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This one is pretty good, especially for Star Wars fans [1]:
Another one...
I actually have the full core dump version of this shirt, but I hardly ever wear it. For some reason it doesn't look this good ^ on me. ;)
</gay feminist geek boy>
- TRiG
I like this one: free the mallocs
I'm a real programmer. I'm too fat to wear t-shirts.
And if you're a girl, these:
Call me a Fanboi, but I think i'll actually have a Visual Studio T-Shirt made, like the one on my Gravatar.
Apart from that, a T-Shirt that just contains the Letters "FCKGW" came into my mind as well, as a hommage of all the PC Technicians who had to deal with customers who did not (want to) understand why you are not able to install Service Pack 2 on their Windows Version. But i think i'm 7 years late for that idea.
But one of my favorite already-existing Shirts has to be this:
Very useful in day-to-day dealings. With this T-shirt, a meaningful look is enough ;)
The most useful one...
I like this LISP/Scheme-Shirt of the "Upsilon Pi Epsilon"(UPE) at UC Berkleley:
Unfortunatelly, these UPE guys didn't want to ship it outside Berkeley.
I like reverse engineer. It's so like me.
This shirt:
Based on this comic:
Not a T-Shirt, but Google's "I'm Feeling Lucky" boxers are pretty funny...
I like this one even better than the one that David Grant posted.
( link [1])
[1] can't believe no one posted this yet:
I like this one a lot:
Though not exactly for programmers, try this Wi-Fi detection shirt [1] from ThinkGeek.
I made this one because the question is the ultimate trump card in any language/framework/architecture debate.
There are many "programmer shirts" I like but these are my favorites:
Think Globally. Act Within Local Variable Scope. [1]
Declare variables, not war
. - Maxpm
holy cow, i can not believe nobody posted this one yet. One of my favorites !!
Im a pogramar
Iam a programer
I'm a programor
I write code
I bought this shirt on as soon as it appeared...
I have this one and of course this is my favorite:
if( ! success() ) { try { try { again(); } } }
- Carson Myers
I wish they were still making this one...
They say when you play that Microsoft CD backward you can hear satanic messages ... but that's nothing. If you play it forward it will install Windows.
I'd rather write
programs that write
programs than write
My favorite:
Here's that shirt. I have it too. (This is not me, though.)
do not expose to direct sunlight
Google SREs all got t-shirts that read
I have root @google
Simple & bad-ass.
I like this one...
I can't believe no one posted this one [1] yet !
$ man woman
$ No manual entry for woman
[1] two are nice for caffeine junkies:
Yes, I wear it all the time and yes, people actually ask what it means.
I see dead pixels :)
A coworker of mine came up with the phrase. I created the design and ordered a couple from cafépress. If you want the original hi-res version with transparent background then let me know!
I based the colors on the wombat color scheme for Vim, by far my favorite.
Knuth is my homeboy
Microsoft was giving away write-on shirts at PDC 2008. This is how I did mine:
( link [1])
[1]'m old school :)
The "code monkey" shirt from ThinkGeek [1], which I wear to work on a regular basis...
I have a tee shirt that I wear when leading tech classes.
It is just "/nev/dull"
There's only one that fits the bill:
Will that even compile?
From The Daily WTF Gear. (Apparently no longer available.)
Call me a fashion victim, but I like programming t-shirts which actually look good. These ones for instance are stylish enough for my nerdy desires:
My fave
THIS SHIRT BELOW IS PHOTOSHOPPED! I did this so I could show what it would look like on a real T-Shirt. I plan to make one of these sometime when i stop procrastinating!!
In case you dont know, it's dave's T-Shirt from Code Monkeys [1]
I've always wanted a shirt that used MS's phrase from msdn: "This behavior is by design"
Half of programming is coding. The other 90% is debugging.
My friend and I in college had this idea, never put it on a shirt though.
Nobody likes a deadbeat parent process. Please fork()
Since I'm a java programmer :-)
I have an ancient shirt that reads:
The reference to Palm dates it (long before iPhone - or maybe it was enormously prescient and predicting the Palm Pre).
I'm Not Really a Wizard, I Just Use Python
From PyCon 2007
I rock at basic! [1]
This is also interesting, I have this one but it's not fully programming related:
I've been wearing this to work for years.
better. - WTP
Not available commercially.
Oberlin Computer Science Department Shirt in 1989. ( link [1])
[1] but goodie.
best ever Maternity shirt
Here's a collection of Tcl-wear:
and shirts that go way back, at the digibarn:
and my personal favorite, for obvious reasons:
"If all else fails, manipulate the data"
This is certainly my favorite t-shirt, i have to say that it's from my invention but is a modification to this [1]
PS: The language is Python
[1] a DB guy...
There's no place like
I'd love to have this one:
Now this is my kind of logic!!!
, end_cry()
, start_cry()
or start_sleep()
sets still_a_baby
to false
. :-) - Victor
Idiot Inside
A few years ago, NewTek had a shirt at a GDC that said "Piss Off, I'm Coding." On the back of the shirt, of course.
Oberlin Computer Science Department Shirt, 1988 ( Dragon Curve [1], rendered in PostScript) ( link [2])
[1] get mine printed myself. My favourite ones are
/* programmers */
do {
} while (1);
and one that has my initials in ASCII binary.
I also have one that simply says "THAT SOFTWARE WOMAN" which was how a client once referred to me when he couldn't remember my name, and I thought it was quite a good way to refer to me really :-)
This one, but it needs your help to be real [1].
(based on this [2])
[1] one when the PHB pisses me off:
Anything from xkcd store or
One that has the following text written: "It's not a bug. It's a feature!"
Still my favorite shirt (from now-defunct
Never write a line of code that anybody else can understand.
Back when it looked like Apple might discontinue Objective-C in favor of Java, some wags printed shirts emblazoned with:
[objective-c retain];
I also have another one that says "If at first you don't succeed, burn the evidence.", one that says "I void warranties" and another that says sudo tail -f /dev/null | cowsay -n | cowsay -n | cowsay -n | cowsay -n | cowsay -n | cowsay -n | cowsay -n | cowsay -n | cowsay -n | cowsay -n | cowsay -n | cowsay -n | cowsay -n | cowsay -n | cowsay -n | cowsay -n | cowsay -n | cowsay -n | cowsay -n | cowsay -n | cowsay -n | cowsay -n | cowsay -n...and so on and so on.
If you can read it, the message isn't meant for you.
for (int i = 0; i < 999; i++) { puts("unicode is not an encoding"); }
. - WTP
This for all those who are in to Code Generation
"Generator generates the generated code"