I was amazed to find out that apparently Eclipse doesn't come with a decent HTML editor by default (it opened my .html file in some kind of browser view and apparently tried to render it). And the basic text editor is not good enough (I need at least some syntax highlighting and automatic indenting).
Any suggestions?
Note for those using Eclipse 3.7 Indigo. To install the Eclipse Web Page editor
Go to "Help" > "Install New Software" Choose to work with the site "http://download.eclipse.org/releases/indigo", Expand "Web, XML and Java EE development", Check "Web Page Editor" and click Next to continue with the install
If you installed the basic Eclipse package you might not have HTML editors installed. If you installed Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers [1] it comes with the Web Tools Platform [2] preinstalled. It has relatively good HTML editor (tag and attribute autocompletion with Ctrl + Space etc.) and even a "Web Page Editor" which lets you see the elements you are editing in a preview window. I guess you could try installing the Web Tools Platform (plugin) to your existing install.
[1] http://www.eclipse.org/downloads/Aptana [1] has a very nice HTML editor, and can be installed as a plugin in your existing Eclipse configuration [2], although it might be a bit overkill to install it just for the HTML editor.
[1] http://www.aptana.com/I had the same issue. Apparently you need to install the Web Page Editor, which was optional (in the version of Eclipse that I installed).
Go to "Help" > "Software Updates..." > "Available Software". Expand the "Web Tools (WPT) Update Site" > "Web Tools Platform (WTP) 3.0.5". Here you'll find the Web Page Editor; select it and hit install.
You can try JBoss Tools eclipse plugins. It contains Visual Page Html Editor with content assistent, outline and preview functionality.
One note about Galilio "Web Page Editor": specify Open with "Html editor" instead of "Web page editor" if you faced exception.
Aptana has an Eclipse plugin for Rails, but it might come with HTML and CSS highlighting and formatting tools. I'm not really sure on that, though,
Decided to check out Aptana [1] and have to confess that -- after just two hours working on a new site with it -- I think I'm going to leave my long-term addiction to BBEdit in the dust.
[1] http://www.aptana.com/I use Amateras. It is relatively simple, and it works well.
I used bravo jsp editor. Bravo JSP Editor [1]
This is the best one i found. I have used amateras also. It is also good. but there is one problem, in the preview window if you select an item the cursor doesnot move to the respective code. Where as bravo jsp editor does.
[1] http://bravo-jsp-editor.blogspot.com/If you use Eclipse Indigo you have to download the plugin also from download.eclipse.org/releases/helios [1] to geht the right version of the Web Page Editor.
[1] http://download.eclipse.org/releases/heliosyep I'm using amateras its good u can download it from here, here is one also http://amateras.sourceforge.jp/cgi-bin/fswiki_en/wiki.cgi?page=EclipseHTMLEditor
people are using it since 2004 so it sounds ! one should try it works for JS too !
For Eclipse Helios users - Go to install new softwares -> select "Helios - http://download.eclipse.org/releases/helios" and select "Web, XML, and Java EE Development"
gEdit (Linux, Windows, Mac) works pretty well and supports C, C++, Java, HTML, XML, Python, Perl and many others.
- Eugene van der Merwe