I am looking for good, objective ideas and examples of a resume for a Software Engineer. By all means, post a link to your own resume if you are comfortable with doing so.
Mostly I am looking at how it should be formatted and what kind of information should be included (and in what order on the resume.)
There is no single good way to structure or layout a resume.
Avoid common mistakes (MS Comic Sans; bright distracting colours; pony pictures; and incorrect grammar and spelling) and consider the following typical guidelines:
Large gaps in your development history might require an explanation. Be sure to have a good explanation prior to the interview (do not think one up on the spot).
Talk with a human resources representative about the subject. Many university and colleges have departments that specialize in resume writing.
The classic advice is:
I keep mine here [1] - note that its an abbreviated version for clients who want a summary.
[1] http://www.ggilmour.com/resume/GarthGilmourResume.pdfHere are some suggestions:
Keep it short and to the point. Few people bother to read anything longer than three pages. Put the most important information first, since when someone is scanning a large stack of resumes, they are only likely to read the first few paragraphs or the first page before they move on to the next in the pile. Because of this, you must make your first page a memorable one.
Write a short (one paragraph) "snippet" about yourself at the top of the first page (after the basic personal information, contact details, etc.). If someone only reads the first two scentences on your resume, this is your (possibly only) chance to make a good first impression.
Summarize your areas of expertise and key domains with a few keywords on the first page. Again, this is your first impression for lazy and busy readers. Put "trigger" keywords here that will make peple interested in reading the rest of your resume. For example:
Key areas:
Programming, quality assurance, usability, networking (TCP/IP), enterprise systems, distributed applications, Scrum, security, databases (SQL), test-driven development, web 2.0, cloud computing.
Note: don't fall for the temptation to put a lot of buzzwords in this section. If they trigger anything for the interviewer, you probably don't want to work there anyway... ;)
2000 - 2005: Mad scientist assistanct, Insanley Rich Man Inc., Secret Place. Worked as an assistant for a mad scientist on a private research project funded by an insanely rich man. Developed humanoid robots to feed and play with his pet tigers while he was on vacation. Keywords: Python, C++, Scrum, robotics, microcontrollers, animal psychology.
Include your hobbies and interests. They tell something about you as a person and it gives the interviewer a chance to "break the ice" and make you relax with some smalltalk. You might be surprised how often geeks (even geek bosses) share similar interests, also outside the domain of computers and natural sciences.
If you have experience in many programming languages or technologies, it might be useful to list them in a three-column table listing the language, years of experience and your subjective experience level. For example:
Language Level Known since C++ Advanced 1995 Perl Basic 2005 PHP Intermediate 2000 Java Advanced 1998
Update: I have elaborated on some of these thoughts (and others) in a separate article on my blog [1].
[1] http://blog.looplabel.net/2009/02/12/writing-a-good-technical-resume-cv/I like to receive them in PDF. Name of the attachment should ideally include your name, and not just be CV.pdf - it makes my life easier. Include a subject line in the email, and a short covering note saying where you saw the ad and why you are applying.
Anything more than 2 sides is too much. I want to know
Anything else is just fluff. I don't mind it being there so long as the CV is less than 2 sides total.
Absolutely NO spelling mistakes. If English is not your native language, then get someone to read it through.
A covering letter is also nice, stating where you saw the advert and what position you're applying for. If you mention the company and/or address the recruiter by name (if the advert states it), then try to spell the names correctly. It's amazing how many people don't.
EDIT -- I apparently need to defend my position that I like to see the university grade. Since I usually target fresh grads for recruitment, University represents the most recent three or more years of their life. I want to know what they did with it, and the grade is important. I also take into account what they tell me about the course, their projects, and so forth. Despite what people say, I find that there is a correlation between people who do well at Engineering type degrees and who subsequently become good software engineers.
If you got a 3rd class degree, or whatever that equates to in GPA, then you are welcome to work here. But you not only need to show why you are good at software, you need to explain to me why you got a 3rd. Because at first face it looks like you pretty much failed in a course that you chose to study for three years. I know, of course, that there are plenty of good reasons why this may be the case, and I will ask. But the guy who got 70% in his degree has an advantage over the guy who got 50%, and that's just the way it should be.
My #1 tip that's confirmed working =)
Try to stand out! people looking for employee's read loads and loads of boring resumé's.
Embedded in the document there's hidden input's that define date parameters. With these date parameters an unubtrusive piece of MooTools builds a nice clickable timeline.
Ofcourse, also MAKE SURE you have PDF and Word documents downloadable and/or mailable.
The theory behind it is that it will show the recruiter that you are willing to show off your skills and go the extra mile to stand out.
[1] http://www.schizofreend.nl/cv/Go clear, short and sweet. And tailor it specifically for every job that you apply for.
I actually maintain three (well, two in three different formats) resumes. I have a "short" version (1 sheet of paper, front or front/back) that I use when meeting people. I also have a longer version that I maintain on my website and document/PDF format for digital consumption.
Something like that might be appropriate for you.
This article The Art of Developer Resume [1] has some pretty useful thoughts on resume format.
[1] http://www.developerdotstar.com/mag/articles/read_resume.htmlFollow all of the above advice except the pages limit (mine is about 7 pages after 30 years). Use whatever space is necessary to convey the depth and breadth of your experience, without being verbose
But keep in mind that a resume is a selling tool; you are selling yourself to the reviewer. Don't just list where you worked and what title you had, but put in bullet points of the things that you achieved and how they benefitted the company, e.g.
Software engineers add value to the bottom line; given the choice between two engineers with identical resumes, I'd choose the one that told me the business value of the projects he/she worked on over one that did not. That tells me that this engineer understands his/her purpose is to add value not just flip bits and sling code ;-)
Good luck!
The name of your resume should always include your name. Good ideas:
bad ideas:
trenton_lipscomb_resume.odt (sorry Open Office... we need a widely compatible format)
I've sorted through hundreds of resumes, and I'm sure at least 1 was lost due to a naming collision.
As others have already said, keep it to a single sheet of paper.
One of my biggest interviewing pet-peeves is when someone lists something on their resume, but isn't willing or prepared to talk about it. If it's been too long for you to remember any details, don't list it. If your role in a project was minor and you can't speak about the project in general, don't list it. Don't list technologies that you aren't prepared to talk about or (if applicable) demonstrate at the white-board.
It's better to understate on your resume and wow at the interview, NOT the other way around (i.e. don't use the term 'expert' on your resume).
If it's on your resume, it's fair game in an interview, and that is usually your only chance to make an impression.
Make sure it is one page. Bill Gates doesn't need more than one page for his resume, why should you?
Thats all I can think of for now. except for this one, never, ever, ever lie on your CV. you will get caught.
Ths comic [1] does a good job of succintly making cynical but not entirely untrue points.
[1] http://stevehanov.ca/blog/resume_comic.pngDon't have a huge laundry list of technologies (languages, frameworks, toolkits, etc) you've used. List your prior experiences, and include the appropriate technologies et al that you used specific to them.
List pertinent hobby projects as well as work experience. Be prepared to talk about anything and everything on your resume.
I use the Europass CV [1] template. At least here in Europe, it's widely recognized and it's spreading rapidly.
[1] http://europass.cedefop.europa.eu/europass/home/vernav/Europasss+Documents/Europass+CV/navigate.actionRepresentation-wise, I like the approach of writing the source document in Markdown. This can be submitted when plain text is required (e.g. many web-based resume management systems) and it's already "ASCII formated". You can then convert to X/HTML (particularly for web-oriented employers expecting valid W3C hypertext docs). Finally, for a traditional publishing/printable/what-HR-depts-like format: print X/HTML to PDF.
See http://www.manager-tools.com/category/resume for a series of podcasts and examples of a simple one page format that has been very effective. Yes, I know the site says "manager" and you wanted "engineer", but it doesn't matter - take the principles and apply them.
One page. One paragraph per position, including dates in that position and the responsibilities you had. A few bullet points for each position with your accomplishments in that position. Use numbers in your accomplishments, e.g.
Work your technology buzzwords into your responsibilities and accomplishments - the OCR will find them.
I went with an unusual approach for an IA position about 2 years ago, the resume was well-received and a good interview-conversation-starter. I didn't get that job but ended up using the same resume for the next job I interviewed for, this time a UI development position, which I got! All that to say I'm not sure this is a great direction to go with resume-building, or even if it is that I executed very well at all, but I do still have PDF and PNG versions of it online [1]...it is three pages but meant to hold up as 1, 2, or all 3 pages. The 3rd page timeline did not get updated with the most recent revision.
[1] http://danielsjourney.com/files/cv/I'm wondering when I'll see a resume that includes a programmer's Stack Overflow Reputation or a link to their Stack Overflow profile - i.e. indicating their ability to answer technical questions.
I'm a consultant so it might be different, but I basically have my summary (what I do, .NET, SQL, C# yadda).
I list the:
Client - Dates Worked
Project Summary and Scope.
Type of development environment (.NET, SQL, MVP, MVC)
Then I list what I did on the project.
My resume is about five pages.
I look at a lot of resumes and, in general, I like to see things in the following order: skills (ranking), job experience (including projects and innovations) and education.
It partly depends on how much experience you have. If you're fresh out of school, you probably have an internship or two, but not much work experience to list. In that case, instead of having the basis of your resume be your past employers and what you did for them, focus on your skills and talents and how you use them, even if it wasn't for a job. Here is an example [1] from my resume when I was fresh from undergrad. Include what you did as a member of any club or organization.
You'll notice I prefer to have my resume use strong active verbs, as well. This would include words like "developing", "designing", "writing", "creating", etc. Try to avoid using weaker words like "supporting" or "assisting".
There are tons of resume templates out there. Choose one that doesn't have much formatting and leaves lots of white space. Try to leave as much of that white space as possible.
[1] http://docs.google.com/Doc?id=dgmz697q_99t69fkgfhI found the strangely named BusinessBalls.com pages [1] to be very helpful, as they are full of templates and example statements, not only for technically focussed job applications, but also managerial ones
[1] http://www.businessballs.com/curriculum.htmI use emurse.com [1] . I don't worry about format at all. The most important thing is still the content. The website provides a url (e.g. yourname.emurse.com) where you can use to distribute your resume such that people can download it in any format. It can even send you email notification when someone views your resume.
[1] http://www.emurse.com/Remember to mention the language used in each of the projects you list. I've seen far too many CVs which start with a list of languages and technologies but then don't link them to the experience.
If I can't tell where/when/how you used the languages or technologies that you claim to know then I assume you wrote them at the start to get past some auto-filtering process and its going in the bin.
Also - since there is no auto filtering process, if you're CV is too long (more than 3 pages) then I'm going to lose interest and move on to the next one.
By far the best resume book out there is Resume Magic [1]. It's written by a long-time professional resume writer and has a ton of before-and-after examples to see how to improve your resume. It also teaches you to use the secrets of advertisers to write a resume that will capture the reader's attention. Both my brother and I have used it to write resumes that got us interviews.
[1] http://rads.stackoverflow.com/amzn/click/1593573111Having interviewed a few people, I can only list what I like in a resume:
Other people may prefer other structures, so YMMV.
Most important: short and organized, make it easy for those hiring you to see relevant details. I have reviewed many resumes, and when I get an 8 page resume it goes straight into the trash, I never even look at it. It's like the applicant is saying "your time is not valuable to me, I am going to make you wade through all this crap trying find important details." Volume never impresses me.
I used a 2 page resume even when I had 10 years of diverse software experience (nice because it fits on a single sheet, double sided). I have gone to 3 pages now that I have 15 years experience.
Have a look at xmlresume (http://xmlresume.sourceforge.net/). It's an xml schema + formatters (xsl stylesheets) for text, html and pdf. It contains many elements that are 'common practice' in resumes. It makes formatting really easy, and helps you maintain a single source that you can use in different contexts.
If you do it in TeX and you'll impress those whom you wish to impress. Not so much if you do it in Word. If you make your resume in Google Docs and the URL prints off http://docs.google.com/resume%20for%20this%20stupid%20job%20interview you are not a lucky guy.
Resume objectives [1] is your first impression, Writing a resume is challenging work. You have to work hard on every phrase and to describe more effectively.your objectives. what is d purpose of writting resume objective? How resume objective is helpful for our career. The objective has to be written in a good manner and it shoud be clear. Also provide an example of resume objective
[1] http://www.bestsampleresume.com/resume-objectivesHow about a more visual approach to your resume?
My two cents goes for an online version of your cv. Specially if you have your own domain name and own hosting (total freedom to edit). Some small details that you cannot cover with a dead-tree format:
Going a little bit further, a blog might be a great introduction letter
Ideally you should have something that is quick to read, but easy to navigate for more information
Well I suggest instead of let us post the resume why don’t post your resume and ask us what’s on our mind. Any way if you real need sample check resume template for more different Software Engineer’s template.
For more resume template [1], sample resume and free job search site please visit us and we are glad to help you.
[1] http://malka-maxwell.com/