Time to show off that desktop of yours - paste in your screenshots of your customized Windows, Mac, and *nix desktops. Bonus points for visual effects that don't hurt the eyes.
Also, explain how you did what you did.
EDIT:) Bounty. I want to see some cool desktops, darn it.
Desktop? With over a dozen applications running, most of them maximised, I hardly ever see my desktop.
[I know that this isn't the sort of answer you wanted, but I would be interested to know how many people feel the same way.]
Or you can keep it old school with the monitor and the manual calculator.
I took an screenshot of my whole desktop featuring a lot of windows opened and some of them displaying a progress bar, broswers, editors, code, consoles etc. etc.
Set it as background picture and then removed my desktop icons and hide the task bar.
Then I pressed Windows+D and walk away to the snack.
Everybody always thought I was ver very very busy all the time compiling the project.
I... I... I'm sorry.See the big pile in the top-right corner? It has ~1000 items in it.
LEGO! Let's build something...
Michaelangelo's Creation of Man on the Ceiling of the Sistine Chapel
An oldish one.
Have changed the monitors now, but haven't had a chance to find a decent wallpaper.
There you go, my laptop's desktop:
I'm not at fan of icons... But I like having useful information. I used to have a calendar, but I store everything on my phone now.
I have my IP (don't worry, that one isn't mine anymore), System Information, Weather, SO Reputation, Important contacts, email, all on one screen!
I love my system setup. Peek into it!
My favorite, and I think a strong contender for most beautiful: a full screen, dark-background terminal with a touch of transparency.
2560 x 1024 (dual monitor setup - gotta love tile setting)
Now you're thinking... he's playing the sympathy card to try and win votes but hey, my kids keep me going during the day. Plus we go on hikes and I get to make a new collage every week or so. Oh yeah, and the sunset picture I took the same day when we got back home.
My top desktop
My bottom desktop
On second thought, I should probably swap them for spatial correctness
I usually love a dark desktop, or a least with not to many colors.
For some time now, i'm using a selfmade wallpaper with a lovely dark pattern and some reminder tips on it. These tips change in time...
So now... when i do get to see my desktop, which is not very often, it tells me:
current desktop
"Rain on the window"
All images/photos (except the top one) I've done myself.
[1] http://imgur.com/qZOOb.jpg
Work desktop.
Home desktop.
There was a them for Windows 98 Plus! called "The 60's USA (256 color)" that featured peace signs for icons and a tie dye wall paper.
It was Far Out Man!
Here's mine. Macbook 15" running Windows 7 in parallels coherence mode. The boat on the desktop is me sailing the International Moth Hydrofoiler that I built myself.
I downloaded some extra Nature wallpapers to go with the Windows 7 theme. I then have the folder of like 60 wallpapers run as a slideshow, changing every minute or so. Very relaxing if your reading something (though perhaps also distracting...)
I check Digital Blasphemy [1] somewhat regularly, as he adds new desktop images to his free collection. The guy makes a living doing nothing but making desktop images; they're all really good.
Right now his members-site has hundreds of images and his free sample collection has about 30 or so. I don't consider desktops enough of a draw for me to pay for it, but if I did, he's the first place I'd go.
[1] http://www.digitalblasphemy.com/An interesting choice is "transparent". Some cool examples [1].
[1] http://www.flickr.com/photos/w00kie/sets/180637/I really dig some of the windows 7 ones.
It rotates through these and more images. They're from 72 and Sunny [1].
[1] http://www.72andsunny.com/#/work/microsoft/windows%5F7%5Fdesktops/desktop/character/The desktop icons are hidden (I generally use it as a dumping ground when I rarely see it) for cleanliness, and I included Trillian Astra on the screenshot simply because it's the sexiest app I've seen :) Teeny tiny preview links to 1024+1440 res image:
Wallpaper [1]
P.S. If anyone knows how to get components working in foobar2000 (specifically foo_winamp_spam
) I'd appreciate tips :)
Hooray for minimalisim!
The wallpaper I made myself [1].
[1] http://miffthefox.deviantart.com/art/Blue-pool-127722223I'll make you all jealous (?!!) with the fact I'm using Windows 7 to work on in a corporate environment.
I'm on dual monitors, but as mentioned above, I also only ever see 1 desktop most of the time. If I had owl-like eyes I'd use them both simultaneously.
I'm using Fences [1] to organise desktop icons. It's pretty handy.
Hint: click to enlarge
[1] http://www.stardock.com/products/fences/
Rafael's "School of Athens"
The one on the right is Saturn eclipsing the Sun as taken from the Cassini-Huygens probe [1]. If you look closely you can see a tiny dot just above the rings on the left side. That tiny dot is Earth.
The left side is the Earth and Moon from Mars orbit captured by HiRISE [2].
[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saturn#Cassini-Huygens_spacecraftIt is a clean xfce desktop with a background from a vacation last year.
It seems that none of you understand the essence of simplicity.
My desktop is a boring black screen, which I won't screenshot for you. Icons are covered anyways. However (and thus the screenshot), the only thing I have is a monitor for cpu usage, memory and network traffic. It's called bubblefishymon. And it's very cute.
I'm using Desktop Earth [1] for my desktop, so what I see is actual day/night globe representation. I can easily check who's awake, and who's not. (It refreshes every 5 minutes - this value could be changed.)
[1] http://codefromthe70s.org/desktopearth_dl.aspxHere's mine.
Nothing specially custimized (it's my just-installed wind7 rc1 desktop).
I'm very fond of the background picture... took it myself almost 2 years ago, and haven't found a better one since...
First thing I always customize after a fresh install...
My laptop:
No flashy effects - the laptop is kinda low on resources.
Yeah, that's Xfwm4 on GNOME.
Six monitors being slowly migrated to 22" widescreens in Portrait mode.
Bigger version [1]
Edit: Fixed broken links. The desktop is actually black, I made it grey to show where the monitors are.
[1] http://www.kconnolly.net/pics/screenshot2.jpgIn Windows XP I have a few web cam images on the desktop. They change whenever I login or when I press Ctrl-F5 to refresh them. Sometimes there are deer [1], snow [2], sunsets [3], fires [4], small explosions [5], fog [6], rain [7], and bugs [8]. Most of these are from Spring Valley, CA [9], Hubert, NC [10], and Golden, CO [11]. You should be able to find even more interesting web cam images for a desktop that's not too boring, if you ever have time to look at it.
{broke image removed}
This will be my new (real) desktop around October 2009. According to the screen shot this is a beta version, like the fish, which is not present in the final release.
{broke image removed}
[1] http://bratch.org/images/cam/deercam.jpgThis is what I have at work:
Just a sunflower I shot outside of Calzadilla de la Cueza in north Spain. I like the colors.
I don't remember how but on a Mac you can use screen savers as a desk top image.
Mine's got the Windows 7 beta fish [1] on it.
[1] http://news.softpedia.com/news/The-Story-of-the-Windows-7-Beta-Fish-101857.shtmlIn case you're wondering where the icons are, I don't need them. I'm working with memorized keyboard shortcuts and a logitech g11 with 18 extra buttons.
3840x1200 [1]
nothing fancy here, i like to keep it simple.
[1] http://i365.photobucket.com/albums/oo94/eeemolly/plainsimpleFM.jpgI always have loads of crap open. And yes that is the hello kitty theme for Notepad++, I like to use it for the readability it provides
Somebody changed my desktop background to a rotating snake picture [1].
If you want all of the images your ever need on your desktop that automatically switch then try this: John's BackgroundSwitcher [1] . Can't believe no one has mentioned it yet. Allows you to get different images from many sources that periodically change.
John’s Background Switcher Make your wallpaper interesting!With John's Background Switcher! I can’t stand plain, boring backgrounds. John’s Background Switcher (or JBS for short) periodically changes the background image on your computer (like every hour or every day) to something interesting. You can specify which pictures to choose from:
* Individual pictures on your computer.
* Folders containing pictures on your computer such as ‘My Pictures’.
* Flickr photo sharing – selecting pictures by person, tags, sets or just plain random. You never know what you’re going to get next!
* Facebook – your friends photos on your desktop!
* Any Media RSS feed – choose pictures from sites like DeviantArt, Photobucket, LOLCats and Zooomr amongst many others!
* Phanfare web albums – keep up to date with your friends and family.
* smugmug photo galleries – yours, your friends, anybody’s!
* Picasa Web Albums – choose from specific albums or any search text.
* Webshots – if you’re a Webshots user, you can choose from your photos.
* Google Image Search – get pictures from anywhere across the internet.
* Bing Image Search – not a Google fanboy? Then Bing is for you!
* Yahoo! image search – the internet is your oyster!
Enjoy! :)
[1] http://www.johnsadventures.com/software/backgroundswitcher/Not that I look at it much ...
1680x1050 laptop screen + 1920x1200 monitor.
yes, my friends, that is silly putty sitting there under my monitor :D
I use my main screen on 1280x1024 (17") and my secondary (right) one on 1024x768 (15").
I'm used to see both screens (not at exact same time of course) because I have two main tasks:
When I want to watch a video or things that only need one screen, I turn off my right monitor. Keep Green =]
(using gnome-colors themes package and AWN with personalized themes, and many monitoring applets on the top panel)
Close up:
Once our admin has gone to smoke for about 30 minutes and we've accidentally saw that he left opened window with all of the passwords left. We've made screenshot of it and made it as wallpaper. When he came back he tried to close this "window" for about a minnute))))
Unfortunately I've got no this wallpaper.
Mac-like Windows 7 taskbar - Rotating Bing's Best backgrounds.
I always choose a desktop of the game I am trying to beat in my spare time :)
Right now its Prototype: http://stopgame.ru/files/wallpapers/9002/prototype_2008-1.jpg
Desktop PC:
Still stuck with XP here :(
(RocketDock, MediaDesign icons, the rest is easily recognizable.)
With applications. (I have an irssi script that sends hilights from a remote VPS to my laptop and displays them with libnotify - even using X11-over-ssh.)
And of course, the best screensaver ever.