Aviation MetaBook printout of questions
[+3] [2] Fabrizio Mazzoni
[2015-11-05 21:35:56]
[ feature-request ]
[ ]

Are there any plans on ordering a set of questions to be printed out and delivered in book format such as wikipedia has planned to do?

[+4] [2015-11-06 03:32:42] Deer Hunter

Your prayers have been answered long ago:

You can use the site to print the questions one by one into PDF files and then merge the files into a booklet.

Wow... I never realized how terrible it is to read hyperlinked documents with all the links converted into footnotes. I think I just had a bad acid flashback to college cross-referencing bibliographies. - voretaq7
@voretaq7 well, if you don't like it you could add prettylinks=false to the querystring like this - systempuntoout
Broken link.. they changed the order of meta in the API response. Should be corrected in:… - systempuntoout
[0] [2015-11-05 21:55:14] voretaq7

None I'm aware of.

The Stack Exchange network licenses user submissions under CC:BY-SA 3.0 though, so as long as you properly attribute each post you're putting in your collection there doesn't appear to be anything else standing in the way of such a project.

Organizing such a book would be a significant challenge - even the taxonomy of tags doesn't really do a good job of putting questions/answers into useful, indexable categories (at least IMHO).

True. But if a user could select specific questions and get them printed out I think it would be an awesome reference. - Fabrizio Mazzoni