Stack OverflowWhat is the best Git GUI on OSX?
[+156] [24] sanity
[2008-09-17 14:25:47]
[ git osx version-control ]

What is the best GUI on OSX for viewing a Git repository, and (optionally) manipulating it?

(7) should turn this into a wiki - Sheehan Alam
[+122] [2008-09-18 13:53:06] aaronsw

gitx [1] is nice. It's like gitk but with a real OS X interface.


GitX is AWESOME. Actively maintained and great UI. I just spent over an hour trying to get GitNub working (eventual success after installing RubyCocoa, Grit and Open4 then Built from source - binaries were outdated and crashed on OS X 10.6.3). Once I had GitNub running I was not impressed. The 'network' view just shows the page. GitX is FAST. With all the features I need. - Chris Jacob
(1) sadly, it's been stalled for the last year although there are a few people interested in keeping it going. There are a few forks that need merging, see… - Andy Dent
(2) This AWESOME 8-) fork: brotherbard/gitx/GitX Experimental branch (release 4) truly turns GitX into a one-stop-shop for everyday git operations! - conny
(6) brotherbard/gitx development stopped in Nov 2011. The most active fork is currently laullon/gitx, updated yesterday. - Andrei
Yeh, look into Andrei's suggestion, I've removed my brotherbard endorsement, I was getting voted down too much..... - Big Rich
(1) Re: GitX, cf. GitX: a short history. Looks like the momentum is now behind GitX-dev (neé GitX-L(rowanj)), which is ridiculously faster than slothlike GitX-L. - Clay Bridges
[+39] [2010-11-29 11:59:41] Tariq Khokhar is also looking promising.

(3) i agree. git tower is shaping up to become what versions app was for svn. - chimerical
(1) Yeah, but is it worth the price when gitx is free? - sanity
@sanity: I'd say yes. I've used both of them and decided to stick to Git-Tower. The only things annoys me is that its icons aren't very Mac-ish. - Ivan
It's great but at $65+ way overpriced considering the pretty decent OSS alternatives. - Matt Zukowski
I use this daily. 90% of things I accomplish from command line, but Tower is awesome for more complex commands I don't feel like typing. I've also given it to three designers and an IT guy that don't know squat about VCS, let alone git from the command line. They've become competent. Tower is fantastic. - Bryson
[+34] [2008-09-17 15:06:42] Will Robertson [ACCEPTED]

git-gui is bundled with git and should be exactly what you you're looking for. (gitk is an older app that isn't as functional or pretty.)

It's a Tcl/Tk app, so you may need to install some frameworks:

Having said all of this, I just use the command line too :) But this GUI is great for getting the hang of things before the cmdline options become familiar.

Update some 18 months later.

These days I use Gitx for basic branch viewing and committing, and the command line for more complex tasks. I wrote this answer after just starting to use Git, and never actually used git-gui personally; at the time it answered the question, that's all.

(1) Since asking the question, I've also found GitNub - sanity
Wow, that's nice. Hadn't seen that yet. - Will Robertson
(4) Have you seen anyone choosing to actually use git-gui in the daily work instead of the command-line? - UncleCJ
(2) The link is broken. - Cédric Guillemette
(6) A friend just pointed me to Looks brand new, maybe interesting... - Dave Peck
@Dave - I've been using Tower (from ) since their first release and it's the best I've seen by a long shot. Really, really nice. - Jeff
+1 for Updating the answer - scube
I just installed git ( and it didn't come with git-gui. Am I doing anything wrong? - Adam Oren
[+29] [2009-02-10 07:59:01] Noah

There are two fairly popular ones. Both have a good deal of "pretty" to them, too :). I've used gitx occasionally, and never really used gitnub. If you care, both are pretty easy to compile, and I've included the git clone commands for each below.


gitx on Github:
Git clone command: git clone git://


Homepage (and github wiki):
Git clone command: git clone git://

(4) is gitnub actively maintained at all? - Carter Tazio Schonwald
@CarterTazioSchonwald doesn't seem like it. Last commit was three years ago. - Joe
[+27] [2010-06-06 15:58:48] Scott Martin

I use brotherbard's fork of GitX. So far it has served me well and has more features and UI than the latest stable build of the official GitX.

EDIT: As stated in the comments to my answer, I have since switched to laullon's fork of GitX at

thnx! very nice improvement! - alex
brotherbard/gitx development stopped in Nov 2011. The most active fork is currently laullon/gitx, updated yesterday. - Andrei
(1) Yes, I switched to laullon's fork at the beginning of the year. You can also find the latest build on their homepage at - Scott Martin
Re: GitX, cf. GitX: a short history. Looks like the momentum is now behind GitX-dev (neé GitX-L(rowanj)), which is ridiculously faster than slothlike GitX-L. - Clay Bridges
Thanks for the link Clay. I will definitely check it out. - Scott Martin
[+12] [2009-11-24 09:13:38] gngrwzrd

try gity:

(new website: )

(2) This looks to be more user-friendly version than others. I'm looking for something that co-workers who are not familiar with git can use. - Devon
[+12] [2010-12-04 13:54:56] pingu

Compare all the Mac Git clients here

[+10] [2011-05-19 18:08:31] Subfuzion

As of 2011...

It's an old question, but still very relevant. I really liked SourceTree [1], but if you want to know why SmartGit [2] is my absolute favorite, see the detailed answer I posted here [3].

Although SmartGit is my favorite since we have a cross-platform team, I do have to say the latest version of SourceTree (1.2.1) rocks. There are a few features that I love that SmartGit doesn't have:

  • the ability to toggle displaying remote branches indicators that show how many commits can be pulled or pushed (SmartGit also shows commits that are available to be pushed, but not with a visual count on the icon like SourceTree, and there is an indication at the bottom right for commits available to be merged, so the information is there as well, just not as intuitive as SourceTree)
  • a new sidebar that makes it really easy to switch between views of branches, tags, remotes, and masters.

Both have really nice log views; for any given commit, it's easy to see what files were involved and what the changes were for that commit with a diff being displayed in a panel. SourceTree shows it right in the main UI, whereas SmartGit forces you to open a separate windows but the diff is prettier to look at...

Anyway, as far as I'm concerned, these are the two premiere GIT GUIs available for OS X.

  • If you must have Mercurial AND Git, choose SourceTree.
  • If you must have cross-platform Git (OS X, Windows, Linux), chose SmartGit.

[+8] [2011-08-09 02:44:11] Jeremy Ricketts

As of May 2012, there is a great list on GIT's site:

As of August 2011, there are a number of great options, not least of which is github's own which is free.

Gity [1] is still going strong, updated for OS 10.7 (Lion) and feels stable.

Lastly, is long out of beta and (in my opinion) is the most full-featured and robust option if you really need all the bells and whistles (at the time of this writing it's $60.)


[+7] [2010-04-22 12:25:11] Martin Klepsch

Gity ( ) became opensource yesterday... I think it cost 20$ before.

Probably Gity is one of the best open-source git-guis available.

Gity is really nice. I find that in combination with GitX, I can do about 90% of my daily git tasks without touching the command line. The absolute best Git GUI experience is to be had on Windows though - Git Extensions. The day git extensions is ported to mac is the day I will be happy :) - carleeto
[+6] [2009-10-23 14:21:01] badcat

I found out that there is a new Java based client, SmartGit, on the horizont.

SmartGit Website [1]


Nice application and userfriendly - Ivo Trompert
SmartGit rocks. - vfilby
SmartGit looks promising but broken – I've downloaded version 1.5.2 for the Mac, run it and all I got was "uncaught exception in main method: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/jidesoft/utils/Lm". Fail. - adib
[+5] [2008-09-17 18:13:53] Thanatos

You could try gitnub [1]. It's great for viewing git logs and looks very pretty.


[+5] [2010-04-20 09:43:30] UncleCJ

Good suggestions above, I would like to add to this also:

Edit: there are also IDE's where there may be, or lacking git integration, what are your opinions on these?

Eclipse uses EGit (based on JGit, rumored not to be 100% git-compatible and a bit buggy) IntelliJ Idea git integration I have heard very good things about

Anyway, it is a very crucial issue, and I'd like to see it in general, not only for OS X (maybe there is on SO?). Edit: I've found these related issues:

Last time I tried TortoiseGit (on Windows, of course) it was a terribly broken attempt at porting TortoiseSVN.

Nowhere have I really seen anything embracing reasonably normal (some call them "advanced") workflow steps like merge, rebase, diff, log and graph log all in the same GUI. I.e. I haven't yet found a GUI comprehensive enough to recommend to collegues wanting an alternative to learning to use git from the commandline.

Go on, bring in the flames.

[+5] [2010-06-15 02:24:05] kubi

For those of you who are comfortable using the command line for complex tasks, but would like to have an elegant UI for the commands you spend 90% of your time using (add, commit, branch, push, pull).

[+4] [2008-09-17 16:15:24] Paul Wicks

If you are using git-gui, you might also find OpenInGitGui [1] project useful. It allows you to open git-gui on a location from the finder. Also, I would say that if you don't have a lot of experience with git, you should learn the command line stuff, as that will let you really get to know the ins and outs of git.


[+4] [2009-12-15 07:18:31] Ryan

Tig [1] is a useful git UI for viewing repositories. Not particularly graphical, however.


tig is especially nice now that getting git gui and gitk to work under cygwin (on Windows) involves extra hassle now. tig is nice enough to do light work with. A nice compromise between getting the X server up and dealing with only the command line. - Graham Perks
[+3] [2010-09-21 11:21:05] gagarine

Better than Gitx: a gitx fork ->

(2) Brotherbard's fork is lightyears ahead of the original project. I don't know why pieter doesn't just hand over the project to him. - Jared
(1) or just pull in his changes. - Duke
[+2] [2010-11-02 04:25:22] SpiralLab

The goal of Sprout is to provide a clean and simple Mac app to work with repositories, and browse and commit changes.

(1) It currently costs $35. Could you explain its advantages over free apps, such as GitX (laullon's fork)? - Andrei
[+1] [2011-02-25 19:10:31] Reid

Another one: Gitti [1]


[+1] [2011-08-24 09:29:22] Daniel Peñalba

I liked GitJungle [1]. People from CodiceSoftware [2] has released a Branch Explorer for Git [3]. It works under Mono [4], so maybe looks strange in osx, but it works.

It's readonly, so you cannot perform operations from it, but lets you look at your Git repo from a different angle.

Also, here there is a blog post [5] about it. Hope it helps.


[0] [2008-09-17 14:30:39] Thanatos

@warren_s is right, in a sense. There doesn't really exist a nice, standalone application (like Versions for svn). Your best bet at this point is to get comfy in terminal.

Alternatively: use (at least for viewing).

[0] [2008-09-17 20:25:07] rkalajian

I really like the git package for Textmate, but the best place to work with git is really the terminal.

[0] [2010-06-15 02:07:34] Linda Lei

I downloaded SmartGit from the above link provided by BastiBense and it works on my Mac OSX. I got the SmartGit version 1.5 and it is showing me the comparison views similar to Beyond and Compare on Windows.

[0] [2011-04-26 12:14:57] Erik B

Some would claim that the best SCM GUI is one that is integrated in the IDE. Some even choose SCM based on how well it integrates with their choice of IDE.

Therefore I felt like I should mention that XCode 4 has support for git that is partially excellent. I am particularly found of the blame view and the view for browsing history is also quite brilliant. However, not every part of git is as beautifully integrated, so I use it in conjunction with GitX and the terminal. I find these three to complement each other very well.