Stack OverflowTransformation Cartesian -> Polar -> Cartesian in Python
[-2] [0] Steve
[2012-05-06 10:01:16]
[ python numpy matplotlib transformation cartesian ]
[ ]

I'm using following code written by Joe Kington and would appreciate any help to transform coordinates from "polar" back to "cartesian" using the similar but backwards algorithm.

Thanks in advance, Steve.

    import numpy as np
    import scipy as sp
    import scipy.ndimage

    import Image

    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

    def main():
        im ='mri_demo.png')
        im = im.convert('RGB')
        data = np.array(im)

        plot_polar_image(data, origin=None)
        plot_directional_intensity(data, origin=None)

    def plot_directional_intensity(data, origin=None):
        """Makes a cicular histogram showing average intensity binned by direction
        from "origin" for each band in "data" (a 3D numpy array). "origin" defaults
        to the center of the image."""
        def intensity_rose(theta, band, color):
            theta, band = theta.flatten(), band.flatten()
            intensities, theta_bins = bin_by(band, theta)
            mean_intensity = map(np.mean, intensities)
            width = np.diff(theta_bins)[0]
  , mean_intensity, width=width, color=color)
            plt.xlabel(color + ' Band')

        # Make cartesian coordinates for the pixel indicies
        # (The origin defaults to the center of the image)
        x, y = index_coords(data, origin)

        # Convert the pixel indices into polar coords.
        r, theta = cart2polar(x, y)

        # Unpack bands of the image
        red, green, blue = data.T

        # Plot...

        plt.subplot(2,2,1, projection='polar')
        intensity_rose(theta, red, 'Red')

        plt.subplot(2,2,2, projection='polar')
        intensity_rose(theta, green, 'Green')

        plt.subplot(2,1,2, projection='polar')
        intensity_rose(theta, blue, 'Blue')

        plt.suptitle('Average intensity as a function of direction')

    def plot_polar_image(data, origin=None):
        """Plots an image reprojected into polar coordinages with the origin
        at "origin" (a tuple of (x0, y0), defaults to the center of the image)"""
        polar_grid, r, theta = reproject_image_into_polar(data, origin)
        plt.imshow(polar_grid, extent=(theta.min(), theta.max(), r.max(), r.min()))
        plt.xlabel('Theta Coordinate (radians)')
        plt.ylabel('R Coordinate (pixels)')
        plt.title('Image in Polar Coordinates')

    def index_coords(data, origin=None):
        """Creates x & y coords for the indicies in a numpy array "data".
        "origin" defaults to the center of the image. Specify origin=(0,0)
        to set the origin to the lower left corner of the image."""
        ny, nx = data.shape[:2]
        if origin is None:
        origin_x, origin_y = nx // 2, ny // 2
            origin_x, origin_y = origin
        x, y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(nx), np.arange(ny))
        x -= origin_x
        y -= origin_y
        return x, y

    def cart2polar(x, y):
        r = np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2)
        theta = np.arctan2(y, x)
        return r, theta

    def polar2cart(r, theta):
        x = r * np.cos(theta)
        y = r * np.sin(theta)
        return x, y

    def bin_by(x, y, nbins=30):
        """Bin x by y, given paired observations of x & y.
        Returns the binned "x" values and the left edges of the bins."""
        bins = np.linspace(y.min(), y.max(), nbins+1)
        # To avoid extra bin for the max value
        bins[-1] += 1 

        indicies = np.digitize(y, bins)

        output = []
        for i in xrange(1, len(bins)):

        # Just return the left edges of the bins
        bins = bins[:-1]

        return output, bins

    def reproject_image_into_polar(data, origin=None):
        """Reprojects a 3D numpy array ("data") into a polar coordinate system.
        "origin" is a tuple of (x0, y0) and defaults to the center of the image."""
        ny, nx = data.shape[:2]
        if origin is None:
            origin = (nx//2, ny//2)

        # Determine that the min and max r and theta coords will be...
        x, y = index_coords(data, origin=origin)
        r, theta = cart2polar(x, y)

        # Make a regular (in polar space) grid based on the min and max r & theta
        r_i = np.linspace(r.min(), r.max(), nx)
        theta_i = np.linspace(theta.min(), theta.max(), ny)
        theta_grid, r_grid = np.meshgrid(theta_i, r_i)

        # Project the r and theta grid back into pixel coordinates
        xi, yi = polar2cart(r_grid, theta_grid)
        xi += origin[0] # We need to shift the origin back to 
        yi += origin[1] # back to the lower-left corner...
        xi, yi = xi.flatten(), yi.flatten()
        coords = np.vstack((xi, yi)) # (map_coordinates requires a 2xn array)

        # Reproject each band individually and the restack
        # (uses less memory than reprojection the 3-dimensional array in one step)
        bands = []
        for band in data.T:
            zi = sp.ndimage.map_coordinates(band, coords, order=1)
            bands.append(zi.reshape((nx, ny)))
        output = np.dstack(bands)
        return output, r_i, theta_i

    if __name__ == '__main__':
(1) There is a polar2cart function in that code. That is what you want. - dbaupp
@dbaupp - There is, but the problem is about how to use "sp.ndimage.map_coordinates" properly with reshape function. - Steve