Stack Overflowerror build failed?
[-8] [1] Maria Luz
[2011-11-15 21:18:20]
[ python xcode build ]

When I try to build my app I get this error:

/Users/Maria/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/App-gdlnceleneejsfajidtxoofkbdqk/Build/Intermediates/ line 4: /Developer/iphoneentitlements401/ No such file or directory

/Users/Maria/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/App-gdlnceleneejsfajidtxoofkbdqk/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/ cannot read entitlement data

Can you help me plase?

Best title ever. - Soner Gönül
I added this file but now it says the same error but Permission denied - Maria Luz
[0] [2011-11-15 21:21:11] Adam Wagner

I think your problem is a missing file:

line 4: /Developer/iphoneentitlements401/ No such file or directory

... or a misspelled file name. - larsmans
Okay, but what I can do for solve it? - Maria Luz