocessor statements to perform release and version control as to avoid branching within the source control system. - James Schek
[+1] [2008-10-18 08:49:24] rshimoda

Several years ago I had to create a way to order callee information in a database according to 15 custom fields and 5 permanent fields. Custom fields could be of any basic type (integer, string, date, bit).

Instead of building a query generator in the application, I decided to build a HUGE function in SQL and, obviously, the guys at my company were far from happy when I left for another job and they had to change / debug it.

Several of them still do not talk to me, even though it has been 7 years since this happened.

[+1] [2009-01-21 17:14:32] Wayne M

I have to deal with a legacy Classic ASP (VBScript) codebase on a daily basis, and I've seem some truly terrible code. I mean no indentation, cryptic variable names, duplicate logic that's 99% the same between the If/Else clauses, For loops inside of other for loops inside of nested If statements, with the Else statement being the exact same loop... On Error Resume Next littered on every page and, because it's there, the programmer just wrote code without rhyme nor reason so if you remove On Error Resume Next, the page won't even load.

Here's a snippet (all indentation is left as-is):

if ubound(linary)>35 then

'loop through the lines to get at the data
for each a in linary

if left(ln,1)="D" then
psku= trim(mid(ln,2,15))
puom= trim(mid(ln,17,2))

for b=1 to 100 step 1
myFile.writeLine psku&","&puom&","&pstr
end if

Here's another one:

if pIdCustomer=0 then
mySQL="select priceColumn from customers where idCustomer='" & pIdCustomer & "'"
call getFromDatabase(mySQL, rsTemp, "ViewItem_1")
end if

if pIdCustomerType=4 or pIdCustomerType=5 or pIdCustomer=17873 or pIdCustomer=21385 then
 mySQL="Select accessLevel,groupId from customers where idcustomer="&pidCustomer  
 call getfromDatabase(mySQL, rstemp, "comersus_customerUtilitiesMenu.asp")
end if
if not rstemp.eof then
end if

And the whole application is written like this, with over 5,000 ASP files.

Oh, I forgot - there's also a file of javascript functions called "jfunctions.asp" (Yes, it's an ASP file that's nothing but Javascript) that uses some weird IE-only Remote Scripting to mimic Ajax. Here's a sample from that file (as if I haven't blinded you enough). It's not so much that the code is BAD, just that it's a nightmare of spaghetti and nearly impossible to maintain; it's like reading hieroglyphics:

function movecalc(row){
    var row = row
var prct = 0;
var qcst = parseFloat(document.getElementById("pQuoteCost"+row).value);
var cst = document.getElementById('pCost'+row).value;
var pqty = document.getElementById('pqty'+row).value;
var pprc = document.getElementById('pQuotePrice'+row).value;
var extqprc = 0;
var npprc = parseFloat(pprc);
//alert("New Price: "+npprc+" - QuoteCost: "+qcst+" - Qty: "+pqty+" - QuotePrice: "+pprc+" - Cost: "+cst);
document.getElementById('pQuotePrice'+row).value = npprc.toFixed(2);
if (qcst>0){
prct = ((pprc - qcst)/pprc)*100;
} else{
prct = ((pprc - cst)/pprc)*100;
extqprc = parseFloat(pqty * pprc);
var cprc = document.getElementById('pCustPrice'+row).value
//alert(cprc + " pprc=0");
if (qcst>0){
prct = ((cprc - qcst)/cprc)*100;
} else{
prct = (-(cprc - cst)/cprc)*100;
extqprc = parseFloat(pqty * cprc);
document.getElementById('pct'+row).value = prct.toFixed(2);
extqprc = parseFloat(extqprc);
document.getElementById('pQuoteExtend'+row).value = extqprc.toFixed(2);

example 2, line 4 looks like a SQL injection vulnerability - amdfan
Yes, it is - there was no input checking whatsoever (I've since added some back-end validation routines that clean the data before it's executed) because the previous guy didn't understand how to do it. - Wayne M
[0] [2009-01-21 17:15:05] Brian

I encountered this [1] free MD5 code. The VB code for getting an md5 of a file:

Private ByteBuffer(63) As Byte
Do While Not EOF(1)
    Get #1, , ByteBuffer
    If Loc(1) < LOF(1) Then
        ByteCounter = ByteCounter + 64
        MD5Transform ByteBuffer
    End If

Yeah, reading a file 64 bytes at a time is not a good idea. SLOW. And hardcoding a file handle is not so smart either.


[0] [2009-01-21 17:20:12] James Schek

The worst codes I've had to maintained were usually C+ codes (i.e. C paradigms wrapped in a C++ Object-in-name-only syntax), where the developer refused to use standard API functions, and where they refused to use language features. Examples:

//java and C#
try {
} catch(Exception e) {}

What you see above is exact--empty catch with no comments!!!!!!

object parser = null;
object result = null;
if(cmd == "cmd1") {
   parser = new Cmd1Parser();
   result = ((Cmd1Parser)parser).getStringResult();
} else if( ....) {
} else if(cmd == "cmdN") {
   parser = new CmdNParser();
   result = ((CmdNParser)parser).getStringResult();

No, CmdNParser's do not inherit from a common "Parser" interface. No, they don't use a common base class. No they don't use composition to re-use the same code. Just copy-paste.

//Note this is languages that support generic programming, C++, Java, C# with no
//legacy code to support.
class Utils {
   public static String getString(java.util.List list, int index) {
      if(list!=null) {
         if(index>=0) {
            if(index<list.size()) {
               return (String)list.get(index);
            } else {
               if(log.isInfoLog())"index invalid.");
               return null;
         } else {
            if(log.isInfoLog())"index invalid.");
            return null;
      } else {
         if(log.isInfoLog())"list null.");
         return null;
     } catch(Exception e) {
         return null;

Yes, it was really nested this way. Yes, every log statement was guarded (even though there's no concat). Yes, there's an empty catch block. Yes, null is also a valid element in the list. Yes, all the code is written this way.

And my personal favorite:

class MyClass {
   public static ERRNO methodA(StateObject o, Parameters...);
   public static ERRNO methodB(StateObject o, Parameters...);
   public static ERRNO methodC(StateObject o, Parameters...);
   public static ERRNO methodD(StateObject o, Parameters...);

WTF?!?!?! This is NOT a utility class...

[0] [2009-01-21 17:22:58] community_owned

I once took over a set of Perl scripts that was someone's first programming project. I don't remember much, but one block that I recall being representative of his programming style was:

if ($day eq "Monday") { print "Monday" }
else {
    if ($day eq "Tuesday") { print "Tuesday" }
    else {
        if ($day eq "Wednesday") { print "Wednesday" }
        else {

There were dozens places in the code where if statements nested ten or twelve levels deep. He had completed the project, then left for another job... I was stuck with maintaining these scripts. I cursed his name whenever I had to track down a bug in that jungle.

[0] [2009-01-21 17:26:53] James Schek

Null checking ad-naseaum.

int CreateObjectX(X** object, int param) {
   try {
      *object = new X(param);
      if(*object!=NULL) {
         return 1;
   } catch(X_Exception) {
      log("error X_Exception.");
         delete *object;
   } catch {
      log("error X_Exception."); //honestly, WTF?! Just supress a bad_alloc???

   }     return 0;

object* x1 = NULL;
int res = CreateObjectX(&x1,1);
if(res) {
   if(x1!=NULL) {
      if(x1!=NULL) {
         delete x1;
//who cares if it's correct... all the null's have been checked!!!!

[0] [2009-01-21 19:15:49] ccook

There was a case where 1 was false, and 2 was true. It was used in a 'deleted' column. So in code you would see

if (row.Deleted==1)
// do stuff which one would assume mean't deleted
// do stuff which one assumed not deleted

[0] [2011-02-03 11:28:15] Richard Banks

i found this when looking through an old colleagues code today.

catch (NullReferenceException exc)
 //used to remove warning 'variable is declared but never used'
 string warningRemoval = exc.ToString();

 //session data has expired, reacquire get session values
 this.Page_Load(sender, e);

[0] [2009-10-23 07:33:10] Maciek
[-1] [2009-01-21 17:00:47] Eppz

My favorite came with an application that I inherited.

It's a VB.Net app and instead of fetching the selectedvalue from a dropdown in a one-liner like this:

    dim value as string = dropdown.selectedValue

The original developer looped through the list

    Dim value as string
    For i As Integer = 0 To Me.dropdown.Items.Count - 1
        If dropdown.Items(i).Selected Then
            value= dropdown.Items(i).Value
        End If

Now this is a working solution and it solves the problem. But when you have 20+ dropdowns on a screen, this becomes a nightmare to maintain.

It's possible that selectedValue was not available in the version of vb that the code was first written in? But even if that were the case, they should have used a subroutine (or whatever vb calls them). - danio
No this was written as is in a .net 2.0 web app. I replaced this ~20 times throughout the code with the one-liner. The page posts back so much faster now. - Eppz
this is about things you have written, not seen/inherited. :) - Dimitar Christoff