Physical FitnessWhat is a good Paleo replacement for high-fiber breakfast cereal?
[+2] [3] John C
[2011-10-20 14:18:49]
[ fiber paleo-diet ]

Whatever their other problems, at least grain-based breakfast cereals can be high in fiber (10+ grams). Looking over the various Paleo diets, they just don't seem to have a lot of fiber in general, much less the breakfasts.

I'm looking for a Paleo-based cereal-replacement that:

Yes, I realize the last is subjective - but who wants to eat broccoli for breakfast? :) (Aside from the fact that 1/2 cup of raw broccoli only has 4g fiber anyway...)

(1) Why is fiber so important? Most people who eat paleo don't need to worry about extra fiber. You can also take a fiber supplement with your meal. - michael
Broccoli ... you are kidding right? The tastiest gourmet breakfast you can have is a broccoli omelette. Eggs, comte cheese, huge amounts of broccoli, cooked in a ton of butter and with sour cream on top when it's done. I can't wait until the morning! - Joe Blow
[+1] [2011-10-29 20:51:22] Mike Paleo

It is not necessary to focus on introducing additional fibre as it is present in many of the foods you will be eating on a given day. however if you wish to increase the fibre loading of any meal throw in some flaxseed and/or almonds.

[0] [2011-10-20 17:49:18] Leo

Normaly, as Michael says, you don't have to worry about eating enough fiber on paleo. Just make shure your breakfast includes enough vegetables and fruits like berries, kiwi or coconut and you should be alright...

A breakfast that I like to enjoy once in a while is coconut cream combined with some blueberries and crushed hazelnuts. If you think making the coconut cream is too much work, you could also use some Greek yoghurt (altough that wouldn't be 100% paleo approved)

Sliced onion is high in fiber? Assuming this food fiber chart is correct, 1/2 cup cooked onion has only 1.5 grams fiber. - John C
you're right. Statement removed. Thanks for the head'z up... - Leo
@Leo! Check my comment on greek yoghourt... - Joe Blow
@ Joe: I kno Greek Hoghurt has good nutrients. That's why I recommended it. I just say it's not a 100% Paleo approved because it's dairy... - Leo
[0] [2011-10-20 21:03:11] Joe Blow

Technically, this is a good question.

Fortunately it has already been answered here:

High fiber but low carbs [1]

So, just make a massive omelette with spinach, beans, mangetout, peppers and broccoli. Ultra-gourmet - awesome! Add a steak on top.

Or as Leo says, eat heaps of BERRIES (not other fruit!) which are remarkably low-sugar, with cream or greek yoghourt or fromage frais.

But the real question is why do you want fiber? Come on, out with it!

For a full explanation of why fiber is worthless, read Lutz, Taubes, Eades, etc etc.

PS Leo .. your comment about greek yoghourt?????? Real greek yoghurt, a huge 150 gram pot, has 194 calories (fantastic), 16 grams of fat (fantastic), 6 grams of protein (great) and a very low 9 grams of carbohydrates. it's an absolutely fantastic food if you are eating 72 grams a day of carbs, or even as low as say 30 grams a day. Again that is for an enormous 150 gram pot (exact figures from the maker I eat).

Of course, you must find ABSOLUTELY TRUE, 100% FULL-CREAM MILK greek yoghourt. It goes without saying that the shit usually sold as "greek yoghourt" is just shit, but then the shit usually sold as "anything" is just shit. :-/ "Alsace Lait" is the best brand I have found, after considerable investigation, FYI.


Yes, I saw that question before. I don't really consider mine to be a duplicate, as the other question was a more general question about fiber, whereas my question was more specific - low-work, suitable-for-breakfast type meals. (Steak for breakfast? Hmmm). - John C
@John, I think the low-work aspect is plain difficult! There is no good food that is low work - it's a tough problem. Rather, it's a tough answer ... "there is no low-work food!" Wake up 15 mins earlier, change your job, etc :-) - Joe Blow