As the title suggests does anyone have ideas for additional badges for SO?
I liked the idea of 'hidden' ones that are triggered by odd, random criteria. Basically Easter eggs.
Edit: Made it a community wiki so people can edit easier.
Based on suggestions in the comments from Jonik, Bill the Lizard, and Chris Lutz, I've updated the badge name and other details...
Sportsmanship: Awarded when you've given 100 upvotes to non-wiki competing answers (i.e. other user's answers to questions that you have also answered and earned at least one upvote for). This could be awarded multiple times, once for each successive set of 100 upvotes you give.
NOTE: Hurray!
This has now been implemented
[1], although it can only be earned once.
Great Voter — For voting 3000 times
Electorate — For voting 30000 times
The basic currency of the Stack Overflow is reputation earned by votes. To encourage the reputation system to function, we should encourage more upvoting by the silent majority. Currently there is only one badge called Civic Duty for voting 300 times. Why not expand this?
Some ideas (some serious, some not so):
Recursive Badge
- Awarded for gaining the Recursive Badge
Poet Badge
- Awarded for getting 3 upvotes on an answer given in the form of HaikuVoyeur Badge
- For those that like to watch. Viewed 1000 questions without participating in any manner (answering, commenting, voting, etc)Communist Badge
- Every question/answer given marked as community wikiCapitalist Badge
- Only answering questions with a bountySelf-esteem Badge
- Gold badge awarded to everyone, because everyone's a winner![Poet]
badge?? - quack quixote
Tautology Badge
- You can only have this badge if you already have it - Earlz
- st0le
Noted - user profile viewed 1000 times
Prominent - user profile viewed 5000 times
Renowned - user profile viewed 20,000 times
Architect - awarded to a user who has an idea implemented.
I guess it would have to be a manually awarded badge - but highly prized.
Name suggested by Quinn Taylor [1]: Smart Upstart/Underdog
You got an accepted answer where a rival answer was submitted by somebody with X times more reputation that you.
[1] (paid) Badges
Two serious ones:
Big Day -- capped out on rep in a given day
Quality Poster -- (pick your metrics but let's say) last twenty answers yielded 50 upvotes, at least 4 accepted answers, and no downvotes
I really believe in a Quality Poster badge. Would help distinguish professionals from rep-whores.
And how about
Curmudgeon -- last 100 votes, more down than up
There are several badges related to having an accepted answer (Scholar, Enlightened, Guru) but none that relate to achieving a certain threshold of accepted answers. For example, knowing somebody has had 10/50/100 answers accepted would increase my confidence that they know what they're talking about (not just throwing out lots of mildly helpful answers over time), and is yet another way to reward people who provide an excellent answer.
Here are a few name ideas such badges...
In speaking with the SO team about this earlier, they suggested that "there's a 'rich get richer' problem with this style of award." I can see how that can certainly happen, but I see it in a different way...
People who strive to provide good answers in less-popular tags (such as Cocoa and Objective-C, like I do) will likely never get enough votes/views/favorites to earn most of the popularity-related badges. In contrast, an "N accepted answers" badge can be earned through technical knowledge and helpfulness, without being tied to a popular technology. (Or posting a subjective/controversial/funny question/answer, whether intentionally or not.)
Of course, if knowledgeable people start answering every question just to "level up" on accepted answers, I can see how newer members can feel left out. However, I (like to) think most people aren't prone to abuse the system that way, and more good answers does benefit the community as a whole.
Chart Topper - asked the most up-voted question (and/or answer) that week, it should be awarded multiple times.
Frustration badge: 5+ answers accepted before hitting the daily rep limit.
Over-and-above badge: contributing significant extra content in an answer after it's already been accepted, but only if the answer then gets another 5 upvotes (to avoid just mindless padding).
Bounty Hunter — Given the first time your answer is accepted for a bountied question. Generally they're harder to answer anyway. (Or as @Alconja suggested with Capitalist, for answering only bountied questions, something like that.)
Edit: Just found this related MSO question [1], and of course the idea originated from Jon Skeet [2]. How could I expect otherwise? ;-)
[1]—awarded when someone continually requests new badges on Meta.
Unselfishness — For people who consistently post good answers in obscure or low-view tags.
Despite the joking about Objective-C fanboys, one of the perennial frustrations is that so few people view or vote on questions in that tag. My highest-voted SO answer was (still is) a semi-flippant one to a question with a Java tag. :-/
Sure, we post for a given language because we love it and/or use it all the time, but also because we care to help other users of the language. Nobody's hating on the Java or C# dudes, probably because they're in the majority, but does that necessarily make one any less of a fanboy? :-)
Super Hero - 500+ points in 24 hours or having 10 answers accepted in 24 hours, either way showing super human (answering) abilities.
The Long-Haul Trucker.
For "clearing the road" of tumbleweeds.
Answered n
[1] questions with at least one upvote.
Rockefeller / Gates - You have to buy it, and it costs 20k in reputation
Centennial Badge: visited the site each day for 100 years.
Greengrocer - 10 unreverted edits to other people's posts that merely remove apostrophes. (See Greengrocer's apostrophe [1])
[1] -- This badge is never given out, the only people who have it have hacked the system.
Troll - 100+ down votes
Narcissist - accept 10 of your own answers (must have up votes)
Compulsive Voter — For those of us who consistently use up our daily votes.
This obviously has negative incentives for stuffing the ballot box, usually with upvotes. I see it more as a humorous badge, anyway.
Awarded when your answer, submitted after one from a moderator, is accepted. Could be awarded multiple times.
Chatter Box - ratio of comments to answers is 10:1 or above.
Now that there is linking between accounts on the different sites, what about cross site badges:
While naming is certainly important, it is not my talent, so liberties should be taken with these names and the amount of rep would need to be determined, but I would think something like 5k maybe.
To be clear, my thought is these would be badges visible on all sites, so if you earn it on SO, it would be listed under your badges on SF, etc.
[1] - was first to flag posts/questions that were later removed as hate speech or trolling. Bronze (Policeman) - did it one time, Silver (Officer) - 30 times, Gold - (Inspector) - 100 times. Note Marc Gravell's answer [1] about need to flag rude post - this badge could make people to report unacceptable behaviour.
- jjnguy
Unrewarded Ten or more accepted answers with 0 or 1 upvotes. One for the people working in fringe badges or just those unlucky enough to answer during a quiet patch for upvoting.
Inquisitive 90% of activity is questions (maybe on 10 consecutive days to make the percentage workable over time)
Helpful 90% of activity is answers (with durational requirement as above)
Balanced Diet Percentage of answers and questions very close.
Cited: — if your answer is cited (linked to) more than 10/50/100 times, perhaps only from answer with at least one upvote. This is to encourage comprehensive answers that are referred to.
Might be difficult to implement, and to tune: number of citations is a free parameter, requirements on grade of answer with citation (points / number of upvotes).
I think "Member of all SO sites" would be nice, but I would change it to 'Participant', i.e. asked/answered at least 1 question in each site.
Weekend Warrior
Posted an accepted answer to a question on weekend.
This badge could only be awarded once.
Since traffic and responses are MUCH lower on weekends, this would maybe reward those that post and troll on the weekends helping out others.
Fast gun Posting an answer within a minute of the question being asked, that gets accepted without any edits.
Edit: Answering your own question wouldn't count. That'd be shooting yourself in the foot.
Update: Turns out this is a duplicate of New Badge: Quick-Draw [1].
[1] Streak - name for Damien [1] idea
[1] for posting an accepted anwser once a day for 15-30 days. Don't know what you could call it..
Home Run - Hit the rep cap just from one answer (or question) posted that same day.
Scientist - upvoting X number of questions where:
both of which happened before an answer was accepted.
If the user answered the question, received an upvote for the answer, and then deleted it, that should also count. Presumably they learned something from a better answer, just like a real scientist.
The concept behind this badge is mainly to encourage the upvoting of questions more often. The restrictions would be to prevent random upvoting.
Life is Hard - First time you get an answer accepted and later unaccepted (of course own questions don't count).
"S**t Happens"
;) - Lix
Inciter - answer or question that generated 50+ comments
Suggested revision:
In all cases, your own comments wouldn't count.
Some comments on an answer end up collecting several up votes of their own. Some badges based on "great" comments would be nice.
"Preaching to the choir" - x upvotes on a comment
Something for posting an accepted anwser once a day for 15-30 days. Don't know what you could call it..
OCD - visited the site every day for a year.
Usurper: Have an answer accepted for a question that had an accepted answer at the time you posted your answer.
Thief: Have an answer accepted for a question that had an accepted answer at the time you edited your answer. The first version of your edited answer must have been posted before the other previously accepted answer was accepted.
Not too hard to automate. Also encourages users to supply/improve answers to questions that already have accepted answers.
I'd like to see a badge for answering questions in very unpopular tags. This would encourage people to answer questions that are otherwise unlikely to get decent answers.
Badge name: Nonconformist is intended to be somewhat an opposite of Generalist (but not in the direction of what could be called Specialist), with the added idea of "not conforming" to the popular tags. What other names could be used for "helpful to unpopular tags"?
Posted an answer 6 months after an accepted one, resulting in the question owner switching to yours.
Encourages posting better solutions when you come across old accepted answers. Adjust time-scale to suit.
Suggest a tag synonym that is then accepted into the system.
I raised a feature request [1] before I saw this question for badges based on accepted answers in a tag. This would work similarly to the tags badges for votes [2], but with a lower threshold, e.g. earn a silver badge for 100 accepted Java answers and gold for 250 accepted.
For example:
[1] - Voted up an answer by someone else, on a question, that you yourself answered. You thought the other user's answer was better than your own answer.
You are unselfish, you are voting for the best answer for the good of the community, not to gain points. We like this type of behavior
Selfless - For earning 100 (or 200 or whatever) rep over and above the rep cap on a given day. Would encourage people who hit the rep cap on a day to continue answering questions even though they know that any additional up votes won't help their rep.
Weekend Warrior
Reaching rep cap on 13 Sundays.
Now with charts! (from source [1])
Out Of Ammo - Used all his/her votes for a day.
Great Mystery
This badge is awarded for question having at least 5 up vote and at least 500 views and no up voted answer. This would award great question that the answer is unknown.
World Mystery
This is basicly the same as Great Mystery except that it would require at least 20 up vote, 1.5k view.
Question or answer voted up and down at least x times.
How about something to encourage people to apply more effort to questions asked by users who don't often bother to accept answers to their questions?
Answered a question posed by a user who has a worse than 20% accept rate, and that answer is voted up 10 times, is the top answer for the question by votes, and the asker doesn't accept any answer for the question for a month.
Beginners Luck - accepted answer in the first 2 days of joining / or with you first ever answer.
Burning the midnight oil
Awarded for activity (vote, question, answer, comment) at least once per hour, for 24 hours in a row.
Selfless (or Communist, even if it was mentioned elsewhere)
First community wiki created (not turning a question into a community wiki, but really starting it as a wiki in the first place.) (No longer relevant)
Has at least 50(?) Ignored Tags for every Interesting Tags (or has had that for x days).
Renaissance Man
Has had a high number(?) of Interesting Tags and no Ignored Tags for x days.
I really like how the last two play against each other :) (I don't even remember what I meant)
Train wreck
Similar to a tumbleweed, with a twist: Asked a question with no votes, no answers, no comments, but high views (say 100), over any amount of time.
Didn't see the concept anywhere in these three pages...
Radio Star: awarded for asking a question that is singled out on the StackOverflow podcast (either by SO guys or guests)
Stalker - For having more than 20 upvoted answers on different questions by the same user. In other words, following someone around on SO answering their questions.
Paparazzi - For having more than 20 upvoted comments on different answers by the same user.
Single - For posting an accepted answer on February 14th.
[Silver] Silk purse - Edited someone else's question with a negative vote count which later reaches a score of 2 or greater before it is edited again by anyone else.
Thanks Ether for the name.
Jack of All Trades — amass a certain amount of rep (say, 1000) on each Trilogy site (excluding Meta).
You'd have to associate all your accounts to get this badge, but that's kind of the point.
Post directly linked by 10 other questions or answers.
Received x upvotes on wiki answers posted on non-wiki questions.
New idea.
We can have a badge called Bounty Hunter which will be given to a user who has answered some threshold number of bounty questions. Similar badges can be given if a user has asked some threshold number of bounty questions.
Contribute to a tag wiki.
Badges? We don't need no stinkin' badges!
Part of the design of the system is that badges are strictly awarded for behaviour that we want to encourage. "Odd, random criteria" would fall outside of that area.
That said, having a tag here on the meta site specifically for badge suggestions would be a great idea.
As I suggested in this post [1], I think we should have a Sidekick badge for those who frequently contribute to upvoted or accepted answers via comments.
[1] check from Knuth: Being the first to find a bug and report it.
Other title suggestions welcome.
The Misery Guts badge.
For people who've issued more downvotes than upvotes. Do they really think that the majority of content on SO sucks?
Fan Boy (or Fan Girl) - only ever answers/asks questions on one language (most likely Objective-C)
Scatter Gun - more that 5 answers to the same question, each must have 2+ votes.
Gleaner: Answering two old (2+ months) unanswered questions in a row, with at least 1 upvote for each answer.
It's to catch the guys who systematically go through the old questions.
OCD — Front page loaded more then 100 times a day
Welcome Back
Awarded when someone returns after 30 days away from the site. It could be made "harder" by adding the condition that they post and have at least one upvote.
Would be a nice present to people returning and might encourage them to stick around this time.
'Soul of Wit': getting many, many, votes for a very short answer.
Specialist Badges - Bronze
Lasted 15 days in the 30-day top 20 answerers list for a specific tag.
Probably should require x number of questions posted in the same time frame to prevent gaining the badge on tags that only have a few posts.
Lasted 30 days in the 30-day top 20 answerers list for any tag.
They're the same badge, except if it were implemented as a specialist badge you could earn one per tag. I wasn't sure if Jeff wanted bronze specialist badges however, so Survivalist is intended as an alternative.
Voted 100 times on answers at least 5 months old.
Cast your first close vote.
I would like to see a higher level of specialist badges. Maybe even considered as a new badge level. Platinum Specialist Badge.
Something like 10x the amount of votes needed as the gold specialist badge.
The Harry Enfield "You don't want to do THAT!" badge.
Awarded for an answer that tells the questioner they're doing it all wrong, without any constructive suggestion on how to do it right.
XKCD - a comment that gets someone to fix their answer: someone is wrong on stack overflow.
Gold badge that would be awarded for an answer that satisfies both Necromancer
and Enlightened
criteria, i.e.:
First answer to a question more than 60 days later that was accepted with at least 10 votes.
Not sure exactly what to call it, maybe Enlightomancer, White Wizard or even Gandalf.
This would be a good incentive for well researched answers to long-forgotten questions.
and Enlightened
badge (plus Nice Answer
for good measure) do we really need another badge? - ChrisF
Collaborator -
The intent is to distinguish the editing of answers from providing supportive and helpful comments. Editor and Strunk&White, IIRC, can be attained simply by editing your own posts. In addition not everyone has the rep to edit other people's answers. ...just a thought that there should be a distinction.
For example:
SO question 2211388/serialize-object-to-xml-problems
I may know the answer, but there is an answer with a good start. Sure, I'll up-vote it (or at least I should). Then, instead of competing for the accepted answer, possibly duplicating most of the already up-voted answer and embellishing with some campaign style code snippets, I support the one already there.
I think this encouragement could produce higher quality answers. The downside to this, obviously, is how it could be implemented. I hope my explanation makes sense.
One possible implementation could be an icon only visible or click-able by the OP (?), or an additional option in the flag that tags the comment as supportive and collaborative.
[1] Someone has asked a question and put their own answer on it within five minutes of asking. You come along with a better answer, and they accept yours rather than their own. Therefore you're preventing God from killing a kitten. Alternatively it could be awarded for preventing someone from parsing HTML with regular expressions [1].
[1] a golden tag badge for a particular tag while no one else has received a silver tag badge for particular tag yet. Or at least someting in those lines. It should award valuable contributors in "niche" tags who doesn't collect enough voteless answers to qualify for Unsung Hero and Tireless and like so.
The Work Shy Fop Badge
A bit like the Woot! badge, but only awarded if the site is visited more than once every working day (Mon - Fri) and never visited at weekends.
I'd like to see the 'Strunk & White' badge extended to reward those who edit and improve answers. The difficulty is working out whether the editing is just for getting the badge, or whether it is genuinely improving the questions and answers. (Clearly, editing your own entries wouldn't count.)
I'm not sure what to call it - Strunk & White sets a rather high standard to start out with. And I'm not sure whether to make S&W a badge awarded multiple times - say on 100 edits, and then every 1000 after that, or whether to find a new name (Super Editor? Vim or Emacs - at the recipients choice? Nitpicker?) that is awarded every 1000 edits or so.
Coconuts from Mercia — Asked a question with 10 or more up-votes that was then migrated to a different SOFU site.
Power Overwhelming - Hitting rep cap X days in a row.
EDIT: Now with the epic and legendary badges, they are similar, but this one is for X consecutive days.
Full Deck (bronze) - Awarded for getting all available bronze badges
Full Deck (silver) - Awarded for getting all available silver badges
Full Deck (gold) - Awarded for getting all available gold badges
Of course, with new badges getting added every so often this may be awkward to implement.
Full Deck
badge?! We are programmers, for crying out loud! - Kobi
I'm not sure the exact specifics of this mechanism, but I've seen/had happened to me before where an answer is accepted, then unaccepted, then another answer was accepted in its place.
I think there should be a badge for "stealing" acceptance in this manner.
Note that this "stealing" has nothing to do with plagiarism. It's about improving an accepted answer with another answer that's even better. Sometimes I suspect that if a question already has an accepted answer with a few votes, even if it can be improved upon, people don't bother (perhaps because they don't think it'd be as rewarding because they're "too late"). Having this badge would encourage people to always try to come up with the best answers possible, regardless of whether or not there's already a decent one accepted or not.
Corrupt wisdom [1]: have an accepted answer with 10 upvotes featuring at least 42 combining characters.
[1] Level badge, for users with over 9,000 rep.
Slacking Off at Work
For people who spend most of their workday on SO!
Revisionist - Based on the ratio of posts to edits for the original author of a post. The higher the number of edits, the closer to the badge you get.
Perfectionist - Based on the ratio of posts to edits by anyone, including the original author. The lower the number of edits, the closer to the badge you get.
I don't know where the badge threshold would lie for these, but I think they would encourage better quality in posts.
We Understand You - Provided a answer that was accepted when another answer had 10x votes.
Shows that you understood the question better than the majority of the community.
. - gnostradamus
Almost equivalent to unsung hero (what it should have been maybe?)
(Insert Name Here) - Number of accepted answers doubles the number of asked questions. With more then 10 accepted answers
(Insert Name Here) - Number of accepted answers doubles the number of asked questions. With more then 25 accepted answers
(Insert Name Here) - Number of accepted answers doubles the number of asked questions. With more then 50 accepted answers
Maybe instead of number accepted answers it could be doubles/triples/quadruples. This badge is more aimed at all the people who answer more questions then they ask.
EDIT: (A negative badge)
Duper - First post closed because it was a duplicate
Another one may be Gives Credit [1] (as chaos suggested in his answer [2]) for users having accepted answers for all/most of the questions they asked.
[1], for when N one's answers / one's questions appear as first in Google search results ;-)
Just kiding. I think while it is a nice concept, it would be too hard to implement: first one would have to decide how to detect 'first result in Google search', and second decide what search query to use (whole question title?).
Given to answers which are voted down because the answerer misread a word in the question.
The name comes from the Cream song "Badge," which was famously titled by mistake.
The title has nothing to do with the song. Clapton saw Harrison's notes for this, and misread "Bridge" as "Badge." He thought this is what Harrison named the song, so they used it for the title.
Competitor (Probably Silver)
After reaching 10K Rep, every 2 weeks there is a calculation taken of everyone else on the site with over 10K rep. Whoever has the most upvotes in the past 2 weeks gets this badge.
Anyone who won in one of the last 2 rounds is taken out of the running.
Cannibal — deleted own accepted answer when other answers had more votes
Edit: based on bobobobo's observation, maybe Seppuku is a better term for it... or in Japanese: 切腹
Has anyone suggested badge images yet, like the ones seen in Team Fortress 2 or on Kongregate?
(I haven't read all the suggestions above. Perhaps there should be a badge for 'failed to read all previous suggestions because of short attention span'?)
Charity A silver badge given when a user piggy backs on another user's question and offers a bounty to answer it. Resulting in an increase by 5 upvotes
Philanthropy A gold badge given when a user piggy backs on another user's question and offers a bounty to answer it. Resulting in an increase by 15 upvotes
A badge for anyone who asks or answers a question on the Trilogy on Christmas day
Similar to Beginner's Luck [1], Rookie of the Year (or "of the Week"). Hit 1000 rep within the first week of joining.
[1] User with more than 200 reputation abstains from the web site for more than a week.
Give a down vote to a user, and then give the same user an up vote within an hour (or similarly short period).
Basically a "well that's just wrong", followed by "but no hard feelings, ok?"
Vote your own question closed.
User who's majority of rep (maybe 90% or so) is from up-votes on accepted answers. With a minimum rep of 10,000.
User who's majority of rep (maybe 90% or so) is from questions. With a minimum rep of 10,000.
Minority View
User who commonly up-votes something that has very many down-votes or down-votes somthing with a lot of up-votes. (Basically disagrees with community)
Poor Sport
User who down-votes all competing answers to the same question as himself.
Thats all I can think of for now, I may add more later.
What about badges you have to be nominated for? Like..
Above and Beyond Must be nominated by 20 users for going above and beyond to help them.
Best of a Bad Bunch - For every X answers where you're the highest voted (and at least 2 upvotes) but the answer isn't accepted. Acts as encouragement to give good answers to questions that are unlikely to ever satisfy the OP.
That's not my name
Change your name from "Unknown (google)" within 5-10 minutes of registering on the site.
Underminer, or Zealot
when you downvote more than (three?) competing answers on the same thread
Anger Management
Awarded for every 100 consecutive posts that don't result in a close of a flag.
Obviously, the criteria could be tweaked but this is intended to encourage people to write on-topic contributions that don't troll or incite others into angry responses.
Transcendent — 100K rep, can be awarded multiple times, for each 100K rep.
Overlord — Awarded for having the most rep. This badge can be lost when you no longer have the most rep. (could also be calls The One Badge.
A Hall of Fame badge for those who will reach 100k reps.
Blowhard for someone who posts in many different tags, but doesn't have any accepted answers... a failed generalist.
Socrates/Know Thyself for very large percentage of answers (100%) upvoted or accepted
Badger for someone who suggests a badge here that becomes real
Downer or, Parent
Votes for closing of threads with high traffic
for example [1]. Stuff that comes out of these threads bring color to the site.
[1] or Pirate for copy and pasting somebody elses previous answer into a new question without linking to it.
Deity — name is Jon Skeet
Prison Tattoo — For going into penalty box [1] more than once.