I am searching for something like http://www.balsamiq.com/products/mockups .I like the program and would buy it if it were 20 bucks a licence.
Do you guys know something in the range from 0 to 20 bucks which can do what this thing can?
Open source and Free, the Pencil Project is a great tool for making diagrams and GUI prototyping that everyone can use. It runs as either a Firefox plugin or in a standalone XUL runner. It works on Linux, Windows and Mac and has a Firefox Extension
The Online Wireframe Application
Is an online tool that makes it easy for you to create, link together, preview, and share mockups of your website or application.
Balsamiq Mockups
Using Balsamiq Mockups feels like you are drawing, but it's digital, so you can tweak and rearrange controls easily, and the end result is much cleaner.
Moqups is a nifty HTML5 App used to create wireframes, mockups or UI concepts, prototypes depending on how you like to call them.
Online Real time collaboration
Mockup by Lextech
Mockup is an iPhone app prototyping tool that makes it incredibly easy to:
Mockery enables you to create great UI mockups, quickly and easily.
ForeUI is a handy UI prototyping tool. It can rapidly create static or interactive, skinnable UI prototypes of your website or software. You can use ForeUI to:
Naview by Volkside
Naview is a navigation preview tool for rapid information architecture prototyping from Volkside.
A tool for information architecture testing C–Inspector is a web–based application that helps you to test the information architecture of your website. By analyzing both quantitative and qualitative data collected through the remote test, you can gain insight into the users' mental models and identify possible issues with labelling or grouping
A cross-platform prototyping tool that helps you create interactive wireframes & prototypes faster, easier and with better results. We put a strong emphase in interactivity as this is the best way to show your clients something closer to the real product.
What can I use MockApp for?
Creately is an easy to use and collaborative diagramming application that runs in your browser. With a powerful and intuitive interface, Creately is great for teams that need to work on designs together
Design, collaborate (in real-time) user interface mockups for your software and websites.
A GUI Design Software for clickable Wireframes. Fast and easy like rapid paper prototyping, but completely web-based and with many more features.
The first tool to create the prototypes of network and desktop applications!
Start with a strong foundation. Make planning architecture easier with Jumpchart. By creating pages, and subpages you can quickly sketch out the hierarchy of your site.
iPlotz allows you to rapidly create clickable, navigable mockups and wireframes for prototyping websites and software applications.
Historically, web-based applications haven't been able to match the speed and complexity of desktop apps—until now.
CogTool is a general purpose UI prototyping tool with a difference - it automatically evaluates your design with a predictive human performance model (a "cognitive crash dummy").
There is another tool, completely free and very promising, built on the Gecko engine (read: Mozilla): Pencil [1].
UPDATE 3 There is an awesome online prototyping apps comparison chart [2] to help find the right tool for your case.
UPDATE 2 A new tool is available, both mac and windows, and is free (but requires user registration so expect some additional newsletters °-)): indigoStudio [3]
UPDATE 1 Also: Lumzy [4], which is completely free and boasts a nice list of features.
[1] http://pencil.evolus.vnThere is mockingbird [1]:
Mockingbird is an online tool that makes it easy for you to create, link together, preview, and share mockups of your website or application.
We use Mockup Screens [1] at work ("Quick and Easy Screen Prototypes").
Mockupscreens is not free but really not expensive, as the pricing page [2] shows. It's not 0-20 but $79 for a single user at the moment (01-10-2008; dd-mm-yyyy) and only $319 for a whole company.
[1] http://www.mockupscreens.com/Yahoo!'s design stencil kit [1] is free and pretty solid, especially for building Web UIs in OmniGraffle, Illustrator, Visio, etc. There's even iPhone UI elements. Doesn't have Balsamiq's workflow, of course, but a nice way to work with tools you may already be comfortable with.
[1] http://developer.yahoo.com/ypatterns/wireframes/WireframeSketcher [1] is a tool that helps quickly create wireframes, mockups and prototypes for desktop, web and mobile applications. It comes both as a standalone version and as a plug-in for Eclipse IDEs. It has some distinctive features like storyboards, components, linking and vector PDF export. Among supported IDEs are are Aptana, Flash Builder, Zend Studio and Rational Application Developer.
Sample WireframeSketcher mockup http://wireframesketcher.com/samples/Website.png [2]
[1] http://wireframesketcher.comHave a look at Serena Prototype Composer [1]. It's very powerful and free.
[1] http://www.serena.com/products/prototype-composer/home.htmlAs mentioned above, you could use Visio with the stencils for wireframing (http://nickfinck.com/stencils/).
I would also recommend Denim (http://dub.washington.edu:2007/denim/) which is best used with a tablet PC or a Wacom Tablet [1].
[1] http://www.wacom.com/Try Tiggr - http://gotiggr.com . Tiggr is a rapid prototyping tool where you can create, share, preview (HTML) web and mobile prototypes. (Note: I work for the company behind Tiggr).
The online demo of balsamiq is quite usable for small tasks.
Mockup Screens [1] seems to be the one, with there new improved version i think it is worth trial
[1] http://mockupscreens.com/Im using JustProto and I must admitt that this tool suites me the most!it's reliable, fast and easy to learn- perfect for "non-tech" clients. It helps to create fully clickable and interactive wireframes working like a real site!
You can check it here: www.justproto.com
Try iPlotz [1] :
iPlotz allows you to rapidly create clickable, navigable mockups and wireframes
for prototyping websites and software applications.
Create a project, add wireframe pages with design components and discuss
your creations with others.
There is a free online demo use of 1 project, limited to 5 wireframe pages.
[1] http://iplotz.com/Wireframing tools - a roundup of list posts related to 'wireframe' and 'wireframing'
There is more or less complete list of both free and commercial prototyping tools here: http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?GuiPrototypingTools
IMHO no serious help with free tools yet, but I'm probably not the most objective person here because I'm the author of Mockup www.MockupScreens.com :-)
If you need the tool for something non-commercial, drop me an e-mail.
You can also check out Lucid Chart [1] for wireframing.
They recently added a state/hotspot type system to make wireframes interactive although they do count this as a premium feature so it requires a paid subscription (which are quite reasonable I might add).
[1] http://www.lucidchart.comMicrosoft Visio does the work very nicely. Get an Enterprise Architect version for more software-related stencils
If you fall within their set of specific categories you might be able to get balasamiq free or reduced price.
It's pretty ace to be fair.
I've reviewed all of these. I think Pencil although a bit rough is very good for a free product. I don't understand the high price tag. $20 is a no brainer. But $80 is really getting up there, because all we're talking about is mockups. So, I support the Pencil and suggest balsamiq reduce their price I am sure they would have a much larger market at that price point as $80 to save something is quite steep.
Edraw MAX 5 [1] is also a good candidate. Checkout few mockups i made with it.
[1] http://www.edrawsoft.com/EDrawMax.phpYou can try MockupTiger for free at http://www.mockuptiger.com
PS: I am also the developer of this application.