I am a recovering Emacs user, who is trying to ease into Eclipse usage. (Since I'm encouraging the rest of the team to use it, I guess I should at least try to get along).
My current excuse is that it hurts my eyes. I'm currently using the excellent zenburn [1] theme in emacs, and would love to find it for eclipse. However, I find that changing my color theme every few months makes for a great way to procrastinate, so ideally I'd like to find a repository for eclipse color themes.
There don't appear to be any eclipse themes indexed by Google, so all the great themes must be sitting on your hard disk somewhere. Please share them.
Update The alternative better solution is the Eclipse Color Theme plugin [1]. My method was in place until somebody created just this plugin. Thanks!
I just found an alternative way of importing/exporting themes from Eclipse that is relatively easier (doesn't require manual editing of a file).
Essentially there are two files we want to copy or overwrite:
(Side note: On Linux/Mac, the directory is [workspace]/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.core.runtime/.settings/, Thanks Scott [2])
org.eclipse.jdt.ui.prefs = Syntax Coloring
org.eclipse.ui.editors.prefs = Text Editors
I converted anonfunc's themes from http://eclipsecolorthemes.jottit.com/ into the new format. Also I created my own :)
Finally, if somebody wants to create more themes I can post them on my blog [3] with credits. Here are some color schemes [4] ideas to get you going.
Download theres here: ( Alt. site 1 [5], Alt. site 2 [6])
Theme Gallery
Sula (My theme)
Vibrant Ink
A new service has just launched: Eclipse color themes [1]. It applies one single color theme for the following editors and views: php, ant, sql, java, text, html, css, xml, console, javascript , cpp and more [2].
It supports themes handled by either direct import - .epf file - or by using the Eclipse Color Theme plugin [3].
There is a how to import a theme page [4] and there are already 22 themes listed. You can even create your own theme [5].
[1] http://www.eclipsecolorthemes.org/I'm working on an Eclipse plugin to manage color themes:
There is an update site with an early alpha release that supports the plain text and Java editors. I'm currently in the procress of adding support for more editors, at least XML, HTML, CSS, JavaScript and C++. The currently included themes are Inkpot and Zenburn.
edit: The plugin supports tons of editors by now, and you can download more themes from http://eclipsecolorthemes.org.
I've posted some color schemes and an example script to extract them from Eclipse's preference files at http://eclipsecolorthemes.jottit.com/
Essentially, I'm treating an subset of the Eclipse preferences as a color scheme, and using Eclipse's import functionality to apply the colors.
Saving a color scheme involves exporting all preferences and then removing non-color settings.
Here's a guy who posted his eclipse preferences.
I just imported the above file. It was painless.
Setting up your own color theme in Flex Builder (which is, I think, built on top of Eclipse, I think) is pretty tedious. I'd recommend looking for a preferences file to import, at least as a starting point.
I've started proof of concept plug-in that manages color themes.
It's called Eclipse Pimp, and it's free software (3-clause BSD license).
Pimp is in early development and it isn't really usable yet.
I never had time to turn Eclipse Pimp into something serious.
Apparently Eclipse Color Themes [1] is the way to go :)
[1] http://www.eclipsecolorthemes.orgIt is possible to import/export colour themes in Eclipse:
File -> Import -> General -> Preferences File -> Export -> General -> Preferences
At this time I am also searching for themes, but I cannot find any.
Just wanted to note that it seems that color themes are language-specific, that is, Eclipse-CDT (for C/C++ Development) has different theme files than Eclipse-JDT (for Java Development), etc.
So far, these have been JDT themes, but since you didn't specify your language, I figure I'd throw in a link for a CDT theme.
Consider the Eclipse-CDT Theme Generator here: http://blog.edwards-research.com/2009/11/color-schemes-for-eclipse-cdt-4/
First off thank you srand for your troubles, the Zenburn theme has really helped my eyes during late night programming.
That being said though I do want to point out a couple of things:
1 - The file [org.eclipse.jdt.ui.prefs] does not just contain color attributes and replacing it might overwrite other settings (for me it overwrote "spelling_user_dictionary=/dicts/eclipseDict.txt" and "breadcrumb.perspective=true", besides other values)
2 - The Compare editor for some of the themes makes it very difficult to see the difference between two files (especially if it's a normal text file like).
3 - Some files get really strange colors, for me the SQL files became quite unreadable.
My solution is just to copy the themes for those iknowexactlywhattochangeandwhere programming rushes and then change it back when I'm casually updating files here and there.
Hope the developers at Eclipse take heed to our whinings and make a theme editor (fingers crossed)
I loved the pre set themes. I am currently using SULA but I wasn't able to set the "hover" back ground color anywhere using the UI. With the default "yellow" 255,255,225(RGB) you are unable to see the SULA text correctly. I grep'ed the pref files for the "yellow" RGB values.
I found this file for CDT and my c++. I'm sure there will be other lang specific files to adjust.
modify or add these these lines to file. RGB is the color format. Set to value which matches your "theme". I used the SULA theme (many thanks) and so I set the hover BG to black(0,0,0).
////// modified this line
///// had to add this line
Your prompt: "There don't appear to be any eclipse themes indexed by Google, so all the great themes must be sitting on your hard disk somewhere. Please share them."
My answer: I am not sure whether I have a "great" theme for you but building on some experience writing a Vim colour scheme [1] I have tried my hand at making one for Eclipse too [2]. (It's still in its infancy, mind you, hence the v0.0.1.)
Feel free to use it if you like it (do keep the header with my e-mail in it so that I may receive feedback from users) and especially feel free to customise it if you wish, the structure in it should provide ample opportunity for personalisation. It's not a migration script per se but I think if you know your way around 's/colour1/colour2/g' you should be fine with just a template! It has stubs for:
Let me know what you think if you use it...
PS: I almost forgot - here's a screenshot of it highlighting Java.
script and can be found on github.com/demonkoryu/eclipse-color-schemes. - demonkoryu